So I finally got my copy of Heavy Rain back last Thursday after over a year of not having it. I had been hyping it up for the last few weeks with my girl friend because I knew I was getting it back sooner then later.

I convinced her to play it and at the end of what I call the tutorial section (the house scene) she was hooked.

I have sat there and watched her play it and she just made it passed the driving mission for a clue. I can say that the game is still truly amazing, utterly truly amazing and lives up to the hype that I put into it (she has already told me this and she is not even a 1/10th of the way through it).

I was shocked to see that a brand new copy of this title still goes for the same price; if not more then new release titles do. Playing through the game I can say I know why and can't really argue that it is not justified.

So this rant does have a point seeing I know a few people have played it and have replayed it recently. So I am curious as to what your after thoughts are and am curious to see who else still loves this epic masterpiece of radness.