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Thread: games you are ashamed to have played.

  1. #31
    Controlling With Fear games you are ashamed to have played. Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I've played two Rugrats games. Studio Tour and Totally Angelica. I thought the Studio Tour was fun, but it gave me a headache after a while, especially on the golf mini games and in this other place with grassy platforms and waterfalls.
    I remember playing the Rugrats: Studio Tour. There was a very very annoying voice during the golf mini game, i think it kept saying "psych" every time you missed one. I almost went insane hearing that.

  2. #32
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unlucky Rufus
    I remember playing the Rugrats: Studio Tour. There was a very very annoying voice during the golf mini game, i think it kept saying "psych" every time you missed one. I almost went insane hearing that.
    Oh jeese, yeah. That's what annoyed me to the point of a headache. ><

    I'm also ashamed to say I played Lost on PS3. Like with Charlie's Angels, that went back to the store the next day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  3. #33
    HRH Albha games you are ashamed to have played. Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    I do recall once playing 'Disney: Sing it' expecting to be treated to the magical music of 'The Lion King'.

    No. Alas.

    Also, although I probably should be ashamed to admit it, I got a top score on 'Best of Both Worlds' by Hannah Montana. I guess she just sounds male.

    I knew all of the words too >.>

  4. #34

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Ashamed of:
    -Suikoden IV ( I just did not get into that game, giant talking anthropomorphic cat urgg)
    -Atelier Iris II ( game was ok,voice acting not so much in some parts)
    -SoulCalibur legend( got caught in the hype bad call bad call)
    -Evolution World( I felt I was too old, probably cause of the va)

    I wasn't use to VA before so games kinda embarassed me when people would comeover and the characters would say in high pitched voices their attacks
    Now I just don't care

  5. #35
    Controlling With Fear games you are ashamed to have played. Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBlade View Post
    Ashamed of:

    -SoulCalibur legend( got caught in the hype bad call bad call)
    yeah, i pulled a stupid on that one too. The overused subtitle "legend" should have been enough to tip me off.

  6. #36

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Ive played Rugrats: Treasure Hunt on Nintendo 64, and i get constantly bored of the background music and the character voices.

  7. #37
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by CloudvsLightning View Post
    . . . but I guess that is what happens when you let your parents buy video games for you for Christmas.
    That's how I came to own most of my PSOne/PS2 games, but nary a dud in sight. I suppose it helps that my mom knew better than to pick a random game off the shelf, she had me write down a few titles I knew I wanted (and what system it was for) and she'd buy only what was on the list. I stopped getting random gifts at a fairly young age. Probably because I recognized her handwriting on the presents and figured out that particular secret pretty early.

    I can't say I'm really ashamed of any game I've played, but I was rather disappointed with ScribbleNauts for the DS. It wasn't nearly as fun as the hype made it out to be, imo. It's currently sitting on my proverbial trade-in shelf.

    Also, Armored Core 4 for the PS3. I picked it up mainly because one of my best friends loves this series. Unfortunately, this particular installment of it isn't all that good. I had a lot of trouble understanding how the actual mech building aspect worked. The difficulty was pretty inconsistent too, I think. Never finished it, traded it in some time ago.

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  8. #38
    Registered User games you are ashamed to have played. CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    First off I like the surprise of getting random gifts for Christmas/birthday (unless it is something I really want. Next we didn't exacty ask for the game and we tried playing it but it was just such a let down. I mean every year we write Christmas lists because some of my family are so hard to buy for and my parents just sort of bought it. Most of the time if we want a game we just write it down as you said but you know it wasn't a game we actually wanted. So . . . yeah.

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  9. #39
    Registered User games you are ashamed to have played. Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Haha. I played Barbie on PS2 once.

    All the series of Bratz that is available on PS2 and.. Totally Spies.

    I really did an effort to finished those games even though they're a bit kid-ish and nonsense really.

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  10. #40
    Badass Military Agent games you are ashamed to have played. Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Resonance of Fate for the Xbox 360....

