I know Legend of Dragoon is a good example. You literally fight bunnies in the first region you begin in, and then you ultimately end up fighting huge, flaming dragons that have the potential to blow the shit out of the galaxy.
Why do games seem to follow this format?
Cute forest crap with bunnies Lv1. --> Slightly darker transitions until climax midgame---> Universe/World/Level/Setting gets completely dark, shit has hit the fan oh god.
What are some games that start out both dark and easy (or simple) and continue to get brighter yet harder as you travel to new places/levels/etc.
I know Legend of Dragoon is a good example. You literally fight bunnies in the first region you begin in, and then you ultimately end up fighting huge, flaming dragons that have the potential to blow the shit out of the galaxy.
Proud to be in the United States Navy.
Originally Posted by Joe Moog
Sonic the hedgehog haha.
First level is always green... >.>
Zelda is also a good one.
Ocarina of time specifically.
Starts in a forest with natural occuring beasties, about2/5ths of the game and... duh duh DUH!
Shit hits the fan lol
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Guys, you're doing it backwards.I'm asking for examples of games that start out "dark" and get "brighter".
Lost Odyssey never gets bright....it stays at the same "depressing as all ****" level.
Opps, sorry haha, example of reading the first few statements... O.o
Hmm, I would say...
Ohh, oh wait, I know!
Hmm, that is hard lol, Twilight princess does it but it starts calming, then retarded dark, then light as it continues, then randomly dark... Then light for the finishing temple.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...
Yeah, Twilight Princess starts kind of dark and kind of gets lighter as you progress. Sort of stays balanced though
Hm... Kingdom Hearts kind of maintains a balance of light to dark, but doesn't follow your algorithm. I honestly can't think of anything right now, possibly because I'm trying to think of one. It'll hit me when I really shouldn't need to know it
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Dooms 3. xP
Note the DOOMS, not Doom.
Probably because it doesn't exist. Far easier to just maintain tired clichés that still bring in money than actually try something new and potentially engaging -- but inherently riskier.Guys, you're doing it backwards. I'm asking for examples of games that start out "dark" and get "brighter".
I can't think of any examples. I wish I could.
In Final Fantasy VII you start the game under a plate and work your way out.
In Baldur's Gate II (which I haven't beaten) you start out in a dungeon underground and escape onto the overworld I think.
I can't think of anything else.
Edit: In Disgaea you start in hell and go to heaven.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Limbo. Dark to the Darkest.
Aren't some Abe's Odyssey games kinda like dark at first and then kinda lightish towards the end?
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Now that I think of it, A demon who eventually ascends to fight the light would be different, you never play a bad guy in a game. Maybe at the end he turns good or something and fights an angle who tricked him into destroying something to stop gods control or whatever.
Oh wait, idea stolen for me.
Devil May cry 3 does the dark to light, just remembered.
Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...