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Thread: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    So recently, I got Pokemon Heartgold, and I've been playing it a little bit off and on. With this edition, I decided to give my Pokemon inflicting themed names, like "Blight" for my Totodile, "Smite" for my Pidgey... "Unpleasant" for my Spinarak," and "Hooters" for my Hoothoot. Also, one was called "WASTE" in all caps (I don't remember which one it was.) At one point tonight, I caught a bellsprout, and ran out of ideas, so I asked my friends what I should name him. One said "Colon," the other said "Pappy." Therefore, I put them together and got "Colonpappy." Then I traded Colonpappy away for an onyx, and now I'm said, because she's not on my team anymore.

    Also, the first time I played FF6, I gave some of the cast some pretty mundane, and/or horrible names. Locke was Dan, Terra was Linda, Sabin was Joe, Gau was Guy, Strago was Bob, and probably the worst... Setzer was Abe. There was a kid at school who's favorite character was Setzer, and he was pretty much disgusted with what I had done. One of my best friends was a little dumbfounded by it too, and laughed about it.

    Also, in FF9, I renamed Steiner "Bob," and at one point, Garnet asked "What about Bob?" And I was happy.

    So what stupid (or AWESOME!) nicknames have YOU come up with?

  2. #2
    I have a peguin on a stick! ^_^ Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Kooky Spice's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    My first time through VIII I named my characters something dirty..

    Squall = ButtPirate
    Zell = Blowjob
    Selphie = Handjob
    Rhinoa = Lentle (idk why it just always sounded dirty to me for some reason)
    Quistis = Slutbag
    What's his nuts in the Cowboy hat = Sack

    and that is as far as I got the GFs names were....
    Quezacotl = hardon
    Shiva = Hooker
    Ifrit = The Clap

    Lawlz Sephy so Smaht!!

    This is where my name comes from for anyone who cares. Btw please don't get the wrong idea. I love Final Fantasy more than any other game series in the whole world.

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  3. #3
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    in b4 Vivi = Bates/Bater, to enjoy Steiner's lines when he calls the little mage 'Master'. Hur hur!
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  4. #4
    Magically Delicous Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    I normally give them decent names, but in my FF marathon I'm doing now, I give them all names that would sound really inappropriate in the storyline. For example, in FFV, I named Bartz "Faggot" so that the whole cast would look like a bunch of bigots. Yes, making fun of gay people is wrong... but distorting the entire plot of a game with a single name change is pretty interesting.

    My friends' favorite was FFI, when I named my chars "OMG!", "WTF!", "LOL!", and "BOB". Bob was the girl WHM. Nothing better than after a battle and you get this:

    Last edited by Merlin; 06-05-2010 at 06:27 AM.

  5. #5
    Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    In Dragon Age: Origins, I had a mage. An enchanter that shot fireballs at everything. There were some who called him....Tim?

    Seriously, though, I named him Tim.

    Until now!

  6. #6
    Registered User Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    When I played a game of Harvest Moon on the GBA, I named all my animals after fruit. When I quit that game and started another, I named all my cows something like Molly, Dolly, Lolly, Jolly, etc. and all my chickens Mimi, Cici, Kiki, Jiji, etc. Though thinking back, I don't think I had a chicken named Vivi. Seems like that's one of the first names I would have come up with.

    Most every other game I play, I pretty much keep the default name, because I am unimaginative like that.
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  7. #7
    HRH Albha Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    Pokémon is really the only game I ever change the names of the characters, mostly because I hate the status screens that say something along the lines of BULBASAUR/BULBASAUR.

    When I do this I use aliteration with real names, like Martin the Magmar, but of course this is complicated by evolutions resulting in complicated cases such as Shaun the Goldeen. I also don't like to re-use names so for some letters I have hissy fits when catching new 'mons

    Sometimes I just can't be arsed though and call them random names. Like Slave the Bibarel (although to be fair it's useless, and served as a HM-Slave).

  8. #8
    A Plain Old Derp Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Sometimes I just can't be arsed though and call them random names. Like Slave the Bibarel (although to be fair it's useless, and served as a HM-Slave).
    Heheh, I call mine HM Lackey 1, 2, or 3. Depending on how many I need

    I mainly name my Pokemon, or if in a game, I usually call the main hero Leon, or Baron, if its a girl a random name comes to mind... Anyway, for my pokemon I usually try to name them after their type, like for a fire type I might call it Blaze, Flame, Ignious, or Feu. I also like trying to find abstract words meaning the same thing, like Aphotic for a dark type XD

  9. #9
    The Mad God Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    I do that crap in pokemon games all the time. Usually based on moves it learns. No one can tell me it's not freakin hilarious the first time you send out a nicknamed metapod, give it its first command and watch as the screen displays "Penis used harden!" and several turns later, "Penis has already reached maximum hardness!" Or sending out your Pidgeotto and seeing "Anus used Gust!"
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  10. #10
    Registered User Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    I just called all my guys on FFI (DoS) swear words, i don't actually remember, but one of my fave things to do was name characters that look like my family members/friends by family members/friends' names, oh, but i'm usually the main character though.

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  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    Decided I needed to revive this for a particular nickname I just gave Amarant from FF9; I named him "Anus." His very first quote after giving him that nickname: "Some call me the Flaming Anus." Zidann: "Alright, we'll call you Anus."

    Yeah, I decided to give characters stupid sn's. Zidane is Zidann after a mispronounciation that pissed my friends off back in highschool, Vivi is "Vavv"y just 'cuz (not the best one) Garnet is "Spoon" (tried to think of something to contrast with "Dagger") Freya is "Betty" because that's stupid (she's my favorite character, too...) Steiner is "Bob" once again, Eiko is "Aye-Co" (another weak one) and Quina... is just Quina. S/he is already weird enough without a stupid nickname. Anyhoo...

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  12. #12
    Registered User Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I do that crap in pokemon games all the time. Usually based on moves it learns. No one can tell me it's not freakin hilarious the first time you send out a nicknamed metapod, give it its first command and watch as the screen displays "Penis used harden!" and several turns later, "Penis has already reached maximum hardness!" Or sending out your Pidgeotto and seeing "Anus used Gust!"
    Amen to that. I am going to make my nephew laugh for hours with that. He's 11. He'll love it.

    I named Barrett Dr. Dre once. I laugh every now and then. Should've called him Mr. T.

  13. #13
    The Lone Dagger Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible (or Awesome!) Character Nicknames?

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Also, the first time I played FF6, I gave some of the cast some pretty mundane, and/or horrible names. Locke was Dan, Terra was Linda, Sabin was Joe, Gau was Guy, Strago was Bob, and probably the worst... Setzer was Abe.
    Joe is a mundane name Telegraph? Ah man I just feel so awful name is Joe lol...anyways I digress.

    I can only think of two names and they were Pokemon names as well, I called my Charmander FireCrotch one play through and I thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world when he got inflicted by the burn status "FireCrotch got hurt by the burn." The only other person I nicknamed that I can think of is Articuno being Cone, like an ice cream cone lol lame I know but it was funny to me at the time.

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