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Thread: Guilty Gaming Pleasures!

  1. #1
    Banned Guilty Gaming Pleasures!
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    Guilty Gaming Pleasures!

    We all got 'em. This is the time and place to share 'em!

    Now I don't want to hear any hispter bullshit like, "Sometimes I play Call of Duty, even though I feel like the games suck."

    No, stfu and write a blog about it where no one can care in peace.

    I want your deepest, darkest secrets that invoke too much shame to be witnessed by strangers, let alone friends and family.

    Pokemon is fair game, because lets be honest with ourselves, if you're over 16, it's a certified guilty pleasure.

    No judging or hating, or I will put you on blast for it.

    I will share mine after I get a few replies (if I do). I refuse to put myself our there for nothing, lol.

  2. #2
    Bananarama Guilty Gaming Pleasures! Pete's Avatar
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    I still break out Aladdin on my Genesis every now and then. When I was a kid, my brother and I would play for hours trying to beat each other's times. We'd time it ourselves.

    Not gonna lie, it's still super fun and the soundtrack still holds up, even in its 16 bit glory.

    I'm not sure if it's really a guilty pleasure because it's a 23 year old game or because it's straight up Disney. I don't really care though. I got it when I was 7 and still remember how to get out of the cave of wonders while getting the genie. Reminds me of simpler times and makes me happy.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    Certified tech, come at me! Guilty Gaming Pleasures! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    This is a guilty pleasure for me, I randomly got this out of a christmas stocking when I was younger, didn't ask for it, but I enjoyed it back then even though I wasn't good at the game. This game didn't have a very good story, in fact, the game had no story in the american version but the gameplay and levels are fun.
    Guilty Gaming Pleasures!-smart_ball_cover-jpg
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  4. #4
    Banned Guilty Gaming Pleasures!
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    Mar 2012
    Canada, eh?
    It's time for my guilty gaming pleasure to be revealed...

    Allow me lead in with a the story. In 2011 I was dating a younger girl, well she was 21. lol That's younger for me. Anyway I went to her house one day to 'hang out' when I find her on her laptop playing the cheapest, shittiest-looking game I've ever seen in my life. I ask her, "What the **** is this?" And with the biggest, most adorable smile, she looks at me and says, "Bloons Tower Defense!" Like I'm supposed to know about this shit.

    After a few hours of watching her create a small army of various Monkey warriors capable of occupying a third world country, I realize this game is made by NinjaKiwi, makers of the SAS: Zombie Assault series my brother and I have been playing for a long time.

    I'm a bit confused. They go from SAS Awesomeness to... monkies popping balloons?

    But after several weeks of watching her, she's got cyborg monkies, Super Monkies shooting lasers out of their eyes, gatling gun monkies with giant lasers, Tiki God statues firing massive beams of sun shredding Zeppelin Balloons out of the sky... I'm sort of intregued. So I start a round on my own one day. And guess what? It ****ing addictive!

    I play Monkey City on my phone now. But most of my gaming time goes directly into SAS 3. Loco Mofo. Look me up if you play. My squad is SAS Masters, though I only created it to see what the deal was. Some greenhorns have joined, but I neglect it severely.

    Edit: Also, I just got the Phoenix Badge in SAS 3 and put it.o. my .887 C.A.W., so my rank, cash, ammo, grenades, and turrets all reset. I'm in a rebuilding phase, so don't puke when you check my jacket. >.>
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 12-01-2015 at 10:04 AM.

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