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Thread: Is Fable a good game or not?

  1. #1
    SpellWarrior Is Fable a good game or not? Hinj's Avatar
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    Is Fable a good game or not?

    I just got Fable about a week ago and its not doing to good. I'm not saying its a bad game but if you wanted to change anything about it what would it be?

  2. #2
    Ellipsis Is Fable a good game or not? Meigumi's Avatar
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    One of my class mates has played Fable 3.

    He. Loves. Fable. Ever since.

    I wished it was a little less violent, so I wouldn't wuss out on playing it.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Fable... 3? Already? =O

    I like Fable. I've not played the second one, but I've overplayed the first. It was (and still is) by far the best Xbox game I've played. It's the only Xbox game I loved.

    If there was a dislike? Hmmm... I'd have loved to have seen more areas. It didn't feel all that big to me. Some more quests would have been nice too.

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  4. #4
    Is Fable a good game or not? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi View Post
    One of my class mates has played Fable 3.
    One of your class mates works under Peter Molyneux, does he? Or can he time travel into the future when Fable 3 is past the alpha stage of development?

    If I were to change one thing about the Fable series, it would be Peter Molyneux. I have a suspicion that I wouldn't dislike the series as much as I do if Molyneaux didn't repeatedly overstate and romanticize its accomplishments, leaving me necessarily disappointed when the actual game is incapable of following through with his highly exaggerated claims.

    Until now!

  5. #5
    ^ Fable as marketed very well, so peoples expectations were rather high. I think it had a very hard time living up to everyone's expectations originally as there wasn't all that much available for a while about it seen without really digging.

    I personally loved the game, the only thing I would have changed is I'd like to the ability to turn on the spot quicker, also expand the world.

    Haven't played 2, I'm just referring to the original game.

  6. #6
    Ellipsis Is Fable a good game or not? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Huh? Oh, wait, it's a typo. oAo

    I mean 2, actually. Sorry for alarming you all.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  7. #7
    Bananarama Is Fable a good game or not? Pete's Avatar
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    Well, what would you change about it? What don't you like about it?

    Fable 2 was solid. I loved how you could go and align yourself more or less however you wished. I also loved how your actions seemed to have a greater impact throughout the story, as opposed to Fallout 3 (which is in my all time top 10), where your actions did have an impact, but more on your immediate surroundings.

    I mean in Fable, if you cheat on your spouse, you can get caught by someone trying to blackmail you! THAT is cool.

    What I would change about it... Well, I would make the final boss actually a challenge, and maybe less of a tradeoff between magic and brute strength. If I earn making my character a tank, don't penalize me for also earning his magic skill.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    Is Fable a good game or not? Jin's Avatar
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    This was more than just an out of control hype wagon that couldn't possibly live up to fan made expectations (an example of that would be Killzone 2). This was pure fabrication. If people's expectations were too high, it's because they were just shy of lied to, more by Molyneux than by the actual marketing behind it. It's good marketing in the short run, as I did indeed think the game was going to be genre defining and therefore did play it, but poor in the long run as I'm now skeptical of every word that comes out of Molyneux's mouth.

    Don't get me wrong, the game was good, but it wasn't at all what Molyneux pitched to the public. I'm not trying to suggest that he deliberately lied, but there's a reason he's now known for overstating his projects.
    Last edited by Jin; 11-30-2009 at 08:26 PM.

    Until now!

  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Is Fable a good game or not? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    If I were to change one thing about the Fable series, it would be Peter Molyneux. I have a suspicion that I wouldn't dislike the series as much as I do if Molyneaux didn't repeatedly overstate and romanticize its accomplishments, leaving me necessarily disappointed when the actual game is incapable of following through with his highly exaggerated claims.
    This. There was so much hype around the game that "everything you did had consequences" that when it came out, it was really underwhelming.

    I'll admit, I liked the first game, though. It had a decent combat system, a bunch of people with cockney accents, and you could murder almost everyone around you. What more can you want?
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  10. #10
    Bananarama Is Fable a good game or not? Pete's Avatar
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    Well, to be fair, pretty much everything you did, did have a consequence. It was just shitty. If you did something, it would affect one of 3 factors of how people viewed you, by a minimal amount. Nothing in the game really changed because you decided to fart in public. As "real" as they tried to be, they missed the mark.

    The stupid thing about it would be if bugs, pirate dudes or trolls were attacking people, and you killed them, THAT wouldn't mean shit. As soon as the fight was over, the victims would think you were evil cause you had a weapon out.
    Last edited by Pete; 11-30-2009 at 08:53 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  11. #11
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Is Fable a good game or not? Joe's Avatar
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    I really liked the original Fable. It was one of those games where there wasn't really a lot of pressure to do stuff, and where, even if they Were underwhelming, your actions did have consequences. I would've loved to have seen more quests and more open areas, but Otherwise, I really like playing it when I wanna kill time and have fun.

    Also, There's a really awesome Exp trick you can do if you have Fable: The Lost Chapters, which will get you max exp. Before you go off on the final set of quests involving the focus point things, stock up on TONS of fish, carrots and red meat, as well as any Ages of the Will/Skill/Might potions you can. During this mission there's an unlimited spawn of enemies, and with max Force Shield or w/e it is, and some skill with a sword and magic, you can easily build a combo multiplier of over 500. Once you're combo multiplier is WAY up there, quickly quickly eat all the carrots, fish, meat and potions. Each fish is worth 1500 will exp with a multiplier of 500 xD.

