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  1. #1
    Registered User The greatest games you've NEVER played
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    The greatest games you've NEVER played

    Let me explain...

    There are some games that are made and you hear so many good things about, but for some reason you never got around to playing the game. I want to hear about all the games that you would like to play but never did.

    Here's mine:

    Final Fantasy VI

    I've heard so much about this game, mostly from the older school Final Fantasy gamers. I wish I would have picked this game up when I had the chance to. My friend offered me her extra copy of FF Anthology (a very long time ago), but I didn't take it. Why? I really don't know. I regret not doing so.

    Mother 3

    Okay, now this game is one that hasn't seen a US release, so it's understandable that I haven't got to play it yet. I want to so badly though. I hear great things about it, and I've watched the "Let's Play Mother 3" vids on Youtube. It looks great, and I really don't understand why Nintendo isn't bothering to ship it to the US. Maybe because they think there's not a big enough fanbase...

    Metal Gear Solid

    I've played MGS 3 and I have MGS 4 (not played yet, but I at least have it). I didn't think that I would be a fan of the series when MGS was first launched, so I skipped that title. I really wish I would have given it a shot.

    Katamari Damacy

    This is a game that really looks like something that I would be into playing. It's uniquely weird and I really like that kind of stuff. Also, the gameplay looks like it would be simple, yet addictive (kind of like how Tetris has a simple concept, but it's very addictive).

    Hmm...that's all I can really think of at the top of my head.

    So how about everybody else? Are there games that you haven't played yet but hear good things? Well, list 'em out!
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  2. #2
    as time passes we all age and die The greatest games you've NEVER played lonley summoner's Avatar
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    star ocean the last hope

    i just dont have an xbox 360

  3. #3
    I feel epic... The greatest games you've NEVER played Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Infinite Undiscovery

    Fate has told me time and again how this game is great. I wanted to try it, but I forgot about it... I guess. Hmm, maybe one day I'll get around to it...

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I would have to sayyy...

    Metal Gear Solid 4: because I dont have a PS3, I don't plan on playing it any time soon, but I always hear great things about the MGS series.

    Persona 4: Another great and widely acclaimed game that I have yet to play, this is also because I no longer own a PS2 for it, but I am excited for the Persona 3 Portable game that will be released for the PSP to make up for my lack of P3/P4 experience.

    Final Fantasy XII: I tried playing it like once or twice back when I was first starting in college, but other things (girls, booze, frat parties, sometimes homework, etc) got in the way and I never really got into the gameplay, so I gave up on it. I've heard great things about it though.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. The greatest games you've NEVER played Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I would have to sayyy...

    Metal Gear Solid 4: because I dont have a PS3, I don't plan on playing it any time soon, but I always hear great things about the MGS series.

    Persona 4: Another great and widely acclaimed game that I have yet to play, this is also because I no longer own a PS2 for it, but I am excited for the Persona 3 Portable game that will be released for the PSP to make up for my lack of P3/P4 experience.
    I cannot agree with these two more. I heard reviews of MGS4 that said it had exceedingly long cutscenes, and a plot that required you to know every little detail about the MGS universe in order to fully understand it. I don't know how much of the latter is true, but it definitely turned me off, even though I had previously played MGS 1, 2, and 3.

    Persona 4, on the other hand, I found out about from the Endurance Run that Giant Bomb did a little while ago, which it seems like they just finished (I haven't been keeping up, as I got into it a bit late). A goon in the LP forum of Something Awful mentioned this, and it's hilarious. It's a game I've always wanted to look up, but I could never imagine putting in the 100 or so hour investment into playing it.

    And one more:

    Devil May Cry 4. It's been in my Gamefly cue for the longest time, and I keep pushing it back for other games. I don't know why.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The greatest games you've NEVER played Xanatos's Avatar
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    There are so many games that I would like to play but for now I didn't have a chance to do so, here are few of those:

    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - Besides that I'm big Zelda fan I heard so many good things about this game that I want to play it really bad but I have neither Wii nor GameCube.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 - Well, for almost the same reasons that Rocky and Polk mentioned.

    F.E.A.R 2 - The first one and expansion were excellent and this one look's really amazing, everything I read about it just makes me want to play this game even more but my computer is unbelievable weak.

    FF X, X-2, XII - I never had a PS2 and that's the main reason I haven't played any of these FF games. But I'll receive PSP and PS2 pretty soon and then it will be time for FF games.

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  7. #7
    .............. The greatest games you've NEVER played smurphy's Avatar
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    Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would figure there has to be a reason why its fanboys are so over-zealous. And for whoever didnt play star ocean: the last hope, you are not really missing that much. I was expecting big things after til the end of time as well.Ditto Infinite Undiscovery.

