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Thread: Gameboy

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Gameboy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Recently Gameboy celebrated it's 24th birthday. I have a weak spot for this particular system, it is my favorite handheld console after all, in fact I own a fairly large Gameboy collection and I look to expand it even more. Ever since elementary I wanted one, now that they're dirt cheap I buy one often just for the fun of it.

    Each Gameboy is in pristine condition, games more or less, they work flawlessly though. Bought most of these really cheap, people don't really know what they own. Had tons of fun with these, still do. Each game has it's moments, though none as memorable and fun as Pokemon Gold/Silver and Link's Awakening. In fact these two titles are in my top ten favorite games. I can beat Link's Awakening blindfolded, and don't get me started on Pokemon. Link's Awakening though has a special place in my heart, it was a present from a dear friend who passed away soon after that. Unfortunately, my little cousin tore the image off the cartridge while I was away, the very last time my mother let kids in my room though.

    Do you own a Gameboy/ever owned a Gameboy? What are some of your favorite games on this handheld system?

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2
    Have the original Gameboy lying around here somewhere along with my gameboy pocket. Never had a color, really wanted one as a child, but my parents wouldn't budge haha.
    I've traded or sold most of my games away, but I kept a few.

    Amongst them: Metroid, Tetris, Pokemon Blue/Yellow/Crystal/Silver/Gold(Japanese), Megaman Extreme 1&2, Kirby's Dreamland, Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Zelda: Links Awakening

  3. #3
    I got my gameboy late(something like 2004) because to young when it originally came out.
    A list of games i own for it are Pokemon Red,Yellow,Blue,gold,silver,trading cardgame, and non Pokemon games, dragon ball z,oracle of ages,dragon warrior monsters and a few I cant remember.

  4. #4
    Consistently Average Gameboy Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I think my Gameboy collection is the biggest gaming related one I have.

    In terms of consoles, I've got a green Gameboy Color, a clear GB Advance and a purple GBA SP. Sadly the Color and Advance stopped working a while ago, due to severe overuse during their lifetimes. The there's no life in the Color's screen and none of the buttons work on the Advance. One day I might pull them apart and have a poke around and see if there's anything I can do. The way I see it, they're already dead so it's no biggie if I end up making them worse. I'd never throw them out though, I'm way too attached to them.

    I've also got this massive 'portable' charger for the Advance, also dead, plus two link cables for it too. For some reason they have to be connected together for a trade to work, I've never been able to get it to work with just one.

    As for games, I'm gonna need to make a list.
    Pokemon Red/Blue
    Pokemon Silver
    Pokemon Crystal
    Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
    Turok: Rage Wars
    Mario Tennis
    Action Man

    Gameboy Advance:
    Pokemon Ruby
    Pokemon Sapphire
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
    Donkey Kong Country 2/3
    Super Mario Bros. 3
    Mario vs. Donkey Kong
    Donkey Kong (NES remake)
    Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
    Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction
    The Incredibles
    Ultimate Spiderman

    Those are they only ones I could find, if I can manage to get hold of the rest I could take a photo but quite a lot of them have been scattered around the place. If you couldn't tell I had a pretty clear favoritism towards Pokemon and Mario.

    Pokemon Blue will always be my favourite game out of these ones. It's the whole reason I try to have an SP around, I've gone through about 2 or 3 so far.

    Derp, I forgot to add Tactics Advance. I like that game a lot too.
    Last edited by Kurt Zisa; 05-12-2013 at 02:11 AM.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Gameboy
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    I've owned the original grey brick and also the GBA SP (silver). Dunno what happened to the OG gameboy, but I sold the SP in a yard sale to a kid for 5 bucks. He came up to me and was like "Is this REALLY the price???"

    Favorite games are probably Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town or Yoshi's Island. Mother 3 is very excellent as well.

    One of the first games I owned was Link's Awakening, but I have yet to be it even to this day. It is one of my greatest gaming shames. Damn Bottle Grotto.
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  6. #6
    The Mad God Gameboy Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I have an original that no longer works, two colors (one transparent purple, one teal), got the second back in the day to trade Pokemon with myself. Who the **** says I needed friends to get an Alakazam? I reject your reality and substitute my own! SOCIOPATH POWER! Got two advances, the transparent bluish white one, and a solid blue, again, the second to trade Pokemon with myself. Then I had the gameboy player for N64 and the one for GC. Nowadays i only really play GA games on my DS, very rarely whipping out an advance to play a GBC game (I'd play them so much more often if I could put them in a DS). The gameboy was my first system, I've got fond memories of the Pokemon games, random movie/cartoon games that in retrospect are terrible, but at the time I loved every one, Marios, Donkey Kong, I was a certifiable Bubble Bobble addict for a while, but my all time favorite pre GBA gameboy games would have to have been the Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Ages. I loved the **** out of those two games. When GBA hit the Megaman Battle network series very quickly became a favorite, I've played through all of them multiple times, had a couple friends who'd play at school, always destroyed them. I've logged so many hours on that first GBA I got (I had it before the actual NA release due to cool parents) for my 11th or so birthday that the D pad wore out, I had to switch to the blue for actual playing and demote the first to my Pokemon trading whore.
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  7. #7
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Gameboy noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Had a Black Gameboy... I think it came with some kind of NFL game and then I had Mortal Kombat something (it had Sindel and Mileena and all those in it).. That's about all I had though.

