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Thread: Games you're looking forward to in 2015

  1. #1

    Games you're looking forward to in 2015

    For me personally, the game I was most looking forward to in 2015 was Bloodborne. Now that I've finished it, I’ve been thinking about other upcoming games in the calendar that I’m still excited for.

    The big surprise for me is how excited I am about The Witcher 3. After spending a good three hours with the Assassins of Kings a couple of months back I’m hyped.

    Have you already decided on what your 2015 GOTY is? What are your top GOTY contenders for the year so far?

  2. #2
    The Quiet One Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Andromeda's Avatar
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    The next game I'm looking forward to is Heavensward the only other big game I'm waiting other than that is Tales of Zesteria. But best game so far is a toss up between Type-0 and Bloodborne. Both are amazing games in different ways. But it is still something that is open for grabs if something really interesting hits in the second half of the year.
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  3. #3
    I want to play a game. Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I feel I have a ways to go before I am ready for Heanvensward, so it may be a while before I can truly experience the expansion even after release. Tales of Zesteria is another game, I have enjoyed the games I have played in the series. Also looking forward to Persona 5, which hopefully should come out this year in the west.

    Two biggest games - Xenoblade Chronicles X and MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Xenoblade is in my top 5 all time and MGS is one of my favorite video game series. To see Big Boss go down the path that leads him to his state in Metal Gear, the new twists and turns, the overall story. Will it explain why Miller left Big Boss and called him a monster in Metal Gear 2 when interviews of MGS V the devs state that Miller is wanting revenge against Cypher just as much if not more the Big Boss. Will it show the relation between Big Boss and Grey Fox/Null/Frank Jaeger? These are just some of what I am hoping will be answered in The Phantom Pain.

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  4. #4
    Queen Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Crescent's Avatar
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    My most anticipated game of 2015 n my No1. contender for GOTY:

    I'm motivated n thirsty af #VergilIsSex #ingameplay

    June is all ahappenin for me gamewise. With Zelda delayed till next year, if Arkham Knight doesnt live up to my expectations (hah) my GOTY contenders will be -

    Ori and the Blind Forest (PC)
    Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PS4)
    Bloodborne (PS4)
    or Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain (PS4)

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I feel I have a ways to go before I am ready for Heanvensward, so it may be a while before I can truly experience the expansion even after release. Tales of Zesteria is another game, I have enjoyed the games I have played in the series. Also looking forward to Persona 5, which hopefully should come out this year in the west.
    I want P5 out this year, but since it is not even out in Japan yet, I'm playing a wait and see approach. I'm expecting to see it in 2016, I don't want to wait that long, but if it comes out sooner I'll be surprised and super excited. Its been too long since the last real Persona game.
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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I want P5 out this year, but since it is not even out in Japan yet, I'm playing a wait and see approach. I'm expecting to see it in 2016, I don't want to wait that long, but if it comes out sooner I'll be surprised and super excited. Its been too long since the last real Persona game.
    P5 was confirmed to be released simultaneously in both japan/US/EU regions this year -2015. More footage of the game including gameplay/scenario etc is to be released with persona DANCE ALL NIGHT coming out on the vita this july in japan. I can find the source if you really want, but you ought to trust me, im as excited for this game as you are.

  7. #7
    Certified tech, come at me! Games you're looking forward to in 2015 SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Lets see here... I'm looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles X. I am like, very hyped for that game and it looks more interesting than it's predecessor storyline wise, if Star Fox is coming out this year that too, Mighty No. 9, Mario Maker so far. I heard something about a rumor that Atlus' PR let slip about the localization of Legend of Legacy which could be, in reality, another game he meant to announce besides that. If it is confirmed for release and it's set to come out this year, Legend of Legacy is a 3DS game I have long been waiting for.
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  8. #8
    Queen Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Crescent's Avatar
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    The only other Nintendo title Im excited to play is Splatoon. The game has a lot of content, and looks to be the most refreshing shooter in years.

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Clint's Avatar
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    I'm looking forward to Metal Gear Solid V. I thought Ground Zeros was a step for visuals and gameplay. The story wasn't quite there, though. But if MGSV is anything like Peace Walker, I'll be very pleased. Despite it's obvious disadvantages, Peace Walker was by far the best game in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and given a new physics engine, and an upgrade visually, MGSV could very well be one of the best video game experiences of all time.

  10. #10
    Queen Games you're looking forward to in 2015 Crescent's Avatar
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    The game Ive been waiting for all year, Batman Arkham Knight comes out nxt week so that'll hopefully take my mind off of all this FFVII remake hype for a bit.

    Just a bit.

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