--> Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/
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Thread: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

  1. #1
    is not a douche Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    my list:

    mass effect series
    persona series
    grand theft auto series


  2. #2
    Your Sweet Nightmare Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Crow Song's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Any form of first person view shoot em up! >.<

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  3. #3
    The Old Skool Warrior Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/


    Actually, I know a lot of people who can't stand those games - your issue with "everyone" loving them is likely that you're posting on a forum full of like-minded RPG fanatics!

    But I do love Persona as well, so... yeah. It's okay, I won't chastise you for it.

    Call of Duty - until they get their shit together and actually put together a new engine, this year's COD title will be yet another crapfest which utilizes the exact same engine as COD4:MW... which, for reference, is a six year old title now. The game may look better, but it sure as hell doesn't play better. Give me Battlefield 3 any day.

    World of Warcraft - my issue with this probably stems more from the players themselves than it does from the game; although, the game is on mega easy mode these days. Only challenge whatsoever is absolute endgame. Even the earlier raids and stuff are simple enough that kittens could complete them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Enchanted Arms had its fanbase for a while. Not sure what the hype was about it. The PS3 version apparently lacked what the XBox version had to offer. All I got out of it was bad dub, horrid stereotypical characters, no convincible story line and horrid side quests. The only thing I liked was the battle system which had its down fall was it was way to easy to manipulate.

    Blood shot condemed 2 was a pile of poopie. Nuff said even though there are a lot that still like it.
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  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    CoD for obvious reasons, its just a mindless mess.
    any sports game. thats just because I dont see the appeal.

  6. #6
    Consistently Average Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    I don't particularly like sports games from EA and such. Never really been much of a sports fan so I just don't see the appeal. Although i did like Mario Tennis on Gameboy when I was little. Fun times.

    There's bound to be more so i'll probably edit this thing later on when i'm not late for a Lecture.
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  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    I'll have me some Persona (Persona 3 Portable - weak, decent at best/ Persona 4 - 10 hours of my life I'll never get back) and add...

    certain Final Fantasy games such as Final Fantasy IV & VII, don't understand all the hype.
    certain Mario and Zelda games, I'm not really impressed by pretty much carbon copy of former games.

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  8. #8

    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Didn't we have a thread like this awhile ago? I swear we did, because I remember complaining about these same games.

    I'll admit, I've never played a Persona game. But after watching gameplay videos, it just looks so...... boring.

    Bioshock Series - As a Survival FPS it really doesn't do anything to shine over anything else. The graphics are good, not great, but good. It does have some cool scenery though. The first player shooter elements are alright, again nothing to wow me. The story had an interesting premise, but I lost sight of it when going through the game. The soundtrack was just about the only thing that was great.

    Dragon Age Series - I can't even describe what I don't like about this game. Possibly the fact that whatever you choose at the beginning of the game, it all becomes the same after a certain point. So it doesn't really make a difference. Some of the classes were very under powered, especially from early on in the first game (the only one I played). Story is lame, soundtrack is lame, graphics are again, alright.

    LA Noire - Holy crap this game is boring. Detective work, SWEET! Get to see all of these different cases, be a cop in the old days, possibly a thinking game. Except for every 5 missions is the same mission with different people. The questions are blatantly obvious on which to choose and there is no opportunity for fun. No running people over, no shooting people (not even suspects unless the game allows it). Come on at least let me be a bad cop when I want to. Game has an interesting premise, but it failed at following it.

    People already mentioned CoD for obvious reasons, but that is apart of my list as well.

  9. #9
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    I'll go ahead I second (or third, or fourth, or...) Call Of Duty. I can see why kids like it, but I seriously can't see what is so special about it. It's a shooting game, big whoop. We have had MUCH better shooters.

    I will also add Battlefield to the above list. The only first person shooters with the same theme I play are Halo and Brink (even though no one plays it anymore).

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Totally forgot to second Call of Duty, it was a great series up to the fourth game after which everything went downhill. Activision/Infinity Ward used to take their time to make a game, now, it's being released more often than our local newspaper.

    Another game I'm not really thrilled about, but everyone seems to love is Need for Speed: Most Wanted. If you ask me all the cars behave pretty much the same, and no matter how good you and your car are, even while using cheats your opponent/s will catch up to you due to a rather stupid rule you can't turn off called "catch up". I literally threw this game out when while having one lap advantage the car I was racing against flew across the map just to catch me, that bastard ****ing won at the end.