  8. #8
    The greatest games you've NEVER played Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    Panzer Dragoon Saga.
    I second that. I've been wanting to play this game ever since I got my Saturn last year, but I can't justify spending over $200 for a single game, which is actually a pretty conservative estimate of its going rate on Ebay. I almost bought a collection of Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga for $250, but was outbid at the last minute. Damn.

    Another one I should add is Batman: Arkham Asylum. I've been wanting to play it for a while now, but for some reason, haven't picked it up yet. Now that gaming season is kicking off, I'm not sure I'll get to it this year.

    Until now!

  9. #9
    Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

    Digital Devil Saga

    Digaea 2

    Wild ARMS, 4,5, Alter Code F

    Fallout 1

    Rise of Legends

    NiGHTs into dreams...

  10. #10
    Tsuna Feesh The greatest games you've NEVER played Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume: I haven't played this game yet, and I've heard it's the darkness of the series so far, but it was suppose to be a great game. Now, I suddenly want to play it. Though, I'm not so fond of fighting against Lenneth. >_>

    Resonance of Fate: There is a single reason why I haven't played it yet: it's not even released. =D But judging by the trailers that I've seen and screenshots, I want it, bad. It seems like a terrific game. I would ignore the guns part and just get to the game itself. Please release it soon. =O

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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post

    Resonance of Fate: There is a single reason why I haven't played it yet: it's not even released. =D But judging by the trailers that I've seen and screenshots, I want it, bad. It seems like a terrific game. I would ignore the guns part and just get to the game itself. Please release it soon. =O
    I HAVE to get Resonance of Fate, that and FF XIII/ Versus XIII, are my only true reasons for buying a PS3 (which I wil have to do soon)


    Every FF: Crystal Chronicals? As i have yet to own a gamecube or having had the chance to buy the games for my Wii.

    Fallout 1, 2 and 3.
    TES: 1 and 2
    FFVII: Crisis Core, Before Crisis.
    Other psp games FF related.

  12. #12
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Fable II. I played Fable I, and it was brilliant. I just don't have an Xbox 360 that I can play (we have one in the house, but it belongs to my brother. He won't give me a chance to play it, although I've let him play my PS3 countless times. ¬¬).

    Devil May Cry 4. I just haven't got around to picking it up. I think I liked the soundtrack more than I probably liked the gameplay when I had the demo.

    F.E.A.R 2 Same as Devil May Cry really, and I'm waiting for the prices to drop on it. I bought the first game after playing the demo for the second one, and was slightly disappointed with it. Apparently the second one is waayyy better.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  13. #13
    Tales of Symphonia
    When it came out I even bought it, only to make up an excuse that it wouldn't work and returning it the very next day.
    I live in Kraut-land and they had to go ahead and replace the already translated English text with once more translated German text, which was a piss poor translation to boot.
    That ticked me off so much that I didn't want to play it.
    A few years ago I even got the Japanese PS2 version. There's a complete story script and menu translations available and my Japanese is good enough to understand most of the dialogs and even read a kanji here or there.
    But I never really felt like it and always used other games or things as excuse to not start it.
    Maybe I'm just waiting for someone to hack in the English text. If they did it with Persona 2 Innocent Sin where they also had to translate everything themselves, it should fairly easy when the entire text is already translated.

    Twilight Princess
    I had already sold my GC when it came out. But I'll get a new PC soon and will be able to emulate GC.

    Metroid Prime 3
    I don't have a Wii and even if the first Metroid Prime's are more or less my favorite games, I'm not getting one for this game alone.
    Especially not because I don't think it will be any fun on the Wii.
    I played Twilight Princes a bit on the Wii and the controls were nothing short of atrocius.
    Action games and motion sensors do not mix, at all.

    Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with Persona 4.
    In the last 3-4 years it was the one and only game I really enjoyed without any complaints.
    It's not perfect (especially the plot has a few holes) but it's pretty close for a game.

    But, I couldn't agree less with MSG 4. I have no idea about the gameplay, but from the few Youtube cutscenes I saw the story is not just one, but several mountains of BS.
    And since they are like 70% of the game, I don't think it will be any fun playing this.
    The one and only good part about the game seems to be an epic fist fight at the end.

    Every Soul Calibur
    Only 1 and 4 are worth playing.
    2 and 3 are utter crap with obscenely bad game mechanics and/or ai.

    But yeah, Mass Effect for me as well.
    I hate the 2 analog stick control scheme, probably because I suck so bad at it (and I hate having to switch between the analog stick and the buttons).
    I heard you can also use round based battles, but for some reason I still can't motivate myself even though I'm fascinated by the story part.
    I guess I'll just watch a Youtube video. I don't like Wrpgs that much because I'm not that fond of having to make millions of decision and roleplaying, I prefer to be told a complete story, so Youtube is fine.

    Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would figure there has to be a reason why its fanboys are so over-zealous. And for whoever didnt play star ocean: the last hope, you are not really missing that much. I was expecting big things after til the end of time as well.Ditto Infinite Undiscovery.
    Panzer Dragoon Saga is an ultra rare game and the only rpg part of a game series of rail shooters. What more would fanboys need to glee over it?
    I played it for half an hour or so a long time ago and it was pretty nice.

    As for SO3, I found the game so appalling that I couldn't bear any more after 2 hours.
    Sadly these 2 hours are also how long it takes until the first battle, which is just a simulation/battle tutorial that can nonetheless get you a game over.
    Especially due to one of the worst ais in gaming history.

    As for Unlimited Saga, I started playing and it was alright, nothing outstanding, but also not bad or anything.
    Just the story had a pathetic premise like a picture book for grade schoolers.
    And after around 10 hours the most disgusting player characters ever featured in any rpg are forced into your party.
    Though what really made me stop playing was a bug that prevented me from opening a door.

    Disgaea 2:
    Don't bother at all. It's in every single way inferior to 1. Story and characters suck really bad and there are 1 or 2 additions to gameplay that are neat, but useless.
    On the other hand the classes and skills got changed until they are no fun anymore and more or less all of the maingame maps are crap.

    Wild Arms 5: I played like 20 hours.
    Kinda neat, likabable characters and the battle system is good, too.
    But the story is extremely cliched and boring and after a while enemies are absurdly overpowered to the point where bosses can wipe you out without a chance to heal inbetween and all normal battles consist of the enemies going first and killing 1 or 2 characters, then you getting your turn and getting rid of them.

    DMC 4 is pretty good.
    Very weak after 3 because it didn't expand on the great gameplay of 3 but instead flushed it all down the toilet and replaced it with some halfassed crap. The only good thing about the gameplay is the Devil Bringer.
    Playing with someone else than Dante for half the game and afterwards revisiting every single stage when you get Dante back isn't a good thing either.

  14. #14
    I do what you can't. The greatest games you've NEVER played Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Here and there

    Every Zelda game after Link to the Past: I never had a Nintendo system any more advanced than the Super Nintendo -- I went to the Playstation, then PS2, then XBox 360, then PS3. It'd be nice to play Twilight Princess, or Ocarina of Time, or whatever other ones are out, but I never bothered trying to get the system to play them.

    Goldeneye 007: Same reason. Though I think I played it once, multiplayer for an hour, and I hated it because one kid knew all the respawn points and would just sit and wait for you.

    Every Resident Evil: I tried playing one (I actually bought three), and I just couldn't get used to the camera angles. It actually gave me a headache. I'm sure they're great games, but the camera angles just don't do it for me.

    MGS: Just never tried 'em, I suppose.

    Starcraft: I've played Command & Conquer and such (only Red Alert series and Generals), but never tried Starcraft.

    Counterstrike: Never tried it.

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  15. #15
    Metal Gear Solid series, Silent Hill series, Okami, Jet Force Gemini, Contra series, Advance Wars, Phoenix Wright series, Tales of Symphonia, Prince of Persia series, The World Ends With You, Killer7. I can't think of any others at the moment. All of the M-rated titles I mentioned are games that I really want, but my parents probably wouldn't approve of them. Luckly, I'm turning 17 in April. So, hopefully I will be able to start filling in the void at that time. The other games I just never got around to buying.

  16. #16
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 The greatest games you've NEVER played Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I live in your Mind, your Heart, and your Soul...There is no way in Hell you can ever escape from me! I'm everywhere...
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    This is a toughy...Hmm, Lets see...What game(s) I liked the most, but never got to actually play it...hmmm...ummm...
    ~Heavenly Sword
    ~Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
    ~Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
    ~FFXII Revenant Wings
    ~FFT: War of the Lions
    ~FFT the Original

    And Alot more, that apparently I cannot really remember, but I still have tons more.

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    My Interesting Sister: Andromeda, The TFF Goddess
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  17. #17
    Permanently banned The greatest games you've NEVER played
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    StarCraft: Brood War

  18. #18
    The greatest games you've NEVER played Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
    ~Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
    ~Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
    You're only supposed to list good games.

    Until now!

  19. #19
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I'd like to play the Persona series some day, maybe. If I can get into it. I've had a bad habit of not getting through RPG's lately (except Star Ocean: First Departure, apparently.) Xenogears is also supposed to be awesome. I've also heard very good things about Lost Odyssey, one friend calling it his "favorite game ever." What I've seen of Blue Dragon reminds me of Dragon Quest 8 (I wonder why!) so I'd like to play that, too.