  8. #8
    #LOCKE4GOD Gameboy Alpha's Avatar
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    My eldest brother used to have the original grey brick, but I'm not sure how he got it or where it got to. For my tenth birthday my dad bought me a gameboy pocket. A red one. And pokémon red. I have really sentimental memories of that day actually. So I'm really pissed at myself that I traded it in at a Cash Converters, for the cash for a new copy of FFIX. I love that game, but I could've waited till I had a job and bought it without trading my gameboy in.

    In later years I bought an old gameboy advance. And also a DS Lite, which I think is the best handheld console yet made, period.

  9. #9
    G'day Gameboy NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    I had the old grey brick one too Alpha. But it was a shared one between my siblings and I. It was like the coolest thing ever back then! I only remember playing Tetris and some golf game. I can't recall any other games at present. I actually think it might still be in this house somewhere. I never had a GBA so Idk the difference. I assume the games were in colour? Please someone inform me.

    Oh and I remember having a thing for the super Nintendo that allowed you to insert gameboy games in the game cartridge. I can't remember the name.

  10. #10
    #LOCKE4GOD Gameboy Alpha's Avatar
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    Actually if anyone has a red gameboy pocket? I'll buy it from you.

  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Gameboy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    I never had a GBA so Idk the difference. I assume the games were in colour? Please someone inform me.
    Yes, plus the resolution's far bigger than in normal Gameboy, in other words games were a lot more prettier. I always saw GBA as handheld SNES.

    Oh and I remember having a thing for the super Nintendo that allowed you to insert gameboy games in the game cartridge. I can't remember the name.
    I've been meaning to buy that since forever, sadly can't find one here.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  12. #12

    Re: Gameboy

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I've been meaning to buy that since forever, sadly can't find one here.
    I'm guessing you mean one of these

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  13. #13
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Gameboy Tallulah's Avatar
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    I still own my Gameboy Colour, and it still works! Unfortunately, I had to get rid of my classic Game Boy when my parents moved out of their old house, about 5 years ago, as the Start button no longer worked. Imagine my frustration when I couldn't get Tetris started up! >_<

    I have:
    Tetris (came with system as standard)
    LoZ: Link's Awakening DX (I had the original black and white version, but I gave it to my cousin.
    Donkey Kong
    Kirby's Dream Land (which I can complete without losing a life in 20 minutes, even on Hard Mode
    Kirby's Pinball Land
    Bubble Bobble II Rainbow Islands (or something like that; I swapped Bart and the Beanstalk for it)
    Super Mario Land
    Space Invaders
    Jurassic Park (I got a code from a gaming TV program to skip levels as I could never beat the T-Rex. I have never beaten it fairly to this day... :/ )
    Tetris 2

    I have a few games on my 3DS from Virtual Console, so I don't have to dig through all manner of rubbish to find them.

    EDIT: Super Game Boy! I saw one in that retro gaming store near me a couple of months ago.Was sorely tempted, but did not have the money to buy a SNES to use it on as well.
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  14. #14
    Certified tech, come at me! Gameboy SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I had a green gameboy pocket at first and then a white colored GBA. My favorite GB game that I owned is Bomberman GB. As for the GBA probably Metroid Fusion followed by VI advance. I was a main series FF advance collector in those days. I now own a GB player for the GameCube and my favorite for that system is Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword followed by Mega Man and Bass
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  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Gameboy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystyrion View Post
    I'm guessing you mean one of these
    Indeed, I have to find pal version though.

    I also had Kirby's Dream Land (one of the easiest games I ever played) and sort of a tetris like game, you had a small ship and you had to shoot incoming cubes, wave after wave, for the life of me I cannot remember the name right now. Anyways, I borrowed those along with my link cable to a friend, I'm pretty sure he sold all that plus some of my DvD-s, he did give me his old XBox though in return so no biggie.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

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