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  11. #11
    Certified tech, come at me! Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Games I can't stand that people seem to like:

    -Bioshock, I tried this game out and it was ok, I didn't see anything amazing about it.

    I'm not even going to list cod because that one goes without saying

    - Mega Man X5-X8 the storylines were ok, but the controls were just terrible after X4. The snes titled aged MUCH better in my opinion.

    - Angry Birds. Seriously, whats with all the love? its just a simple puzzle game where you try to crush all the animals and it didn't really look all that fun. I've played better puzzle games.

    - Sim City 2k, 3k, and later. I didn't really care for the fancy shmancy newer ones, there were too many things to do and navigating the menu and knowing what to build was just very complex. I only liked the original one for the SNES, it kept things simple and building an enjoyable process.

    - Startropics no offense to those who like the game, but I didn't really enjoy it that much. The controls were terrible, storyline was decent at least (to be fair), but not enough to keep me playing, and it just felt like a zelda clone.
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  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Never been a fan of GTA. I've given at least a couple of the games a try, too, because other people owned them. I didn't see the point.

    Also not a huge fan of Halo or Call of Duty or most first person shooters that don't have some element of RPG in them (enjoyed Bioshock and the 3rd person Fallout games.)

    Also also, didn't care for FF13, Grandia, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time... lots of JRPG's. They all use the same anime tropes. Japan needs to learn how to do something new with their RPG's (although Grandia is older. I just didn't get why I should care about what was happening.)

    Also, I think there was a thread about games you thought you would like, but then you didn't. Similar, but different enough, I think. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Also, lists make me want to punch. Don't just list games, say what you didn't like about them. Lists are spammy.

  13. #13
    Elementalist Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    First person shooters. I do not like many of them. I enjoyed the Fallout series, since it was Bethesda, but all others are basically the same. I'll take a sword made out of a car bumper any day of the week.

    Sonic the Hedgehog. The game of speed that wants you to go as fast as possible. But wait, there is hidden stuff in each zone?! I thought the whole point was to finish the game in under 5 minutes.
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  14. #14
    Queen Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    That same recycled mindless "Bang! Bang! Get some Get some!" shit Call Of Duty.
    All those Sports games. Srsly wtf. Go out and play the real thing.
    Tekken. Actually most fighting games because their mindless to me. Marvel Vs Capcom, even my beloved Street Fighter, Dead or Alive etc etc
    Mass Effect. Im just put off by the hype surrounding it which could be said the same for my AMAZING FFVII. Hmph.
    Uncharted and Fallout series. Haven't played em and I don't intend to for the rest of my life.

  15. #15
    is not a douche Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Quote Originally Posted by IcyJJ View Post
    First person shooters. I do not like many of them. I enjoyed the Fallout series, since it was Bethesda, but all others are basically the same. I'll take a sword made out of a car bumper any day of the week.

    Sonic the Hedgehog. The game of speed that wants you to go as fast as possible. But wait, there is hidden stuff in each zone?! I thought the whole point was to finish the game in under 5 minutes.
    Yeah, not a fan of 1st person shooters, but I really like 3rd person shooters.

    Open world like GTA is plain confusing which is partially why I dislike it. Oh, so I can just run around gangbanging and beating up random people? Um, okay. Open world like Zelda is plain good fun. Why can't they make'em like that anymore?

    This generation of games is not as good as when the N64 or original Playstation was at its peak.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post

    EDIT: Also, lists make me want to punch. Don't just list games, say what you didn't like about them. Lists are spammy.

    in yo face

  16. #16

    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Might get a little flamed for this, but

    I have no interest what so ever for Resident Evil
    Now I've only played the original. 4 on the Wii and 360 and 5.
    My biggest complaint is the complicated controls. They were purposely made hard to give you a sense of fear and difficulty. There are definitely better ways to create difficulty and fear rather than making the game hard to play. That or they are just using an archaic system for controller schemes. Not that its extremely hard to pick up and learn how to use it, its just rather annoying.

    4 and 5's story lack any kind of interest to me at all. Its not anything I remember from the originals story line. Which was what intrigued me about Resident Evil. The original had such a compelling story line, it just left me wanting more. Much later in the series I don't have the slightest feeling of that at all.

