I am almost finished with the game ( achievements, character unlocks, etc), and I am a little mixed on my final thoughts. I will start with the pro's. First of all, I thought the story was pretty well written given the odd mix of worlds. Second, I love the overall look of the game( then again I love anything that uses the Unreal engine). Finally all most all of the characters are a blast to use. However, my favorites are Captain Marvel, Batman, Superman, and The Joker.

While the cons of the game aren't enough to ruin the play, they are still pretty annoying to me. The first thing is unlockables. The game NEEDS more of these. There aren't even a handful of things to unlock (with the exception of achievements). Then, honestly there could have been more characters to choose from. Both universes (especially DC) have a multitude of kick ass characters that could have filled the roster up to at least 60. Finally, I found the Kombat Challenge to be a little too precises and extremely frustrating but that's just me.

So, what did you guys/girls think of it.