Recently Gameboy celebrated it's 24th birthday. I have a weak spot for this particular system, it is my favorite handheld console after all, in fact I own a fairly large Gameboy collection and I look to expand it even more. Ever since elementary I wanted one, now that they're dirt cheap I buy one often just for the fun of it.

Each Gameboy is in pristine condition, games more or less, they work flawlessly though. Bought most of these really cheap, people don't really know what they own. Had tons of fun with these, still do. Each game has it's moments, though none as memorable and fun as Pokemon Gold/Silver and Link's Awakening. In fact these two titles are in my top ten favorite games. I can beat Link's Awakening blindfolded, and don't get me started on Pokemon. Link's Awakening though has a special place in my heart, it was a present from a dear friend who passed away soon after that. Unfortunately, my little cousin tore the image off the cartridge while I was away, the very last time my mother let kids in my room though.

Do you own a Gameboy/ever owned a Gameboy? What are some of your favorite games on this handheld system?