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Thread: Genres/games you just won't play.

  1. #1

    Genres/games you just won't play.

    I think we all have a certain genre of games or simply certain types of games that are not to our taste and we won't bother playing for a variety of reasons.

    I am not a big fan of shooters, fighting, racing, sports, or puzzle games. Online games are also out of the picture for me. I do enjoy shooters and I don't completely close my self to other types of games, but almost every day I'll pick an rpg/action game over one of those types I mentioned. I'm not all that good with shooters, but they are still fun. Even within rpgs there are people who won't play Jrpgs or Wrpgs, again, for varying reasons. I think I can enjoy a game regardless of genre, but it also depends on what game it is.

    What genres/games don't you like or won't you play? Why?

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Genres/games you just won't play. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I'm not really eager to play FPS, and racing type of games, which is strange as I enjoyed both genres when I was a kid, some of my favorite games belong under those genres, Quake II, Unreal Tournament, Bioshock, Gran Turismo 2...guess I developed less tolerance thanks to newer games who are carbon copy of each other.

    Same case with RTS, and survivor horror games, RPG genre seems to be only one I wont get tired of anytime soon.

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  3. #3
    Juppiter Adept Genres/games you just won't play. TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Generally I'm pretty open to all kinds of games, but I just don't get much out of realistic racing or sports games. I'll play like a MarioKart game or CTR, but streetracing and nascar games just never really had much appeal. I think the issue that I have with sports games is that there is a new iteration of the same exact game every year and, if you want the new game, it costs as much as a new game, but selling back last years game gets back like ten bucks max. I just find that the experience with those games is shortlived and the same every time mostly.

    I don't play that many shooters, but that's more because I don't have a nextgen console so I can't really go online and therefore I'm really bad at them. My brothers always beat me at Halo and COD
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  4. #4

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrLeonhart View Post
    Generally I'm pretty open to all kinds of games, but I just don't get much out of realistic racing or sports games. I'll play like a MarioKart game or CTR, but streetracing and nascar games just never really had much appeal. I think the issue that I have with sports games is that there is a new iteration of the same exact game every year and, if you want the new game, it costs as much as a new game, but selling back last years game gets back like ten bucks max. I just find that the experience with those games is shortlived and the same every time mostly.
    That pretty much sum me up. Oh and those weird bratz/barbie games and the wii gimmick games( some like the bargain bin ones not every wii game).

  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Genres/games you just won't play. ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I'm open to most types of games, but the only thing I refuse to play is Call of Duty. It's highly overrated. I remember playing Modern Warfare because of all the high reviews and and all my friends saying 'omg, you got to play this, it's amazing'. I played it and hated it. Not because it was a bad game, but because it was the same as every single other FPS game ever. There's nothing special about it, at all.

    So, no 'COD' for me thanks. I refuse to get caught up in the hype. I'll stick to playing Brink, or Duke Nukem.

  6. #6
    Consistently Average Genres/games you just won't play. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I've never really been too keen on sports games of any kind. I enjoy watching it on tv but i just dont see myself sitting down and playing cricket or golf or any other kind on my Ps2 with any form of enjoyment or enthusiasm.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Genres/games you just won't play. DrewYeahhh's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I refuse to play any FPS and Racing game simply because they are waaaayy to easy and boring. mind that i only like one FPS and that's Halo cause they where brilliant but still easy. if you ask me those types of games involve little skill and people who are good at them think they are pro at every game and it pisses me of.

    Like people on Xbox Live on any the COD games, they all think there badass and they just suck.

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  8. #8
    All is One.One is All. Genres/games you just won't play. Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Like most other people on here...I hate racing and sport games.But I also hate the gory,horror,and zombie games.Like Resident Evil,I absolutely will not play that game..just because I see no point in it (no offense to anyone who likes that game ) and plus zombies freak me
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  9. #9
    Passing fair judgement Genres/games you just won't play. Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I'm with Firefly, I will never play any of the horror games. Unfortunately I'm easily scared and stuff jumping out at me doesn't help. I don't like all of the racing games, a few made it past my high bar of approval.
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  10. #10

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Those damn track and field games, I SWEAR I WILL NOT PLAY A TRACK AND FIELD GAME EVER!!!!!