    The game started off so well, guns blazin, rude people talking, no mercy shown, people dying, people liking other people dying... then it happened..

    The game got way too soft in a matter of a few cutscenes... I cried at the fact that I actually finished the game. I love the battle system/gameplay, story was ok, but the 2 out of 3 characters ruined it for me.... Even thinking about it now makes me a sad panda....

    I really had hopes for that game too

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  11. #41

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Okay, I have another one, and I know that all of you are going to gang up on me, but that's why I have the flame shield.

    Final fantasy 10

    Now, I'll admit, even though I had a problem with the whole anime style the series was going with after 7, I stuck with it thinking it was just an experiment. but I was dead wrong when I picked up 10. now, the combat is really damn good, even though I can't get around Wakka and Lulu's weapons (other than her cannons) for their sheer idiocy, but the story, good lord it is awful and absolutely stupid. Tidus is an annoying little bastard child that deserves much worse than what he got in the end, Yuna is almost as stupid as the entire cast of Jersey Shore, and let us not forget Rikku, the underage sex symbol for the game. probably my biggest complaint is the alleged romance between the two leads which is just about as convincing as twilight, and just as horrendous. the character design is the most ridiculous, over-elaborate set up until ff12 (that one's up here too), and not a single person can figure out for the first half of the game that Seymour's evil...Now, I want to take you back into the time that you first started playing the game and for the first time, yo saw Seymour with his moronically revealing clothes, and his hair which breaks the laws of physics and cosmetics. what did you say, when he stepped into the camera shot? I'll tell you what I said. "That's the bad guy. They're not even going to hide it. Not even give any moral ambiguity or anything. he's just evil." And I effing called it.

  12. #42
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    Okay, I have another one, and I know that all of you are going to gang up on me, but that's why I have the flame shield.

    Final fantasy 10

    Now, I'll admit, even though I had a problem with the whole anime style the series was going with after 7, I stuck with it thinking it was just an experiment. but I was dead wrong when I picked up 10. now, the combat is really damn good, even though I can't get around Wakka and Lulu's weapons (other than her cannons) for their sheer idiocy, but the story, good lord it is awful and absolutely stupid. Tidus is an annoying little bastard child that deserves much worse than what he got in the end, Yuna is almost as stupid as the entire cast of Jersey Shore, and let us not forget Rikku, the underage sex symbol for the game. probably my biggest complaint is the alleged romance between the two leads which is just about as convincing as twilight, and just as horrendous. the character design is the most ridiculous, over-elaborate set up until ff12 (that one's up here too), and not a single person can figure out for the first half of the game that Seymour's evil...Now, I want to take you back into the time that you first started playing the game and for the first time, yo saw Seymour with his moronically revealing clothes, and his hair which breaks the laws of physics and cosmetics. what did you say, when he stepped into the camera shot? I'll tell you what I said. "That's the bad guy. They're not even going to hide it. Not even give any moral ambiguity or anything. he's just evil." And I effing called it.
    I applaud you for this post, good chap. I could not agree with you more. Though Polk might have some things to say on the matter, I dare say.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  13. #43
    Registered User games you are ashamed to have played. jcsimpson's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Mario is missing...and I liked it.
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  14. #44
    games you are ashamed to have played. Dark One's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Runescape lmao what crap

  15. #45
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    K seriously guys, the one-liners need to stop. I know I haven't said anything directly in thread yet, but now I am. Add more to your posts, or else... DOOM. Or warnings. Either way. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  16. #46
    Consistently Average games you are ashamed to have played. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    My friend once cornered me into playing Runscape, seriously it didn't help my general dislike of online games of that type. He then made me watch him cut logs for 45 minutes to get his woodcutting skill up (on the game that is).

