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Thread: How do you do it?

  1. #1

    How do you do it?

    It referring to find the bloody time to game of course. I mean I can find an hour or two a day maybe but most rpgs these days are like 60+ hours (I'm a bit of a completionist)

    I just can't seem to find the time, so what's your secret?

    Not only that I seem to lose interest in a game that takes that long, even if the story is good I get tired of using the same commands to defeat and enemy,etc.

    So talk people....or type.

  2. #2
    Memento RK How do you do it? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Many many sleepless nights for me. It's worth it. It gets out my frustrations.
    Lately though, I haven't had the time either. Knowing the answer to this question might be an asset for me.
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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy How do you do it? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    after work for an hour or 2 should be good enough. Then you have the weekend. It depends on your commitments. Im sure you must have a good few hours to yourself at some point of a day or night. I'm lucky to finish work at 3:30 of a day, so I'm home around 3:50 and have plenty of time to relax and have some game time.

  4. #4
    Passing fair judgement How do you do it? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Sitting infront of a TV screen for endless hours. Wasting away hours of my life lol.
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  5. #5

    Re: How do you do it?

    Well, outside of work, I have no social life. I'm a loser. So I have some time to play video games at some point in the day.
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  6. #6

    Re: How do you do it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post
    Well, outside of work, I have no social life. I'm a loser. So I have some time to play video games at some point in the day.
    Same goes for me.

    In the summer i have plenty of hours to waste, but when the school starts... I don`t even remember how i had so much time to waste

  7. #7
    G'day How do you do it? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    I get every second Monday off work, so if I feel up to it, I'll play. But I play most weekends, because I too am a loser. But lately I haven't had a burning desire to play.

    Wait, we're NOT losers! We just like to stay at home and play games, instead of interacting with others I'm not ashamed of that. Talking to people on here counts! So we're not that hopeless

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    When I was younger. FF games would take me at least 2 months to complete due to only playing for maybe 2-3 hours a day.

    Now that I'm older, more experienced in video games, I tend to beat them in about 2 weeks if I actually play it everyday or so.

    I just play the game.

    When FFXIII was rented at the house I used to live at with 1 XBOX360 in the house. I had maybe 4-6 hours a day to play, couple days out of the week I had 1-2 maybe even none. I got to the last boss in roughly 2 weeks.
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  9. #9
    Registered User How do you do it? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Well for me considering that i am only 14 i get most of my RPG'ing done during the summer Day and Night. But with school around and my weekends pretty much full everyday i just use up my hours of sleep to get further
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  10. #10
    Registered User How do you do it? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Well, since I'm 14 years old, I find my time usually on the weekend mornings.
    We have A LOT of homework, and I'm playing theatre twice a week during 2 hours. It's probably why I have finished just 2 FF games ...

  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How do you do it? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    I'm currently a student, between classes and chores I have couple of hours for myself. Often enough I spend my time on games, add sleepless nights in there, plus holidays and weekends.

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  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Pretty simple seeing I am 29; I don't.

    Seriously though. Between working a more then full time job, raising two kids and dating the same woman for many months now I have little time for gaming in general.

    Most of the time that I get to game consists of a few hours Sunday to Thursday, after I get the kids through the bath, fed and off to bed.I stay up a little while to romperstop a level or two through what ever title I am currently play (inFamous for now) and kill a beer or two just in time for my old man instinct to kick in and fall asleep with both tv and gaming consol still running.

    Being old sucks for gamers. There I said it. That's what all of you get to look forwards to in the future. Woooooooooo
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  13. #13

    Re: How do you do it?

    I'm not working at the moment so i tend to have a heap of extra time on my hands to play games and the like. Although to be fair, i usually only end up playing for maybe three hours max a day since i'm usually reading, writing, eating, sleeping or going to the gym.
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  14. #14
    TFF's Resident Messenger How do you do it? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    I don't like to brag, but in this case I will. I guess I am one of the lucky ones. I get paid to play games. The hard part is finding the time to write up the reviews. My boss keeps wondering why I only put in one review each week when I play games 6 days a week. When I started I would submit about 6-8 each month, and only one would be published. Now, I have run out of extras and have to write each week.

    Sometimes I would power through a game just to meet the deadline. When a game says it takes 60+ hours to complete. You really have to do time management when you have a deadline.
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  15. #15

    Re: How do you do it?

    I'm finding it easy since all FF's since 10 have been absolute dog shit, so i dont feel im missing out.. But yeah it gets harder as you get old, im currently bed bound with an injury so am catching up on handheld stuff i missed out on..

    But IF FF games were still good, id play them in the evening, i cant go to bed earlier than 2am these days, my body wont allow it, so id be able to get a few hours in if i wanted..

    And then there are busy patches you will go through, Like Meir, swamped with responsibilites and women, but time will come again in the future for him im sure

    Its all about what you can juggle and when you can juggle it

    It sure does get harder to find the time as you get older though, its not a bad thing, there is more to life than gaming

  16. #16
    Stage Dives, High Fives. How do you do it? Confession's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    Sleep as little as possible. No lie.

    I'm a chef, so I'm usually working like 12 hour days+ 6 days a week, Also being 20 with a social life and relationship to juggle it's hard to find time for games.

    I'll get home from work and play on weekdays till like 3 in the morning. Only way I have time.

    That being said all I play is WoW, so my opinion doesn't matter.

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  17. #17
    Registered User How do you do it? Horhay's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    The endless amount of mindless entertainment online has kept me from gaming as much as I've wanted lately. Damn you, internet...

    I take a class at college each morning (just one: a math class, to build up a study ethic before I attempt a fuller schedule next semester), work usually from late-afternoon to closing, and if I'm not sleeping or hanging with friends, I'll either be online, reading a book, or playing video games. Luckily, I usually have at least a couple hours I can game if I'm up to it.

    Every couple hours you play a game, is a couple hours more experience that you gain, and a couple hours closer to your goal of completing it. I always keep that in mind.

  18. #18
    Final Fantasy I-XIII = LOVE! How do you do it? NeonLotus76's Avatar
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    Re: How do you do it?

    It's all about balance. I used to go to school online and work. After I finish with each I make sure that all other responsibilites are taken care and then have an 1, 2, 3, or even 4 hours to play a video game. I don't feel the need (at least not anymore) to play video games for an entire day (!) so I just do so when I can and find that having a nice balance works well.
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