  11. #11
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Genres/games you just won't play. nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Sports or Racing games ... they just piss me off chronically x'(
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  12. #12

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    Sports or Racing games ... they just piss me off chronically x'(
    Dude Madden would be a breath of fresh air compared to international track and field.

  13. #13

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I don't do war games, like Call of Duty. Just not for me.

    I normally don't play sports games, either, because I suck at them. I'll play Madden once in a great while and give an embarrassing performance.

    And if it counts as a genre, I don't do online gaming. At all. I just don't like it.

    Oh yeah, I forgot the Wii motion gimmick games as BlackBlade said. I mean, those kinds of games are only fun if you're having a nice little get-together/mini party with some close friends and/or family. And that doesn't happen to me very often at all.

  14. #14
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Genres/games you just won't play. nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by FF9isthebest
    Dude Madden would be a breath of fresh air compared to international track and field.
    I LOVE International Track and Field ... i was always amazing at all of the tasks, especially the triple jump, long jump and sprints, coz i've got fast finger action x~P
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  15. #15
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Pet sims, any minigame based game not made by Nintendo and most sport games.

    Pet sims I just find really boring (got conned into Nintendogs by someone saying I couldn't not like it, fail. Mario Party and Warioware are awesome, but most minigame compilations just seem stale or cheap (especially when no-one else is playing them) and I'm just not big on sports games though I will play a bit of Fifa and Madden with mates - kinda funny, I have fond memories of some ice hockey game on SNES, so I wasn't always raw with the genre.
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  16. #16

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    I LOVE International Track and Field ... i was always amazing at all of the tasks, especially the triple jump, long jump and sprints, coz i've got fast finger action x~P
    Ok well I just can't stand watching my friend play that crap... I hate games that do that whole rapid button press stuff. Its so annoying, it doesn't help that the game absolutely sucks.

    I really love all game genres, but a crappy game is a crappy game, and ITF was horrible.

  17. #17
    Just kind of there. Genres/games you just won't play. Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Mainly ports of TV game shows, And games based on children's television shows.
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  18. #18
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Genres/games you just won't play. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I cannot stand to play games like Call of Duty and Halo, for the simple reason that I suck at these type of games. I know I must be missing out, but it doesn't bother me.

    Also, the 'Pop Idol' game put me off games like 'Guitar Hero' anyway. I know you cannot stand bloody fake pop stars up against real music, but I'm not very good at those sorts of games either.

    Also, anything World of Warcraft. *shudders* It was introduced to my by an ex-boyfriend, and it got boring very quickly. The game also didn't last me vey long...
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  19. #19
    742617000027 Genres/games you just won't play. driftrunner's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
    I think we all have a certain genre of games or simply certain types of games that are not to our taste and we won't bother playing for a variety of reasons.

    I am not a big fan of shooters, fighting, racing, sports, or puzzle games. Online games are also out of the picture for me. I do enjoy shooters and I don't completely close my self to other types of games, but almost every day I'll pick an rpg/action game over one of those types I mentioned. I'm not all that good with shooters, but they are still fun. Even within rpgs there are people who won't play Jrpgs or Wrpgs, again, for varying reasons. I think I can enjoy a game regardless of genre, but it also depends on what game it is.

    What genres/games don't you like or won't you play? Why?
    Me got the same opinion!

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  20. #20

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I can't play any of the "Silent Hill" games. They just scare me way too much lol. I get too engrossed in them and the line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred and I end up scaring the hell out of myself lol!

    I don't like the "Guitar Hero" series as well. I play real guitar, so I find GH so boring.....
    Last edited by Cecil Harvey; 07-02-2011 at 02:51 PM.

  21. #21
    Registered User Genres/games you just won't play. Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Well, I'd rather play RPG's than shooters, racers and puzzles.
    I just don't like them, but that's my taste.

  22. #22
    Crash Boom Bang Genres/games you just won't play. Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    sports gam3es bore me, never could see the point of the management games either. ve never been so bored inmy life as i was watching an ex play those boring games

    Also puzzle games. ive not got the patience for figuring shit out. kiss me arse broken sword and Myst ):<

  23. #23
    Registered User Genres/games you just won't play. Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Games that I would /never/ play are horror games. Quite frankly, they scare me way too much. Just watching videos of them, or something on youtube, are enough to scare me. .-.

    I also won't play any shooter games, because well, I'm bad at them. And sports games.. I'm not a big fan of sports to begin with, so I wouldn't play them.

    Really, the only games I actually like are RPGs and racing games... I don't play much of any other kind of games.
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  24. #24

    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I tend to have an aversion to sports and to a lesser extent puzzle games. I'm not really sure why but neither of these genres really appeal to me. I suppose since i never really played much sport when i was a kid led to me losing interest in most sports (although i do have a soft spot for European Football/Soccer).
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  25. #25
    TFF's Resident Messenger Genres/games you just won't play. Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I used to hate playing Fighting, Racing, and Shooters. It would be all my brother would play. And I swore to myself to never play any Rhythm games. I always thought they were too overrated and overplayed by everyone.

    Then "WCG Ultimate Gamer" came on, and I really liked that show. I wanted to apply to be on it. So I got acclimated with Sports (I bought tennis and NCAA football games), Racing (I played my brother's racing games- Gran Turismo, Dirt, Need for Speed; and bought PGR 2), Fighting (Stake Fortune Fighters, King of Fighters, Virtua Fighter), and Rhythm (Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR) games.

    Now, I play them all. Just not as much as RPGs.
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    Registered User Genres/games you just won't play. Horhay's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Sport games. I never keep up with them, so figuring out what I'm supposed to do in them is impossible. The only sports I really watch on television are tennis, the Olympics, and a couple other ones here and there. I much prefer going to the actual matches and seeing them live with other people. The exception for sport games (for me) being stuff like Mario Sports and the like. Just fun little party games like that that are easy to get the hang of, and simple. I do enjoy racing and fighting games, though. Even though technically they can be considered sports (you know, because of NASCAR and Boxing and the like).

    I suck at Sim games, so I don't play them.

    I haven't really given Tactical games much of a chance. I've only seriously played Fire Emblem for the GBA (first tactical game I got into, and loved it), and have recently started playing Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (absolutely love this game as well). I should probably give them more of a chance, seeing how much I love these two games.

  27. #27
    Boxer of the Galaxy Genres/games you just won't play. Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I dont like sports games. There are the few exceptions like ridge racer and rage racer, but more from an RPG persepective. The money I earn from the races i can use to upgrade my cars. So I find it fun.

  28. #28
    Nobody Shaves Me Genres/games you just won't play. Gummy's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    I won't play sports games if I can help it. I've tried demos of them before and they were just a snore.

    Football games practically seem to play themselves. :|

  29. #29
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Genres/games you just won't play. Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    The Genre Of Games I Don't Really Like Playing Are The Music Type Games Where You Play An Instrument To Get Points...I Find It Pretty Boring To Be Quite Honest. To Me, If There Is No Action, No Pseudo Thrill, No Magic, No Storylines, Horrifying Graphics For The Time It Has Been Made, Then There Is No Point In Me Actually Wasting My Valuable Time Playing Such Games. I'm More Into RPG's, MMORPG's, Shooters, Driving Games(Related To Need For Speed Games) Action, Adventure, Strategy Type Games.
    These Games Also Must Have A Really Good Storyline Or Plot To Make Me Go Crazy For It.

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  30. #30
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Genres/games you just won't play. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Genres/games you just won't play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gummy View Post
    Football games practically seem to play themselves. :|
    Football, what Yanks like to call soccer, or that sport where they use their hands the most, the one where they pass an egg to each other, you know, what Yanks like to call football, which one?

    Not sure about American Football and Madden games as I never nor will play one, but Pro Evo and FIFA require your outmost attention during the match, lots of skill, and as with every sport game bit of luck, in other words, no, they don't play themselves, not even close.

    One more thing I constantly keep hearing from people who don't play sport games are how every game is same with diference being in graphics, only ignorant person can say something like that. Again, not familiar with Madden, but Pro Evo, FIFA, 2K games, change drasticaly with every new instalment, playing Pro Evo 10 and Pro Evo 11 is a completly diferent expirience, ball physics, AI behavior, passing, game modes, players themselves... improve with every instalment, only those who don't watch sports, play sport games won't notice what is to us an obvious difference.

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