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Thread: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

  1. #1

    Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Perhaps some of you know that gaming has it's own "March Madness" where gaming companies compete for the title of Best Game Developer. The reason I bring this to your collective attention is that, this year, a tragedy has befallen the gaming community.

    Zynga, producer of the popular facebook "games," Mafia Wars and Farmville, is currently beating out Square Enix for a spot in the top four. Don't think I'm serious? Zynga has already beaten Rockstar (GTA) and Infinity Ward (Cod:MW2). How, you ask? By promoting the contest on their site, Zynga has captured the vote of every half-lobotomized facebook user who happens to waste their lives on the half-a**ed, poorly-made flash games that even Michael Atkinson would call an insult to gaming.

    So, being the sensible human being that I am, I recognized this as a travesty the likes of which has been very rarely seen by the gaming community, and made haste to this website, home to many many MANY enthusiastic FF and KH fans. I implore you, PLEASE do not let this abomination topple what is, IMO, one of the most loved gaming franchises in history.

    The Escapist, a respectable and well-written online gaming magazine, is holding this contest. Many of their users vote Square Enix, but the flood of Facebook idiots is slowly drowning them out.
    Go here
    Got Milk?
    to vote for Square Enix (you will need to sign up w/ the Escapist, but it's easy) and stop Zynga from gaining a choke hold on the repectable lifestyle that is gaming.

    Incidentally, this is the Escapist homepage. The Escapist
    I've lurked here awhile, and I can honestly say that a lot of the members here would probably enjoy it. Who knows, that temp sign in might become permanent if you enjoy the site enough. We at the Escapist would be glad to have you. (If that didn't convince you yet, there is a review of FFXIII in it for you too! )
    Last edited by Djinn; 04-05-2010 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Should have kept it at one thread. Plus, don't think we take advertising your site very kindly. But whatever.

    The Escapist, a respectable and well-written online gaming magazine, is holding this contest.
    I have to wonder just how respectable they are. To me, it seems they've sold out. Allowing facebook users to log in with their FB account seems like they're just trying to get traffic in from facebook. Might even be the only reason why Zynga's on there in the first place. Well, there you go. You got your traffic.

    The users on your community seem like nice enough people. But I question whoever is in charge of stuff like this.

  3. #3
    Registered User Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Ashelia's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    It's not very surprising, they have a way larger public they aim for. Final Fantasy is for real gamers. Period. Those Facebook games are played by everyone, wherever they are. They can be played on the way and on vacation from a mobile device, they can be played at work, and they're online so basically endless. But eventually people will get bored of them too.

  4. #4
    This ain't no place for no hero Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    The only thing I like about The Escapist is Zero Punctuation. That guy is comedic genius.

  5. #5
    I'll make you famous Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    well to be fair, if its such a respectable gaming magazine then why did they even put zinga on the poll, a company that has no place in this entire debate.
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  6. #6
    The Lone Dagger Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    I completely agree with you Rydia, they shouldn't even be in the same discussion on which produces better games. Zygna can check in 20 years down the road and they still wouldn't be able to produce the plethora of quality, beloved, and genre changing games that Square has. Square takes it hands down.

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  7. #7
    Memento Rhapso Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Yeah, this is more of a fad type "battle", like the Sonic vs. Mario vs. Crash thing. The one with the bigger classical fanbase and die hard users will triumph.
    Plus, I didn't even know that this was an actual problem for Square, in fact I don't think this is an important issue at all.
    Now Xombeh invasions, those are important. . . .

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  8. #8
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    The only thing I like about The Escapist is Zero Punctuation. That guy is comedic genius.
    Agreed. I also like Unskippable.

    Anyway, I think these type of Facebook games are a little pointless, and I only seriosly play School of Wizardry. I only installed the app as the story followed Harry Potter pretty much exactly (the creator had to completely change it due to copyright issues and whilst the new plot is intriguing, it's a bit... dull ), and it's just 'Click to level up', 'click to gain exp.', 'click to duel with others'... You don't actually THINK about anything... -_- Apart perhaps from trying to figure out whom you can beat in a duel through satats, but you can't always count on stuff like that, because you can't see what ITEMS they have to attack you with; they might be stronger or more multiple than yours, thus rendering stats (health, stamina, order size etc.) unhelpful at best.

