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Thread: GTA IV SFX & Music Defaults

  1. #1

    Question GTA IV SFX & Music Defaults

    I have a question: I got Grand Theft Auto IV recently and there was a time when I was playing it that I accidentally changed the audio level of the SFX and Music in the pause menu in the "Audio" section. I thought there would have been an option to change the levels back to their defaults, but there isn't one. I know this is a weird question, but does anyone here know what the default SFX and Music levels are for Grand Theft Auto IV?

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み GTA IV SFX & Music Defaults ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    May 2007
    Ipswich, UK

    Re: GTA IV SFX & Music Defaults

    You're in luck, I've just started playing it again

    Put both bars to full, and then back down one. Simple as that.
    I sympathise with you, I hate it when I totally mess up the sound levels and can't get them back to how they were.

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