    When my cousins visited about 5 years ago the youngest had this Barbie GBA game. intense bordem rusulted in me giving it a try. Talk about simple,the first "boss" battle consisted of the bad guy walking across the floor while you jumped on a chandelier to make it fall on him (this is the sort of complexity that modern games are missing >.>)

    EDIT: i forgot to add Call of Duty World at War um... Final Fronts. The biggest waste of (NZ)$70. The graffics are dissapionting, the soldiers have lumps for hands with an index sticking out for the trigger. theur mouths dont even move when they talk. this game came out in 2009 by the way. Another reason for it being here is its length, or lack of it.
    Last edited by Kurt Zisa; 02-03-2011 at 08:22 PM.

  17. #47
    Dark Knight games you are ashamed to have played. Dark-Knight Luna's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Final Fantasy X-2
    I love FFX.

  18. #48
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! games you are ashamed to have played. Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    I've played pleny of bad games.... and even enjoyed most of them. That's just how I am. However, one game I played and hated and pretended like I never wasted my money on was "Orphen."

    (I even tried watching the anime show. I'm still struggling to get through it)

    I highly "don't" recomend this game to anyone! I can't even begin to tell you the plot because I gave up and re-sold it the very next day.


    I loved Final Fantasy X. However, I did find Tidus to be very annoying and eventually stopped using him in the party outright from just before I got to the Calm Lands. As for the story, I enjoyed it. Furthermore, I would like to agree with your sentiments on Seymour.
    Last edited by Selquist; 02-03-2011 at 06:12 PM.
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  19. #49

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    I've played pleny of bad games.... and even enjoyed most of them. That's just how I am. However, one game I played and hated and pretended like I never wasted my money on was "Orphen."

    (I even tried watching the anime show. I'm still struggling to get through it)

    I highly "don't" recomend this game to anyone! I can't even begin to tell you the plot because I gave up and re-sold it the very next day.


    I loved Final Fantasy X. However, I did find Tidus to be very annoying and eventually stopped using him in the party outright from just before I got to the Calm Lands. As for the story, I enjoyed it. Furthermore, I would like to agree with your sentiments on Seymour.
    That was just the abridged version. I could write an encyclopedia on why I despise that game.

  20. #50

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    I'm not following this conversation...

    The Godfather II, the first one was good (provided you like the movie), the second game is just awful...but yet I have no traded it in. and I did play it start to finish within a week.

    There are just so many things wrong with the game. The story is a swiss cheese slice of plot holes(its nothing like th movie), the game pretty much plays itself sence you START OFF AS the don, your 'guys' just take care of everything if you program them right. the game play is pretty repetative. Alot of the weapons dont make any sence...what does a mobster need with a sniper rifle?
    The game overall just feels kindof...incomplete. The look and feel of the overall game is nothing liek the godfather films and more like the kindof movies I pass over while channel surfing.

    The nakid boobies EVERYWHERE are interesting I guess.

  21. #51
    Registered User games you are ashamed to have played. HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Final Fantasy X-2 blew so much it's not even funny.

    I remember when it first came out I was like, "cool, a sequel to FFX, that might not suck." Then I found out that Yuna was the main character. "Well, I'll still give it a try." Then I found out that all the characters have been made into "Bad girl, spunky girl ect girl" stereotypes. "WHY SQUARE WHY!"

    Sorry guys, needed to vent.
    X-2 had potential to be moderatly not suckish. The whole looking for Tidus, could've been cool but y'know I'm simply not sold on the game.

  22. #52
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! games you are ashamed to have played. Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    I remember when it first came out I was like, "cool, a sequel to FFX, that might not suck." Then I found out that Yuna was the main character. "Well, I'll still give it a try." Then I found out that all the characters have been made into "Bad girl, spunky girl ect girl" stereotypes. "WHY SQUARE WHY!"
    That is the main reason why I didn't play the game. I borrowed it from a friend and tried it, but that was as far as I got. I didn't like that some of the weakest characters became the main characters and it was mostly about sex appeal. I also didn't much care for the battle system. I don't like the idea of a costume change giving you different abilities. It seems too unrealistic even for a FF game.
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  23. #53
    Boxer of the Galaxy games you are ashamed to have played. Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Einherjan View Post
    Persona 4
    why is that? thats in my top 10 games ive ever played.