  17. #17
    Ellipsis Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Any shoot-em-ups. It's pretty absurd to buy a game that seems to not have changed much. For example, CoD. From what I've seen, it hasn't really changed much, yet people are so hyped about it?

    Grand Theft Auto series. I swear, from the first one to the latest, it appears that you can do almost the same things. Sure, running over people and stuff seems pretty fun, but just being able to do the same things every new game is kinda lame.

    Most sport games. They're just simulations of a game, right? I say you have the TV remote; use it properly. (Games like Wii Sports and such are good ones, though)

    I'm quite a bit short, so I'll come back to add more to this list when I think of some.
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  18. #18
    Registered BRUISER Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Seems like everyone's on the same page with plenty of games. Must be a trend for RPG fans or something.

    CoD - All my friends play it, all my friends love it, I don't get it. The gun choices make a very small difference and strategy doesn't run much deeper than hiding until the right moment. It's a shooter that's been stripped down to "who ever pulls the trigger first wins," and somehow they get away with rehashing it year after year and people eat it up. I much prefer Halo where you really have to think about your weapons and plan of attack, but at this point everyone else forgot Halo exists.

    Sports games - Boring.

    Zelda - This is my most controversial one. I find Zelda to be sooo uneventful and boring. The combat is stale and weak and the puzzles are arduous. I've given all the best Zelda games a shot and they've all bored me to tears within a few hours.

    Metroid - Not the NES/SNES titles, the 3d ones. Felt like Zelda in FPS form. Total lack of enemies and combat, way too many ****ty puzzles.

    I'd also like to add that whenever I try to play a JRPG I'm interested for about half the game and then never finish it (except for FF titles I've already played in the past). That accounts for every JRPG I've played in about the last 4 years. That includes Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Symphony, all the SMT titles on the DS, FF III&V and probably a few more I've forgotten. They're all 50%-90% complete and I have no interest in seeing how any of them end.

  19. #19
    the night man cometh Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Wow yes, I agree with almost every opinion here.

    Can't get into any of those war FPS like COD or MW types.

    Sports games... go play outside.

    Megaman X5-8 I'm about the biggest Megaman fan out there but Idk what they were doing when the came up with the controls for those sequels.

    WoW I had my friend show my why he still plays the game after 10 yrs or however long and gaining some points to buy some w/e armor? 10 yrs wow, WoW.

    Star Tropics, lol, I used to love this game when i was a kid. went back to play it on an emulator 2 months ago.. horrible controls, repeat rooms, me no likey.

  20. #20
    Professional Klutz. Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Holy brown bananas, Batman. I like all but 2 of the games on this page, those 2 being Metroid and Need for Speed.

    Metroid: I've literally never played anything so boring. Metroid primed colours, story, controls and characters made me want to... Well... Not play it. Shocking game. I actually have no idea what people see in it.

    Need for Speed: I just don't understand the appeal of any, and all driving games. I like the games I play to have a point. I like to be a person, or team, that I can really get behind. Mindlessly driving round a track doesn't do it for me. After you've won a race or two the point of the game has been and gone.

    I also hate, and people will think I'm weird, the whole of the Half Life series. I've heard the story is great but its so slow in progressing that I never get that far. In my oppinion its the same thing over and over. Just bores me to tears. I especially hate the mechanics and enemies.

    Portal. Wtf is the hype about? I was bored shitless the entire way through the first one. The second I didn't even buy. If I want a puzzle game then ill get on with a destination, and substantial plot. This thing took hours from me that ill never get back. Friends told me it gets better further in. What? It gets the same. So this time I have to... Shoot... The ceiling AND the floor. F*cking plot twist to die for, that.

    There are more... I'll be back.

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  21. #21
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    Portal. Wtf is the hype about? I was bored shitless the entire way through the first one. The second I didn't even buy. If I want a puzzle game then ill get on with a destination, and substantial plot. This thing took hours from me that ill never get back. Friends told me it gets better further in. What? It gets the same. So this time I have to... Shoot... The ceiling AND the floor. F*cking plot twist to die for, that.

    ... One does not simply dislike Portal

    I swear you're the first one I saw who dislikes Portal. I like it's puzzles, great humor and several great twists to it, but above all, Glados. Also, it takes two hours to beat this game so I don't really think it took that much time from you.

