Final Fantasy VII
Resident Evil 5
What games are you currently trying to complete right now? the games that I intend to work on and beat are the following:
Illusion of Gaia (Beta)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Red Steel 2
and I'm going to work on Terranigma
Currently Playing:
Final Fantasy VII
Resident Evil 5
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
There are to many, main reason why I barely play my games...I just have to many to beat.
Other then replaying through my Final Fantasys I have some Castlevanais, Mega Man Zero collection. Legend of Dragoon is in dire need of playing. I am near the end of Chrono Cross....I need to finish that honestly. That's about the list I have of games to beat that I want to beat.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
My list is pretty random to be perfectly honest
Final Fantasy XIII
Dead Rising for about the 10th time
Toy Story 3 achieve all the achievements which i've almost done :')
If I get Castlevenia for xbox that'll be on the list as well haha
RE 5 Pro Difficulty
Tony Hawk Proving Ground
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010
Mass Effect 2 Insane Difficulty
Chrome Hounds
Spectral Forces
There are much more, I just can't think of them right now.
Of that which I own, my list consists of:
The Half Life games included in the Orange Box, Enchanted Arms (this isn't going to happen), Mirror's Edge, Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy 13 (I couldn't care less if I never beat this), Yakuza 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes.
I'm not including downloadable games. The list is just too overwhelming if I do that.
Edit: I forgot to include 9 tenths of my PSP games.
Last edited by Jin; 08-23-2010 at 06:51 PM.
Until now!
The immediate list I have is Resonance of Fate, Record of Agarest War and Last Rebellion. I'm almost finished with Resonance of Fate only got a chapter left to go. Unfortunately, Agarest is like a 100 hour RPG and I've only done like 2 hours. So it is going to be quite sometime before I finish that since I've haven't been playing fanatically like I used to. Last Rebellion is supposed to be short, so when I get a little time I'll probably knock through it pretty quickly.
I have to at least get through Resonance of Fate before Atelier Rorona comes out next month. So that I'm only down to three PS3 games to complete, Disgaea 3 being the other remaining one.
The actual list I have is significantly larger probably reaching something like 50 to 60, all RPGs.
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At the moment, my list is:
Final Fantasy XIII
Nier (get all the endings)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Children Of Mana
Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
I've nearly done Nier, but the rest are either nowhere near (like Star Ocean, Children Of Mana) or probably nearly done. I'm not really sure.
Although I will probably die or give up before I beat ALL the games in my collection that I haven't completed.
Oh... I think I have a few in my collection that I need to get around to completing:
Dragon Quest IX- I play it off and on, and I'm advancing in the story alright, but I just got to finish it up.
Heavy Rain- I only beat this once, and saw only one of the possible endings. I'm really curious to see how doing different things in the game will effect each character, and ultimately, I wanna see each ending possible. Though if I wanna do that, I know that I'll have to do some not-so-good things to the characters.
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box- I'm stuck on this ONE puzzle that you gotta get passed to advance the story, and I'm too stubborn to look up the solution.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days- Yeah, I'm STILL working on this game....kinda...I just don't have the desire to play this title very much.
Click at your own risk.:
I have two of them on my to beat list at the moment:
Chrono Chross
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Wanna Know More:
Hmm lets see i move around alot but for now Tales Of Vesperia, Fire Emblem radiant Dawn, Blue Dragon, Infamous and White Knight Chronicals
-Final Fantasy IX (perfect game with Excalibur II)
-Final Fantasy X (perfect game, just have Penance left)
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Nostalgia DS
-Star Wars: Force Unleashed
-Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
-Secret Agent Clank
-The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
-The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
And i might take a look at FFX-2,FFXII,FFII,FFIII,FFV and FFVI, FFVII:CC, also ZOE series, Chrono Trigger DS, Dragon Quest IX, Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap and few others![]()
Sorry guys, but I've been thinking, and this seems to be virtually the same thread to me as is this thread, which I have now stickied. There are some differences, but not enough, and there's too much of a chance for this thread to just be a "list" thread (which some people are treating it like anyway.) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom