Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
I absolutely love GH. Besides black ops it is probably my most played games. The one I play the most is Warriors of Rock. Black Widow of La Porte can suck it, mangled that song many times, same with Through the fire and the flames on III. I never really have anyone to play with though. Everyone always quits out of online QP+ games.
You know all COD games for the last 6 years are just copies of BF2 for the PC but a complete fail with way loss content modes veichals weapons balancing etc? Im not talking about all them other battlefield games that sucked after battlefield 2 (and not that spin off or expansions that are nothing like battlfield 2). I can't wait for battlefield 3. You should try it when it comes out. And get it for PC not consoles. Its not designed for consoles.

COD4 was the only COD game that actually was decent. Black OPS came close but their still nothing compared to the game they copied (BF2).

Just saying all this for you to try BF3 if you like Black OPS. I hope it lives up to BF2's epicness.