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  22. #22
    Boxer of the Galaxy Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    ... One does not simply dislike Portal
    Yeah.. I mean its the on ly game, THE ONLY GAME that ben croshaw didnt have one bad thing to say in his reviews. I thought it was fantastic, both portal 1 and 2.

  23. #23
    Professional Klutz. Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    ... One does not simply dislike Portal

    I swear you're the first one I saw who dislikes Portal. I like it's puzzles, great humor and several great twists to it, but above all, Glados. Also, it takes two hours to beat this game so I don't really think it took that much time from you.
    I can think of at least one that does. This game may have taken you a few hours but you think its funny and the puzzles are great... I thought it was bland and the puzzles sucked. Oooooh, the greatness of opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Yeah.. I mean its the on ly game, THE ONLY GAME that ben croshaw didnt have one bad thing to say in his reviews. I thought it was fantastic, both portal 1 and 2.
    Oh, Ben Croshaw... My main man. Who's that? I don't care what he said. I made up my own mind.

    Thought my hatred of this would turn some heads. The only intriguing thing for me was Steven Merchant. I love him.

    I'm not a fan of Ghost Recon, either. It seems clunky every time I play. Granted I have yet to pick up the new one. The single player missions are kinda stale. The one redeeming feature is the multiplayer.

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  24. #24
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Well, I have a few types of games that I dislike and simply don't play. FPS games because I pretty much suck at them. Sports games because I find real sports boring anyway. (I do like racing games though; mainly the ones where you can ram other people off the road/blow them up, lol.) Survival horror, I don't really like horror in general, so obviously I won't much like the game versions either.

    I don't have any specific series to list because I simply don't play what doesn't interest me.
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    Registered User Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ GlimmerMan's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    Minecraft- I just don't see the the fun in it.

    Dead Space- I cant stand Resident Evil type games or movies

    BioShock- No real reason...actually I might try it
    Last edited by GlimmerMan; 08-02-2012 at 11:37 PM.
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  26. #26
    Registered User Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Jinkasima's Avatar
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    Re: Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/

    HALO without a doubt, i can't stand it not so much the game its the fans who insist its the best game/series ever, i'm a pretty open minded guy when it come to games i play most genres and i do enjoy fps's no as much as most 10yo's on COD but still, wtf is it with Halo, its unoriginal, nothing in it is ground breaking graphics or gameplay wise, multiplayer is awful the story in the games are completely generic and empty, i just don't understand why its so highly rated
    Burn in my Light!

  27. #27
    Personally, at the top of the list for me... Minecraft.

    I can't stand it.

    I also enjoy fighting games, but I can't stand fighting games that are simply built off being flashy.

    Marvel is so broken it's surprising. So is Smash Bros.

    Playing games for fun is one thing, but the fact that tournaments exist for Smash/Marvel games makes me facepalm hard.

  28. #28
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    Uncharted and Fallout series. Haven't played em and I don't intend to for the rest of my life.
    Uncharted is Tomb Raider done better, well at least compared to the new TR games but I think TR focuses more on puzzles where as Uncharted is more about killing people and jumping over big gaps. For the most part its fairly standard but its enjoyable. In saying that it would be nice to see them return to making stuff like Crash and J&D.

    Fallout 3 I completely agree with and have watched people become addicted to it but never saw the appeal. I got the GotY edition cheap and did a few missions but just lost interest and it doesn't play that well on the PS3. I don't mind open world games that much but I don't see why they are regarded as the best thing ever and how evil being linear is. Red Dead Redemption being the exceptions but I have been reluctant to play it, did a bit online but I ended up playing other games so I need to go back to it.

    As for CoD and similar games the way I see them is that they're action movies you can take part in so it attracts a lot of being who want big hollywood type action in their games. I enjoyed Quake II and Duke Nukem years ago but they feel completely different. The only one I have is Battlefield 3 and didn't mind it too much but the campaign sucks, my internet is still in the stone age and they had all the premium crap.

  29. #29
    Registered User Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Squall's Avatar
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    Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, Mass Effect, and Final Fantasy 9 if we're talking from that series. None of them had much long-term play value to me and I was never able to get hooked onto them like friends of mine were able to.

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  30. #30
    Ayyye Games you can't stand that everybody else seems to love :/ Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Skyrim, but pretty much any current gen game. MMOs as well. I hatehatehatehate

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