Let me explain...
There are some games that are made and you hear so many good things about, but for some reason you never got around to playing the game. I want to hear about all the games that you would like to play but never did.
Here's mine:
Final Fantasy VI
I've heard so much about this game, mostly from the older school Final Fantasy gamers. I wish I would have picked this game up when I had the chance to. My friend offered me her extra copy of FF Anthology (a very long time ago), but I didn't take it. Why? I really don't know. I regret not doing so.
Mother 3
Okay, now this game is one that hasn't seen a US release, so it's understandable that I haven't got to play it yet. I want to so badly though. I hear great things about it, and I've watched the "Let's Play Mother 3" vids on Youtube. It looks great, and I really don't understand why Nintendo isn't bothering to ship it to the US. Maybe because they think there's not a big enough fanbase...
Metal Gear Solid
I've played MGS 3 and I have MGS 4 (not played yet, but I at least have it). I didn't think that I would be a fan of the series when MGS was first launched, so I skipped that title. I really wish I would have given it a shot.
Katamari Damacy
This is a game that really looks like something that I would be into playing. It's uniquely weird and I really like that kind of stuff. Also, the gameplay looks like it would be simple, yet addictive (kind of like how Tetris has a simple concept, but it's very addictive).
Hmm...that's all I can really think of at the top of my head.
So how about everybody else? Are there games that you haven't played yet but hear good things? Well, list 'em out!