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Thread: Epic Mickey

  1. #1
    Master of the Shadow Key Epic Mickey KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Epic Mickey

    Ok, I heard rumor about this game for a while but now it is really catching my attention. It seems that a new Disney game is in the works, but not the one you would expect (like a fairy princess fashion designer for the DS).

    No details on this game have been released, other than this:

    • It is a platformer exclusive for the Wii.
    • It takes place in a bizarre surreal version of Disney.(Including the theme parks)
    • It has to do with ink.
    • It has a steampunk-esque zombie Goofy

    That last one got your attention didn't it?

    This is turning out to be a very interesting look at Disney. What are your thoughts on it? Below I have put some links for you to check out

    The Escapist : News : Concept Art Surfaces For Disney Steampunk "Epic Mickey"
    IGN: Warren Spector Disney Game Art Aired?
    IGN: Epic Mickey Exclusive to Nintendo Wii
    Last edited by KeybladerXIII; 10-05-2009 at 11:19 AM.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Epic Mickey
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    Whoa. I haven't heard of this game until I read this thread. It really looks like an interesting turn for Disney. I gotta admit. I thought that you were pulling my leg when you mentioned Zombie Goofy. So I did a Google image search...

    The concept art so far looks very twisted. It kind of looks like something that Tim Burton would come up with if he decided to make a game using Disney characters.
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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Epic Mickey Josh_R's Avatar
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    like dodie this is my first time hearing of this and it looks I am pretty pumped about this game and cannot wait for it to be released...

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  4. #4
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Epic Mickey

    Wow surprised this isn't getting anymore attention. They just released an "Opening Cinematic" for the game. And boy, am I excited! All the old school Disney references!

    YouTube - Epic Mickey Intro Cinematic Trailer - Gamescom '10

    Truth be told, it reminds me of seeing the very first KH trailer. All eerie and promising. Not that KH is terrible, but the end product wasn't QUITE what I was expecting from seeing the first trailer.

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Epic Mickey Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Epic Mickey

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Wow surprised this isn't getting anymore attention. They just released an "Opening Cinematic" for the game. And boy, am I excited! All the old school Disney references!

    YouTube - Epic Mickey Intro Cinematic Trailer - Gamescom '10

    Truth be told, it reminds me of seeing the very first KH trailer. All eerie and promising. Not that KH is terrible, but the end product wasn't QUITE what I was expecting from seeing the first trailer.
    I just nw watched it, and it looks muc more spectacular than I thought it would be. I cannot wait for this shit to come out.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Epic Mickey

    I kept up on this a long time ago but then stopped paying attention to it. I don't own a Wii so it's not that big of a deal to me. The game looks great. Seeing this game gave me an idea for a Mario type game that is darker.

    A game of Bowser way before Mario shows up on how Bowser became the King! It'll be like a destruction type game.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Epic Mickey
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    Re: Epic Mickey

    I'm glad the final product (what I've seen so far anyway) isn't as dark and weird as what I was initially thinking when I saw that concept art from oh-so-long ago. I remember seeing some gameplay footage from E3, and it reminded me a bit of Super Mario Sunshine, which I actually liked.

    So, yep. My interest has been piqued yet again. I shall be checking out this title when I get a chance to do so.

    EDIT:: I think the title "Epic Mickey" is kind of lame though, tbh....

    And yeah, I thought that was important enough to edit into my post.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 08-18-2010 at 12:44 AM.
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