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  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Heavy Rain revisited

    So I finally got my copy of Heavy Rain back last Thursday after over a year of not having it. I had been hyping it up for the last few weeks with my girl friend because I knew I was getting it back sooner then later.

    I convinced her to play it and at the end of what I call the tutorial section (the house scene) she was hooked.

    I have sat there and watched her play it and she just made it passed the driving mission for a clue. I can say that the game is still truly amazing, utterly truly amazing and lives up to the hype that I put into it (she has already told me this and she is not even a 1/10th of the way through it).

    I was shocked to see that a brand new copy of this title still goes for the same price; if not more then new release titles do. Playing through the game I can say I know why and can't really argue that it is not justified.

    So this rant does have a point seeing I know a few people have played it and have replayed it recently. So I am curious as to what your after thoughts are and am curious to see who else still loves this epic masterpiece of radness.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Heavy Rain revisited
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    Re: Heavy Rain revisited

    When I first got the game sometime last year, I couldn't put it down. The whole story was pretty enthralling, and seeing the choices you make and how they effect the characters was pretty cool.

    I only played through the game once, but I have a second playthrough that's somewhere in the middle of the story. Been a while since I fired it up. I'm trying to be more thorough with that one, and make sure I don't lose any of the characters, and also unlock some more trophies. If I do another playthrough after that, I might be more reckless with stuff, but I dunno if I can really watch my characters suffer. There's some pretty brutal events in the game.

    I was pretty satisfied with the ending I got in my first game though:
    Norman Jayden was the one who saved the kid, disposed of the Origami Killer, and went on to appear on talk shows and I guess be the talk of the nation. Ethan was reunited with his son after he was released from the prison cell. I did lose Madison Paige, which was kind of a shame, so this next time, I'm going to make sure that I get her the hell out of the doctor's house before he comes back to knock her out. I had so much trouble trying to free her from the ropes.

    Well, that's my thoughts.

    My favorite character turned out to be the Origami Killer. My face was all O_O when I realized it
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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Heavy Rain revisited

    I couldn't put this game down either when I got it. It's one of those games that can drag your emotions into it, and I was hooked. There's a couple of plot holes, and things that could maybe have been elaborated on, but it was still a blinding video game.

    There's one scene which I almost couldn't play...

    True story:
    There's a task when the Origami Killer sends you to an old power facility, and you have to crawl through a small tunnel filled with broken glass, and it was really frightening to me because of my fear of small spaces.

    It's one of my platinums, so I know it more or less inside out and have seen all of the endings, but no ending was better than my first ending.

    My first ending.:
    Ethan saved his son, Madison got into the hanger on time to warn Ethan about the police, Jayden and Scott fought on the conveyor belt, and Scott died. Ethan got a new place with Shawn and Madison, and looked very happy, and Jayden appeared on talk shows and overcame his Triptocane addiction.

    All of the considerably bad endings really were bad were draining, but were still good. When you've played through a couple of times, it gets repetitive - a lot of the endings for each character appear in different endings than say another character, depending on what you've done in the story. And for a game with a two thousand page script (considering an average movie script is about a hundred and fifty page), it did it justice.

    I played the game through again with my mum back in January, and she loved every minute of it. She was just as panicky as me the first time I played, haha. She cried once or twice too. I mean, the story is every parent's worst nightmare. I could play Heavy Rain again like I would a favourite movie and never get tired of it.

    It's actually funny because I thought about playing this title again only yesterday afternoon after the game was brought up in the course I'm doing at the moment; I was explaining it to my tutor who hates video games, and how there's nothing for adults out there.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  4. #4
    HRH Albha Heavy Rain revisited Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Heavy Rain revisited

    I quite liked Heavy Rain, and as a result it's the first platinum trophy I've managed to get. I felt obligated to buy the game since Gemma and an IRL friend were so enthusiastic about it, and got it as a gift, a pretty great gift if I do say so myself

    I'm quite fond of the first ending I got, and honestly feel as though it is possibly the 'best' ending, despite the obvious flaw:

    Ethan, Madison and Jayden all make it to the warehouse and the Origami Killer dies.

    When Madison trieds to tell the police that Ethan is innocent and is arrested for interfering with police business.

    Ethan has a happy reunion with Shaun, and discovers that the 'poision' he drunk wasnot harmful. As they leave the warehouse toghether, the police take aim at Ethan. To make it clear that he does not intend to harm Shaun, Ethan begins to raise his hands, but suddenly clutches his side due to an injury. The police thinking that he is drawing a weapon, gun him down.

    Made me genuinely cry :'(.

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  5. #5
    is not a douche Heavy Rain revisited Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Heavy Rain revisited

    It felt more like an interactive movie, than a video game to me. You didn't really do all that much.

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