    Scamming the Gem store owner in north bowerstone was always fun too.
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  12. #12
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Is Fable a good game or not? T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Fable is mostly a good game that's been affected by hype. Compared to other action RPGs, it has a simple mechanic and allows for quite a deal of customization, but as Jin and Polk stated, the hype of "every cause has a consequence" isn't that real.

    In fact, you could live a life of truly evil acts, pretty much pillaging and forcing yourself upon others (and I mean others...), murdering in plain daylight, get all you need, be a complete usurer...and by making a huge donation to the Temple of Avo (or Temple of Light on Fable II), you can change to be a truly good man. However odd that may seem (although, apparently, Fable II reduced that a bit; I've found that it's harder to actually change moral alignment.)

    Fable II has developed a bit, in which Purity and Corruption take some of the slack from being Good or being Evil, plus most of the expanded options. It does get silly most of the time (I mean, I have to do an entire performance of dancing, whistling, singing, farting, belching, wooing and even showing off to get a discount, and not a bad one at that...), but it's roughly better than its predecessor. I do miss some stuff (Healing spell is gone, boo-hoo!! So does Armor defense...), but Fable II is not bad actually. The NPCs have quite some life, and while they get repetitive at times, they actually have more expressions than your common NPC (unless you're playing a tabletop with a good actor or good roleplayer)

    I suppose that Fable III will probably add Order and Chaos to the things you can do? Orderly, Pure and Good or Chaotic, Corrupt and Evil?

    But yeah, while Molyneux had a great idea on making a sort of second-life action RPG, his mouth speaks more than his actions. Perhaps if he doesn't overhype it so much, and lets people realize the new quirks of the game, Fable could fare much better. Still...on a console that wasn't originally known for RPGs, Fable is a pretty good one.

    And ironically, the X-Box 360 now has a solid amount of RPGs...
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  13. #13
    Lord Deity of Harmony Is Fable a good game or not? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Fable? Good Game?

    Madame or Sir, Fable is an awesome game! Though, i don't own it, but i have played it.
    You should defiantly get it! Fable 1, 2 or even 3! All of them are awesome!

    Though... They don't beat Final Fantasy. :3
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  14. #14
    Death Before Dishonor Is Fable a good game or not? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan Demidias View Post
    You should defiantly get it! Fable 1, 2 or even 3! All of them are awesome!
    No one has played Fable 3, seeing that it has yet to be released. You are probably refering to Fable 2, which happened to be the third released.

    Fable: The Lost Chapter's~Same as number one with added story line..
    Fable 2

    This is all that has been released at this time.

    To me Fable was a pretty good game. Although I would get quiet pissed when I would accidentally pull out my sword, which would cause all the villagers to flee. In the first Fable I was in Oakvale, there was a beatle just cruising through the town. So naturally I pulled my sword and killed it, because I pulled out my sword the villager's fled, and the guards fined me.

    Fable 2 was a decent game, but like the first if my sword accidentally came out all the villager's fled. This one time I was going through my expression trying to find a certain one. I picked fart on accident, and all the villager's hate me now.

    If one thing was to change about this series, it would be the extent to which every action has a consequence is taken. Other than that these were good games, with good story lines.

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  15. #15
    who's been touching my materia? Is Fable a good game or not? Fang's Avatar
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    Fable is a great game. It worth what games go for these days. But in my opinion.. its not I would like to see more side quests.

    I'd have loved to have seen more areas.
    I totally agree with you, more areas would be cool.

    My Heath Ledger fan sister:Unknown Entity

  16. #16
    This ain't no place for no hero Is Fable a good game or not? Tiffany's Avatar
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    I couldn't get into the first Fable. Just wasn't my cup of tea. I loved Fable 2 though!

    ** DLC Spoilers!***

    The stuff I didn't like about Fable 2 were petty things that they ended up correcting with the Knothole Island expansion. I played through the first time as a 'good' girl the first time through, and I hated that once I maxed out my Strength, Skill and Will my character looked like a glowing drag queen. Towered over everyone else. But with the shrinking potions from Knothole Island I was able to fix it... at the cost of my purity. Big whoop.

    I also think they tried to do a bit too much with it, which is why people tend to feel let down (at least on here... any of my RL friends loved it) I guess? There were things that made it almost too easy, like the ghoul augment. Once I put that baby in my sword there was no killing me!

    I downloaded the See The Future expansion as well, now I have a spiffy dalmation instead of a 'mutt' (as the game calls your dog). I did the arena fights and got perfect my first time through because I didn't have to stop and heal. I found with the DLC it was more for supposed bragging rights with items than actual gameplay. I didn't mind the weather quests, but I found them too much the same. Fight some shadow creatures, hit some trigger switches, lather, rinse, repeat.

  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Is Fable a good game or not? Xanatos's Avatar
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    I've only played the first Fable, fun but only for a short while. The world of Fable was kinda small, not many locations and areas to explore and needless to say that all of it was too linear. Balance between the good and evil personality was poorly done, as someone mentioned before me you could fix all the bad things you've done with few good deeds. There's also a lot of holes in the game to exploit, you can earn a lot of money and experience right in the beginning. Fable is too short for an RPG game, even if you do all the sidequests which by the way were only few it's still a short game.

    The story wasn't bad, nothing special though. I like the combat and character upgrade/learning skills, also I appreciate the doze of humor this game has.

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