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Thread: Final Fantasy in Silent Hill

  1. #1
    Registered User Final Fantasy in Silent Hill TobiasRainey's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy in Silent Hill

    Some of you know what Silent Hill, I'm relatively sure you all know what Final Fantasy is(just maybe), so my question is this...What character from Final Fantasy would last longest or die first in Silent Hill? Keep in mind that Silent Hill creatures are apparitions based on the persons fears and such so lets have some good ones.

    I think Cloud and Squall would not get far, they both have huge issues so those monsters would be way too crazy for either of them.
    I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?

  2. #2
    Registered User Final Fantasy in Silent Hill
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    Hmmm... I really am not that familiar with the Silent Hill games, but I have heard a bit about them. I also watched the movie that came out based on the franchise.

    Well, I'll go ahead and give it a shot... You said the monsters that appear are based on a person's fears, eh? Well then I would have to say:

    I think that Tifa would survive pretty well in Silent Hill. She did suffer through the events that went on in Cloud's mind when they both fell in the Lifestream. If she could handle that, then she could DEFINATELY handle anything that Silent Hill had to throw at her. She's also pretty optimistic, so she'll just be all like "Hey! I can get through this! I see the bright-side of things!" Oh, and she kicks butt.

    As for who I think would die first, I would say...

    I would have to agree about Cloud and Squall, but out of those two I say that Cloud would definately be the first one to be killed. He has all this emotional support and he doesn't even seem to realize it! He just keeps things bottled up and lets it eat away at him. Yeah, Squall did the same thing at the beginning of VIII, but at least he came to realize that there were people that care about him, and he had his moment of epiphany where it totally changed his loner ways. Maybe the same could be said about Cloud, but it's not as big of one as what happened with Squall, imo.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Final Fantasy in Silent Hill TobiasRainey's Avatar
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    I agree with you that Tifa could do okay, but the games are so much more intense than the movie. Not to be rude but whatever idea you have of what Silent Hill is like from the movie is nothing, Rose's fears aren't as twisted as the other characters.
    I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Not that I think she would survive but I think it would be quite interesting to see what kind of nightmares Yuffies mind would create. I know her greed would play a HUGE part in the dark terrors and it would be halarious to see her last more then 10 minutes in it.

    dude I sugest you check out the games, Tobias is right the movie gives no justice to the games at all and you will get a better understanding of what is actually causeing Silent Hill to be the way it is and also you will learn why the monstors are the way they are. Plus teh story lines are brilliantly put together and always have hidden twists that will blow your mind.

    As for another (see my responce in the other SH thread for number 1) hero that I think would actually survive the horror that is Silent Hill. I would have to say Kefka, he would own that shite. The world would be ust about perfect for him and I think he would pribably try to take it over as an ever lasting entity. Yo;u get a glimps of his WoR so I can only imagine what his mind could come up with for the mainline SH series.

    Also, where the hell is Loaf in this conversation?
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  5. #5
    Air from my lungs. Final Fantasy in Silent Hill Violet's Avatar
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    Well, considering how all the FF characters are heroes and have dealt with creepy monsters in their reality, it's kind of hard to imagine what their fears would look like in SH. It would certainly be more intense than someone from a regular modern world like ours.

    I think Irvine could outlast it. He'd probably hump everything he sees.

  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Final Fantasy in Silent Hill Josh_R's Avatar
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    I concur with Meier the movie does not give this series enough credit. The movie was a C at best and the game series were an A+....

    I think they all would do very well seeing as how that fight worse shit than this every day. If I had to pick I would pick Vincent my favorite from VII. He would turn into Chaos and they would all run scared because he is scarier than they are...

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  7. #7
    Air from my lungs. Final Fantasy in Silent Hill Violet's Avatar
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    Tcht, Vincent would look like a puppy in the SH world. Sure, he'd prolly rip em apart(the monsters)..but scarier than those ugly mofos? Hellz naw.

    Also, he'd be seeing a lot of mutations that look similar to Hojo. Hojo's scary enough as it is, imagine monsters with his face.
    Last edited by Violet; 11-19-2009 at 07:31 AM.

  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Also Chaos is one of Vincents inner most secrets along with being a seperate entity. I thing Vincent would get ripped appart in SH due to this. I beleive that demented versions of Chaos would be used as sort of a pryamid head against him. Also I think that it would pull from Chaos inner memories also. In turn I think it would make one of the more jacked up difficult FF/ SH worlds.

    Vincent = owned in SH.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 11-19-2009 at 09:26 AM.
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  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! Final Fantasy in Silent Hill SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I think Tidus would survive is Silent Hill. Hes athletic and he is full of energy as well
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  10. #10
    Registered User Final Fantasy in Silent Hill TobiasRainey's Avatar
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    Tidus may be full of energy but he doesn't really exist, he's a dream so Silent Hill would most likely make him an astral projection of some sort and force him to watch Yuna Wakka and his other friends be brutally mutilated by his father...or something close to it.
    I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?

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