Take my eyes, ut do not ruin my fond FFVII memories like this.
We had several threads regarding the most challenging games one had experience with, how about least challenging games?
GameBoy had some truly challenging games such as Gargoyle's Quest, Kirby's Dream Land on the other hand ain't one of them. Even with higher level difficulty unlocked this is still a fairly easy game.
Outside the optional bosses a lot of Final Fantasy games are surprisingly easy. Final Fantasy VI and VII first came to my mind. You can pretty much blast anything with Ultima in Final Fantasy VI, as far as VII goes, KOTR made that game cheap, you can also exploit materia system or stumble onto devastating combinations rather easy.
After uber hard Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which by the way also sucks, Carbon felt like cruising down the street. The cars you got as a prize for beating those gang bosses or whatever they're called were sufficient enough to pull you through 90% of the game with little to none difficulty.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Take my eyes, ut do not ruin my fond FFVII memories like this.
By far, the least challenging game that I have ever played was Mary-Kate and Ashley's Girls Night Out for the GameBoy Advance. Basically, it is a special education version of Dance Dance Revolution for your fingers. You take one of the twins (who were motion acted by one person twice their age) to one of several places and dance. Every song you complete gets you clothing for the girls and unlocks new songs (which are usually just remixed versions of the songs you have already danced to) or new places for you to dance in.
The game's most challenging aspect is the closet. You have all these articles of clothing, and yet still have nothing to wear! Oh no, what shall we do? Well, you can go play around with the Make Your Own Song feature and attempt to make music.
The best part of this game is the end. Because you finished the game, and somehow didn't kill yourself while playing it. I must admit though, some of the songs are quite catchy. And having to dance to each song several times gave me ample time to make up lyrics for them. Some were songs about questioning one's purpose in life. Another chart-topper was about how my brother found the game at a yard sale and just thought I had to have it. I should consider making an album.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you feel about it), there were no cutscenes of drug-using or mini-games of binging, purging, or starving yourself. And Heath Ledger did not make an appearance in the game either.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
The easiest game i've ever played was the origonal Mario arcade game on GameBoy Advance. I'm sure it would have been more fun on an actual arcade machine but it cost me $40 and I finished all three levels in half an hour. That's nostalgia for you. It's not terrible, you jump over barrels, flaming blobs and bouncing jacks, and then rescue the princess who isn't called Peach, just like any other Mario game but I hoped there would have been a bit more to it to justify the money I spent on it.
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Found myself demolishing Suikoden Tierkreis for the DS a month or so ago. About the only part of that game where I ever had to use strategy at all was the very last boss. The rest of the game, I just mashed attack and used whatever characters I felt like. If I got to a place where I felt underpowered, I just level grinded for a little while and then came back. Really, that last battle was pretty jarring. I was like "WTF?!" Dragon Quest IX was similar while I played it, though it had no plot or characters to keep me interested, so I'm still about midway through that game.
Even though I really love it, Super Mario RPG is another really easy game. Sure, there's a little bit of coordination and timing going on with attacking and blocking, but that's not really necessary to beat the game. And if you know how to get the best weapon and armor in the game, Smithy is a piece of cake too.
Nothing else is coming to mind. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
As much as I love it, Okami is ridiculously easy. You can fill up the "astral pouch" and it will revive you if you lose all your health, and you get FOUR of them throughout the game. It's really easy to fill up too. Food is freaking EVERYWHERE. It does have some challenge to it when it comes to some of the side quests (Blockhead Grande...), but on the whole, yeah. Easy.
Click at your own risk.:
I've played some easy games, but the original contra was by far the easiest.
All you have to do is never get hit by anything and kill all enemies before they fill the screen with bullets.
Aladdin for the snes was a really easy game, once you knew how to navigate through the levels it was no trouble at all afterwards. Smart Ball/Jerryboy is really easy once you master navigating the levels as well, once you get the hang of it.
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Its undoubtedly the easiest Elder Scrolls. I beat the game severely under leveled. I ran through most of the oblivion portals. It was personally the shortest main line, and side quests for me as well.
I have never found any of the Final Fantasy's to be especially hard. Nothing a little grinding couldn't take care of anyways. Same goes for Pokemon.