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  1. #1
    Master couch potato Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Ok first off if your just gonna diss on GH gtfo.second off if you have any crap about rockband being better...GTFO. anyway, I Freaking love guitar hero its a great way to relieve stress and I love alot of songs on all of the games. hell GH is what got me into alot of the music I love today. so my question is. Guitar hero, Love it? if so why and witch is your favorite game. or Hate it? why? and what diden't you like about it?
    Some people call it Stupidity. I call it miss-information.

  2. #2
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Okay Well, I'm Not A Huge Fan Of Guitar Hero, But I Don't Mind It That Much. It Is Not Bad, It Just Isn't Really A Game That I'm Actually Interested In Playing...

    I've Played It A Few Times, I'm Not Bad At It, But I'm Not That Good Either...XD

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  3. #3
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Love it.

    My first was GH3. It will always be my favorite for reasons which only those who have played most songs on expert will understand. The lag time, hammer ons working easily without having to treat them like normal notes, challenging but not finger breaking, not having to memorise all the notes to be able to play it due to pre-emptive finger switching (most of the time). Its just perfect.

    Ive completed every guitar hero song on expert ive ever played apart from 3:
    GH3: Through The Fire And The Flames expert (99% complete, lost on last 3 notes)
    GH3: The Devil Went Down To Georgia (the actual song not the battle)
    GH2: Jordon

    I played these games for months and months on end. I remember when I got stuck on a song on easy, and when I was stuck on a song on hard for a month, and both times I thought to myself "you will never do this".

    But practice makes perfect!

    I own a real guitar and want to learn it one day. I can play a few metallica intros pritty perfect. Ive just got other priorities atm, like relaxing >.>

  4. #4
    Consistently Average Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    The only times I've ever played Guitar Hero was at my friend's a couple years ago. I was terrible at first but I kinda got the hang of it after a while. Never went past easy mode or whatever its called but I enjoyed playing some of my favourite songs, albiet on a controller. I can only see it being fun to play with a bunch of other people though, I can't imagine it being too fun just playing all by yourself.
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  5. #5
    Master couch potato Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    The only times I've ever played Guitar Hero was at my friend's a couple years ago. I was terrible at first but I kinda got the hang of it after a while. Never went past easy mode or whatever its called but I enjoyed playing some of my favourite songs, albiet on a controller. I can only see it being fun to play with a bunch of other people though, I can't imagine it being too fun just playing all by yourself.
    I actually find playing GH more fun when i'm alone caz i'm a big controller hog > plus i can jam out and jump around all I want without being judged by least till my mom walks in XD But yea i think 3 is my fav guitar hero that and warriors of rock caz i like playing drums on it at my friends house, and the songs are just way cooler. but i have to say(going against everything i believe in) rockband drums is better. the way rockband drums just is play better. but that's it. guitar hero songs are just so much more bad-ass.
    Some people call it Stupidity. I call it miss-information.

  6. #6
    Passing fair judgement Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I love Guitar Hero, I'm actually very bad at it, but I still think it's fun. Getting to play my favorite songs on the Guitar, Drums, or Bass is really cool.
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  7. #7
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I love Guitar Hero, and I'm awesome at it. No seriously.

    Last week I finally finished Through The Fire And Flames. All the way through.

    My first was GHIII, as probably a lot of people's was. I loved the game, but now I don't like it. I don't know, I think I got sick of the songs.

    My favourite is probably Warriors Of Rock. It's got some really, really awesome songs on it. Stuff like Alter Bridge, Arch Enemy and Steve Vai are probably my favourite songs to play. Easily the hardest song on the game is John 5 (which you get a trophy for completing).

    But yeah, I love playing GH. I've been playing Rock Band a lot more lately (especially the Green Day one), but I'll always love GH.

  8. #8
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    I love Guitar Hero, and I'm awesome at it. No seriously.

    Last week I finally finished Through The Fire And Flames. All the way through.

    My first was GHIII, as probably a lot of people's was. I loved the game, but now I don't like it. I don't know, I think I got sick of the songs.

    My favourite is probably Warriors Of Rock. It's got some really, really awesome songs on it. Stuff like Alter Bridge, Arch Enemy and Steve Vai are probably my favourite songs to play. Easily the hardest song on the game is John 5 (which you get a trophy for completing).

    But yeah, I love playing GH. I've been playing Rock Band a lot more lately (especially the Green Day one), but I'll always love GH.
    U finished it on expert?

  9. #9
    G'day Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I love it. It's good fun and I like to dress up my rocker all awesome like. I can only do it on medium though. No way I can play on hard. I love Reign In Blood by Slayer, it's soo hard, but awesome. I haven't played the drums though, I would like to

    And, I must give people who actually play any instrument, some appreciation. It's not easy!