    I don't play Farmville, though a lot of my friends (they are actually my friends as I know 95% from work or family) do, and one particular friend (whom I only know from another forum) is always on Castle Age, which is a similar thing to School of Wizardry. Pretty much all his updates are about this game, and it kinda worries me... :/

    Anyway I digress...

    The point I'm trying to make is that I don't see the point or appeal of the majority of these 'click and do nothing' games. If I'm playing on Facebook, it is usually the arcade games, or School of Wizardry, as I said before, but only because of the storyline, such as it is... :/
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  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Farmville was addicting, I'll admit. So was many of the other flash games, but seriously... what's the point of them? To gain a level above a friend? To build more mansions than your friend? The thing that seriously pisses me off about these games are the requests and gifts everyone sends you. -_-;

    The only game I really play is Sorority Life, and even that sucks to many degrees. The game is made worthwhile when you chuck real money into it, and even then all it is is a huge waste of cash (I don't use real money, btw).

    Anyway, Farmville has a huge fan base. People are more likely to own a computer than a console to play Final Fantasy on. Most of my friends on my list claim to not be "gamers", yet they waste many an hour on facebook games. Going down my friend list, I'd say the ratio of Farmville players Vs. "Gamers" is about... 5:2, and even then I doubt many of the gamers are into Final Fantasy. =/

    However, I wouldn't even put Farmville and Final Fantasy in the same poll - the only thing they have in common is that they're both games (different types of games, but games nonetheless) and have chickens in them.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 04-05-2010 at 04:49 PM.

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  10. #10
    Registered User Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    the only thing they have in common is that they're both games (different types of games, but games nonetheless) and have chickens in them.
    Haha. Chickens.

    I've never played on any of those games. I got invited to join Sorority life, but five minutes into it and I just got bored. I refuse to play Farmville or Mafia Wars or any of them, they're all very irrirating in my opinion =/. I've seen my friends play on them. The music on Farmville is so... argh! Haha. I just don't really see the point in them myself.

    I'm gobsmacked that they've even been put in the same poll as Square. They're... terrible. They're so boring and require no thought, as Tallulah said. Final Fantasy is in a whole other league. Quite a shame really.

    Nevermind. I don't think this is such an issue anyway, just a fad I guess. It'll pass ^.^

  11. #11
    Registered User Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    I did become mildly addicted to farmville...but its so pointlesss after a while I just abandoned it...There is no real goal to the game besides getting bigger/more stuff..... Its not a gamers game......I cant explain it besides saying it is indeeed a waste of time....Is their not another thred like this?

  12. #12
    Registered User Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??
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    Hell... Well, Newport, but what's the difference?

    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Farmville better than Final Fantasy... I can under.... Wait, WHAT THE HELL!?

    Farmville. I played 2 minutes of it. The music alone is enough to drive a man insane. And when I played it, that little mute button, DIDNT WORK
    God help me if I started playing it. I mean like, yeah some people liked it, scratch that, LOVED IT, scratch that again, WERE ADDICTED!!!! NO WAIT!! I can't even find the word... -.-

    I am a glorious member of the Facebook community, and the worst part of the "Farmvirus" was the fact almost EVERY status update on everything was "OMGLOLWTFLMAO I UNLOCKED THE GOLDEN HOSE IN FARMVILLE ARGH!"
    Just... Thank the heavens it's over...

    That's all I have to say on the matter.

  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    However, I wouldn't even put Farmville and Final Fantasy in the same poll - the only thing they have in common is that they're both games (different types of games, but games nonetheless) and have chickens in them.
    Waaaaaait, which FF has chickens?
    Maybe I missed them...
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  14. #14
    Registered User Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    I LOVE farmville, it's a shameful addiction, I can't help it, I have to collect every colour calf, I MUST have golden chickens, please don't hate me
    Still think that FF games are waaaaaay better tho and always will do.

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  15. #15
    forever alone in hell Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Yea I'm all ready bored of farmvill and petsesiaty and all the ones I do play on facebook
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashelia View Post
    It's not very surprising, they have a way larger public they aim for. Final Fantasy is for real gamers. Period. Those Facebook games are played by everyone, wherever they are. They can be played on the way and on vacation from a mobile device, they can be played at work, and they're online so basically endless. But eventually people will get bored of them too.

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  16. #16
    The real reason why the rum is gone Farmville is better than Final Fantasy?? Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Farmville is better than Final Fantasy??

    Ugh, I can't stand Farmville. Probably because I know I'll become seriously addicted if I start playing it xD I'm addicted enough to Cafe World heh heh.

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