  24. #54
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Starfighter View Post
    why is that? thats in my top 10 games ive ever played.
    You realize that person posted that in '09, has 17 posts, and probably isn't here anymore to answer your question, right? Also, if you post again, make sure to list some games you're ashamed of playing, and not just respond to me, or else you might be destroyed. I am this forum's mod, after all. (Seriously though.)

    I am not really ashamed to have played any games. Some people might be ashamed of the cutesy things I've liked in the past, like Animal Crossing or Pokemon, but fuck 'em, I don't care. Although I guess Shadow the Hedgehog was kinda a stupid purchase, given that I bought it well after it was originally released, and had enough opportunity to hear what people who had played it had thought of it. It was incredibly unremarkable. I only played it for a little while the day I got it, then never turned it on again. Even so, this was enough time to get through about 5 of the 8 levels required to beat the game. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  25. #55
    Dark Knight games you are ashamed to have played. Dark-Knight Luna's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    10-2, Sims, 8, 12, 13, 14, soon to be 13-2, Sims, and several hentai games.
    EDIT: Oh, and Force Unleashed.

  26. #56
    I want to play a game. games you are ashamed to have played. Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Phantasy Star Universe.

    My friend bought the game and said for me to as well - he's really into MMOs trying to get me to join WoW or some new MMO - I did which in retrospect is probably my worst purchase in the video game department. I only played the online portion which was bare, very bare in the beginning and we both left it. One day I may play the offline adventure which then would lead me to the two PSP Phantasy Star games being those two continue the story in PSU. So in the end, whenever I get around to the game, its purchase may not be so bad.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  27. #57

    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    More fuel to the fire: Bayonetta (I'm sure some people are going to jump down my throat for this)

    Let me start off by saying I ****ing hate objectification in video games. actually not just the games, but the booth babes, cosplayers paid to dress up and spokeswomen on G4 and gametrailers. I could kind of understand it in the early days when the medium was just taking it's first steps, but now, it's effin' humiliating when I try to show people the artistic and narrative value of games when all of a sudden, they pull up a screen shot of Soul calibur with a 90% nude Ivy wrapping her legs around Cassandra's neck for a grapple that would make my ex wrestling teacher cringe (He was a luchador. I know, a Luchador in Canada, ****in A). and this game made me cringe every time The titular character's clothing flew off for an attack. and don't even get me started on her design. It's like the designer was drawing concept art for her legs and just didn't stop. Her legs are 3 times the size of her torso! And let us not forget the cutscenes where you can't go five seconds without a shot of her ass, or her giving "provocative poses" ooohhh, what am I, 12?

    Seriously, this shit needs to stop, Bayonetta may not have started it, but she should have finished it. If Video games are going to be truly accepted as an art form, this kinda stuff needs to go.

  28. #58
    Mojo Jojo games you are ashamed to have played. Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    UP for xbox 360.

    I got it for christmas last year and, during a bored night, thought 'why not?'

    It's badly done in every way. The bad guys, the multiplayer... Even the storyline makes a mockery of the film. It's just a shambles of a game... Still 100% completion and for that I'm very ashamed.

  29. #59
    Registered User games you are ashamed to have played.
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Street Fighter the Movie on PS1, possibly even worse than the movie itself, it tried to copy the graphical style of Mortal Kombat but just liked horrible, and overall the controls were sluggish.

  30. #60
    Bananarama games you are ashamed to have played. Pete's Avatar
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    Re: games you are ashamed to have played.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    I've played pleny of bad games.... and even enjoyed most of them. That's just how I am. However, one game I played and hated and pretended like I never wasted my money on was "Orphen."
    Orphen was terrible! I bought it when the PS2 was launched, and I regretted it completely. I had no idea that it was an anime to begin with, so I was lost on a good deal of the extra plot and ensuing story of the game. Plus, the gameplay itself was very laborious and tedious and felt more like a chore than fun.

    I also proudly owned Shaq Fu at one point.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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