    I've watched my friend playing Valkyria Chronicles, a kind of strategy game involving a fictitious 1930's Europe. It looks really fun.

    I've also watched my friends play every Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil game, and want to give them a try some day. I started playing the original MGS-last Summer. Didn't get very far... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  20. #20
    TES2: Daggerfall. I've downloaded it from the official site, but I have no idea how to make it work. Eventually, I just.. gave up.

    Also Baldur's Gate 2. It's supposedly one of the greatest games ever made. The only reason I've not played it, is because I want to finish the first one first.

  21. #21
    Cilla vs. Games The greatest games you've NEVER played Priscilla's Avatar
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    Hm, everyone seems to be talking about Valkyria Chronicles and I haven't played that. From what I've heard it's really good and something I would want to play. So there is that.

    Also Tales of Symphonia. I feel like I am one of the only people who haven't played it. I've never had a chance to. But I am hoping to play it out within the next year.

    Oh, and Fallout 3.

  22. #22
    Registered User The greatest games you've NEVER played Yesha's Avatar
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    I haven't pLayed FFIX *cries* I onLy saw it's screenshots and how my dad was pLaying it and he actuaLLy finished it..

    when we stiLL have PS1 he pLayed it then when it's my turn it crashed (LoL!) then we bought PS2, and now the CD are gone. *sigh*


    I haven't pLayed any Persona series, they say it's a very good game and the characters are interesting.. but I stiLL have many games to finished, oh weLL.. :-)
    Last edited by Yesha; 11-05-2009 at 03:56 AM.

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  23. #23
    who's been touching my materia? The greatest games you've NEVER played Fang's Avatar
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    I've heard many of these games but never got the chance to play'em:

    Enchanted Arms

    Star Ocean

    Metal Gear Solid4

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

    My Heath Ledger fan sister:Unknown Entity

  24. #24
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom The greatest games you've NEVER played Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Vagrant story its an old RPG for the ps 1 i watched my mate play it a coupla times and thought it was cool but he would never lend it to me the asshole!!!

    other than that ive played most of the games ive ever wanted to play except Demon souls i looked that up the other day and it looks Awsome but i can;t find it in Australia!!


  25. #25
    Halo(1,2 and 3)
    I've heard nothing but praise songs for this FPS, but I am Xboxless. I think you might be able to buy it on the computer though, just too lazy and too broke.

  26. #26
    Registered User The greatest games you've NEVER played WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    Every Resident Evil -(Apart from 5)
    Silent Hill Games
    Zelda Games (Apart from Windwaker)

    And too everyone who hasn't played every Metal Gear game , i would say you are seriously missing out. Out of all the games I've played (A LOT) Metal Gear games seem to have the most in depth storyline and most of the storyline can relate to real life like nuclear weapons and the Genome Program.

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  27. #27
    Death Before Dishonor The greatest games you've NEVER played Josh_R's Avatar
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    Tekken 6
    Saints Row 2

    I have yet to play any of these games but I have heard awesome things about all three of them...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  28. #28
    Registered User The greatest games you've NEVER played Diyala's Avatar
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    Resident Evil Zero , the 5th part
    and Remake
    well... there is a game I played once on my pc put haven't completed it yet coz I only got the first two stages , so excited about it and want to see the completion of other stages , It is
    The Technomage .

  29. #29
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The greatest games you've NEVER played Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kisuke_Hellsing View Post
    FF VII is of course one of the best but there are others...

    DMC 3 and I guess 4 still a little skeptical about it
    Mass Effect
    Halo 3
    COD 4 and 5
    Street Fighter IV
    every soul calibur
    So I guess you never played FF VII but in few occasions you mentioned that it's your favorite FF game...and in Son's of Sparda group you mentioned that DMC 3 is your favorite in the series but it's seems that you never played it either...

    I highly recommend that you least try to read the first post before posting something that doesn't have anything to do with this thread, you can call this a friendly advice.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  30. #30
    Death Before Dishonor The greatest games you've NEVER played Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos-444 View Post
    So I guess you never played FF VII but in few occasions you mentioned that it's your favorite FF game...and in Son's of Sparda group you mentioned that DMC 3 is your favorite in the series but it's seems that you never played it either...

    I highly recommend that you least try to read the first post before posting something that doesn't have anything to do with this thread, you can call this a friendly advice.

    I apologize i misread the thread and posted the greatest games I have played...

    Games I have not played is F.E.A.R. 2 but I have heard that it is an incredible same the with Saints Row 2
    Last edited by Josh_R; 10-06-2009 at 06:37 AM.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

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