  10. #10
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    ive actually got some inspirtation from this. Im gonna give up gaming for a while and start learning my guitar again. I know I have the skills and the mindset to become a good guitar player (notice the word good not amazing). Id like to see just how far I can push it though Maybe I could become amazing who knows o_O But thats just one of them luck of the draw things. Im amazing at plants vs zombies, fixing PC's, and killing people on FPS's. But am I amazing at guitar? **** knows!

  11. #11
    G'day Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Good luck Pug!

    I used to play the violin in school, but I lost interest. Oh hahaha, how funny it would be if there was a Violin Hero. Hahahahaha!

  12. #12
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    Good luck Pug!

    I used to play the violin in school, but I lost interest. Oh hahaha, how funny it would be if there was a Violin Hero. Hahahahaha!
    Thank yous. If I get nother girlfriend though all that will go out of the window Ive never liked English girls, especially after my last relationship, so it will probably be another long distance relationship Why do I hate girls from my country?

    And violin hero would be... interesting not sure it would work though

  13. #13
    TFF's Resident Messenger Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Okay, I was one of the people that thought the whole rhythm game genre was a fad, and would die out. Also, I thought that games like that were pointless. At least, that's what I told people.

    The truth is that I am extremely good at all rhythm games. Guitar Hero is just one of them. I bought Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock as a Christmas present for myself a few years ago. I had never played before, but friends said that it was an awesome game. Anyway, I plugged in the guitar (I bought the PS2 version) and loaded the game up.

    The instructions were simple. When the color fret gets to the bar, push the corresponding color button and strum the guitar at the same time. Easy-peazy! I got the first five songs on Easy perfect. No training needed.

    Now I can do it all. After watching WCG Ultimate Gamer, I practiced my heart out so I could get better and better.

    I prefer to play the drums. I can play real ones, so it came naturally to me.
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  14. #14
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    Okay, I was one of the people that thought the whole rhythm game genre was a fad, and would die out. Also, I thought that games like that were pointless. At least, that's what I told people.

    The truth is that I am extremely good at all rhythm games. Guitar Hero is just one of them. I bought Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock as a Christmas present for myself a few years ago. I had never played before, but friends said that it was an awesome game. Anyway, I plugged in the guitar (I bought the PS2 version) and loaded the game up.

    The instructions were simple. When the color fret gets to the bar, push the corresponding color button and strum the guitar at the same time. Easy-peazy! I got the first five songs on Easy perfect. No training needed.

    Now I can do it all. After watching WCG Ultimate Gamer, I practiced my heart out so I could get better and better.

    I prefer to play the drums. I can play real ones, so it came naturally to me.
    I know the feeling. You think its easy at first Oh this is so simple just like all them other games with the arrows.... xD

  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I absolutely love GH. Besides black ops it is probably my most played games. The one I play the most is Warriors of Rock. Black Widow of La Porte can suck it, mangled that song many times, same with Through the fire and the flames on III. I never really have anyone to play with though. Everyone always quits out of online QP+ games.

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  16. #16
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I absolutely love GH. Besides black ops it is probably my most played games. The one I play the most is Warriors of Rock. Black Widow of La Porte can suck it, mangled that song many times, same with Through the fire and the flames on III. I never really have anyone to play with though. Everyone always quits out of online QP+ games.
    You know all COD games for the last 6 years are just copies of BF2 for the PC but a complete fail with way loss content modes veichals weapons balancing etc? Im not talking about all them other battlefield games that sucked after battlefield 2 (and not that spin off or expansions that are nothing like battlfield 2). I can't wait for battlefield 3. You should try it when it comes out. And get it for PC not consoles. Its not designed for consoles.

    COD4 was the only COD game that actually was decent. Black OPS came close but their still nothing compared to the game they copied (BF2).

    Just saying all this for you to try BF3 if you like Black OPS. I hope it lives up to BF2's epicness.

  17. #17

    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I loved this game from the minute it came out, playing expert by the time the 2nd was out. If you like rock and guitar it's clearly gonna be amazing and for me it was. The band experience was a good expansion although ended up a fail for us due to constant faulty instruments, although the guitars have always been sound.
    I don't play it much anymore, but I sure enjoyed it!

  18. #18
    Registered User Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Caladbolg's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    GH is a good game, and I don't like rock band so you're safe there, but i find you can either play real guitar or PS guitar, i suck at GH :L

  19. #19
    I will save the world Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Guitar hero. Love it or Hate it?

    I love Guitar Hero myself, I can't go past hard on a few songs....I can only go up to 4 buttons, anything after that and I fail...heck I even fail sometimes with hard but I look cool doing it. I have the game for the wii but the guitar busted on me, I'm gonna see if I can get a new guitar.

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