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Thread: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

  1. #1
    The Brave Games that irritates you because of long loading time.
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    Post Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Hello. As you might know, there are games that literally takes forever to load and in this thread, you can reveal the games that you absolutely hate because of long loading times. As for me, Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex for the PS2 is really awful because of the loading screen.

  2. #2

    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    That game fustraited me so much, Another game that annoyed me when I was younger was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets especially cause I was a stupid child back then I didn't fully understand how to distract people. I get fustraited by Dead Rising these days it's those damn female zombies and where they aim for.

  3. #3
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Games that irritates you because of long loading time. ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    The worst one ever has to be WWF Smackdown 2 for PS1. That game not only took ages to load, but it did before every scene and match too in career mode. So to skip to your match, which was most likely the 8th match out of 8, you had to skip ALL THE WAY from match 1, past every scene and get to your match. It was hell, so I just used cheats to get all the extras. I never played career mode because of that.

  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Anybody who has played Mass Effect 2 would know that this game is KING at frustrating gamers with long load times. Insanity is really a test to see how sane you can be before you have to go back to the reload screen for the 328794639876th time.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Left 4 Dead 2 took a pretty long time to load. It kinda pissed me of, and gave me more incentive to kill zombies.

    UFC Undisputed 2010 takes ages to load. So I downloaded it to my hardrive. It still takes a while to load, but it takes half the time it used to so I can't complain to much.

    Most fighting games take a while. Tekken 6, Virtua Fighters 5, Soul Calibur 4, and Street Fighters. By the time I actually get into a fight I am insanely pissed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Anybody who has played Mass Effect 2 would know that this game is KING at frustrating gamers with long load times.
    QFT. I am pretty sure that I spent more time waiting at then loading screen, than I actually didn playing the damn game.

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Never noticed Mass Effect 2's loading to be as bad as Dragon Age on my computer. I have the right specs for it, game just takes forever to load still. 10 minutes each passing of the world map or into a new dungeon area.
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  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Almost every game on my old crappy PC, but seriously, the only game I can think of right now is Quake 4, that game had some serious issues with loading time, and maybe Doom 3, but not serious as Quake.

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  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisbet View Post
    As for me, Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex for the PS2 is really awful because of the loading screen.
    Me too. Along with one of the PS2 Spyro games (Return of the Dragonfly, I think) I traded it in bacause I got so tired of the loading time.

    However I remember when I had games on tape! You started the tape, typed a command (*CHAIN "[whatever the game name was, no more than 8 characters]" I think it was), waited 10 minutes, then you got the start screen. You then had to wait another 5-10 minutes to get past all this, and sometimes it would crash anyway... -_-

    The3 loading times on floppy discs (literally!) foir the same system had load times of 10 seconds or so. Less than Wrath of Cortex, which was a good 18 years later, even! That's what I didn't understand.
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  9. #9
    Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Anybody who has played Mass Effect 2 would know that this game is KING at frustrating gamers with long load times. Insanity is really a test to see how sane you can be before you have to go back to the reload screen for the 328794639876th time.
    I never really found them to be that bad. Frequent, but never that long.

    Anyways, I think the king of load times is either Legacy of Kain or the Xbox version of Morrowind. Both render the games nearly unplayable.

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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Heavy Rain took a little too long. There's only so much entertainment gathered by watching a giant head move around on your TV.

    When you go into a battle in Yakuza and Yakuza 2, the screen goes black and introduces the fight for a little longer than necessary. Just running around in that game can be painful enough without that as well.

    Honestly though, loading times don't bother me too much. They would annoy me if I was playing for hours and hours on end though.

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  11. #11
    .............. Games that irritates you because of long loading time. smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    The Last Remnant was almost rendered unplayable by the frequency and length of the loading screens.

    On the PS2 2 series are conspicuous for their loading times in my head. The Timesplitters games loading an arcade map(2 minutes) and GTA III GTA: Vice City when moving between islands.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    I was just thinking about that Crash game when i read the name of the post
    Dude that's a long loading time..

  13. #13
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    I will have to agree about Heavy Rain.... That is a fantastic game, however, the load screens are not... Also, there were a few instances when Jayden's face would freeze while it was looking directly at me... That kind of creeped me out just a bit.

    Also, Okami seemed to have an excess of load screens that got irksome after a while, but once I figured out the demon fangs trick, it became much more bearable. :3

    I consider myself fortunate that I haven't had to deal with a lot of games with long loading screens. I hope to keep it that way.
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  14. #14
    Never getting back together... Games that irritates you because of long loading time. JillXWesker's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Heavy Rain took a little too long. There's only so much entertainment gathered by watching a giant head move around on your TV.

    When you go into a battle in Yakuza and Yakuza 2, the screen goes black and introduces the fight for a little longer than necessary. Just running around in that game can be painful enough without that as well.

    Honestly though, loading times don't bother me too much. They would annoy me if I was playing for hours and hours on end though.

    But I love watching Ethan, madison, Norman jayden, and Scott Shelbys heads move around =D
    Yeah, Heavy Rain loading screens were really long.
    Also, someone already posted this, but GTA: vice city loading screens pissed me off ><! Also, the old RE games =) The door opening sceens? Yep. I thought those were pretty long. Also, God Of War would randomly have to load for awhile. That Irritated the hell out of me. Thats all! I swear!

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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    I was playing GTA IV a few hours ago, and I noticed how long the start-up screen takes to load. I sat there for like 8 minutes waiting on the damn game to start up. Now that I think about it most GTA games are this way. I guess because of how big the cities, and shit are.

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  16. #16
    Certified tech, come at me! Games that irritates you because of long loading time. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 takes awhile to load up *sigh*. The old tony hawk's (1 and 2) take awhile to load on the playstation as well, Dirge of Cerberus was pretty annoying with load times, Gran Turismo was, and I don't remember anything else that had long load times.
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  17. #17
    Crash Boom Bang Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    I am stupidly impatient, I only need to see the screen and I'm sighing in discontent. I'd be inclined to say any game with a loading screen has pissed me off at some point. I recall the Sims winding me up alot...

    Waiting for games just to get to the menu screen when you fire them up pecks my head as well

    On another note, I shouldn't complain seeing as back in the day you used to have to wait 45 minutes for the tape to play through just to play a game of pacman or paperboy, now that was horrid loading times ]:

  18. #18

    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Spyro (enter the dragonfly i think.)
    The loading was insanity, without an exhaggeration it took two minutes to load, EVERY time you switched maps. That was the reason I only made it past the first two levels, it nearly drove me to insanity.
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  19. #19
    The Brave Games that irritates you because of long loading time.
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    Arrow Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBawb View Post
    Spyro (enter the dragonfly i think.)
    The loading was insanity, without an exhaggeration it took two minutes to load, EVERY time you switched maps. That was the reason I only made it past the first two levels, it nearly drove me to insanity.

    I can kind of relate to that. It was really annoying for me too.

  20. #20
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    On another note, I shouldn't complain seeing as back in the day you used to have to wait 45 minutes for the tape to play through just to play a game of pacman or paperboy, now that was horrid loading times ]:
    Phew. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers. My mum broke the tape system through impatience waiting for Snapper (a PacMan ripoff on the BBC Micro) to load.
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  21. #21
    i have ears :) Games that irritates you because of long loading time. Full Life's Avatar
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    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    bleach shattered blade it took so long to load yet the loading screen was funny as
    well at least its ohkay...

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  22. #22

    Re: Games that irritates you because of long loading time.

    When I play games on my dsi and go on the internet they start to lag and sometimes I have to reset the game because the loading just locked. One time it made the saved games disappear. I had to do the game all over again.

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