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Thread: Early Heavy Rain Demo

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Early Heavy Rain Demo Andromeda's Avatar
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    Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Hey everyone! For everyone not following Kotaku the developers for Heavy Rain put up a little online mystery game that if you win earns you a code to download the Heavy Rain demo a week early, like now time. There is one catch you need seem to need an EU PSN account since there does not seem to be an option to earn a US code. So you'll have to make a EU PSN account to play it if you want an early look at it.

    Kotaku has the link for the site and information if you want to cheat the game and win easily without trying. If you can find a US link that would be great. But I haven't seen one yet.

    Want The Heavy Rain Demo Right Now? Here's How... - heavy rain - Kotaku

    Here you go! Enjoy the fun! Oh its a 1.8 GB download. So you'll want to make yourself a sandwich.
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  2. #2
    Early Heavy Rain Demo Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Seems like too much hassle. I think I'll just wait the week. The demo goes public Feb. 11 anyways. Good find all the same.

    Those that do try it should give impressions.

    Until now!

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Early Heavy Rain Demo Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    What's more of a hassle is getting their site to work. Between Kotaku users learning about this and Neogaf as well, who apparently also reported this, the two have crashed or overloaded the server. So its been out for the better part of a day unless you have persistence. Guess that shows how much people are interested and willing to go through just to get an one week early look at the demo.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Seems like too much hassle. I think I'll just wait the week. The demo goes public Feb. 11 anyways. Good find all the same.
    It wasn't that much hassle. The mystery game took about ten/fifteen minutes to complete, even with slow loading times (servers must be begging for mercy... or not). Now it's downloading for me.

    All in all, about an hour and fifteen minutes which you sit around and do nothing in. xD

    I can't wait to play it. ;-;

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  5. #5
    The Quiet One Early Heavy Rain Demo Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, I finally finished downloading it. I'm installing now and I'll find out soon enough how it plays and what to look forward to. I'll play along what I can without spoiling anything when I complete the demo. Pretty exciting. ^^


    Well I finished the demo and the presentation of the game was really interesting. I like the way the tutorial played out, which is a strange thing to say, but the tutorial quite unique. The demo has two scenes, I guess they would be called, one with the Private Investigator and the other with the FBI agent. I think I liked the Private Investigator scene more, but there was fun detective work and following the leads with the FBI agent.

    I wish there was a little more fluid motion in the animations when you pick an action, but that can't really be helped. It'll always be something in the games unless you are making something that expects immediate reactions. But that aside it is very much a series of quick time events and if you hesitate the other characters will question you and pick up on your silence. Which was really neat to watch when I was questioning someone and they asked if I was done angrily because I was trying to decide.

    The fight I had was pretty cool too and I almost want to watch it only to remember I have to react. It was quite a long fight sequence too that played out all over the room.

    The only problem I had with some of the quick time events was the one there I had to climb up a rain soaked slope and had to hold a series of buttons and it when up to 3 and 4, fortunately the previous started to fade. But I hope it doesn't get too finger twisting.

    Last issue I had was I own a SDTV and it made it difficult to see squares from circles when the text floated around the head. Most times it's not an issue because the icons are large, but usually the character is away from the camera so the floating text around their head is smaller and it is easily to confuse the two. Though it is pretty small, but I'll have to see how much it'll impact a time sensitive game.

    All said though, it is really cool and fun to play. I've never done anything like this before and I've never played with quick time events in such a fashion. It was always really brief like Dark Cloud stuff.

    Anyway, it's really worth checking out. The start of the trailer just left me stunned though. I don't know what I would do in a situation like that.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 02-05-2010 at 07:05 PM.
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  6. #6
    Postingway Early Heavy Rain Demo Maciariello's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    I have a US account and mine downloaded just fine.

    I played it last night and loved the demo. Of the two scenarios, I was more blown away by the Scott Shelby story because of the fight scene with the violent 'client'. The thing I noticed about this fight is depending on which buttons I missed, a different wound would appear on my character at the end of the fight. For example, my first time through I missed about 1/3 of the buttons and ended up with a bloody nose and a scratch on the top left side of my face. My second time through, I only missed 3 or 4 buttons and only had a small scratch by the end. It actually factors in those minute details like that and it's very impressive.

    The only real issue I have with it is the amount of screen tearing it seems to display. It's bad. I've never seen a game tear this bad before. I really hope they fix this before release or at least patch it afterward because the graphics are too good to be taken back by a silly little screen tearing issue.

    Overall: I can't wait for this game and the demo only whetted my appetite.
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  7. #7
    The Quiet One Early Heavy Rain Demo Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    That's strange I didn't had any screen tearing problems at all for me when I played. At least ones that were obvious to me. I was playing on a SDTV though, I don't know if you were playing on HDTV. There might be more tearing on a HD, well hopefully they'll have some V-Sync or options for it.

    So that's what happens when you miss out on some of the buttons in the fight. I was considering going back and playing a second time to see what would happen. I only came out with an aching back for the over exerting himself in a fight that he was not in shape for. So that's pretty cool to know. That fight was definitely my favorite moment. It'd be cool to be able to replay that fight alone and just see how many different outcomes you could have. I suspect that if you failed all of the button presses you could get killed or come up really badly injured. He comes at you with a cracked beer bottle near the end and that could do some real damage.
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  8. #8
    Postingway Early Heavy Rain Demo Maciariello's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Actually, I played through it multiple times. On one play through, I intentionally didn't press anything and just sat back and watched Scott get his butt kicked. He doesn't die, but he does get pretty beat up. The dialogue differs slightly afterward too. I'd recommend trying it out just to see the different outcome.

    Also, depending on what you say to Lauren, she might open up to you and answer your questions. My first time through I tried to be compassionate but she grew angrier with that sort of treatment. I told her I "bought" her time and she abruptly made up her mind not to talk to me. My second time through, I "tricked" her instead of "bought" her and she opened up to me with information about her son and the situation at hand. It was really cool to see a totally different experience based solely on the choices I made in dialogue.

    Try it out multiple times if you get the chance to. It doesn't reveal spoilers so don't worry about that.
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  9. #9
    The Quiet One Early Heavy Rain Demo Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    That is very interesting. That's a funny thing, because in that conversation I was going to do compassion, but because I couldn't read if it was a square or circle I went with something safer. And I ended up playing it hard and guilting her it to helping me like you side by tricking her. That is good to hear. This game is going to have so many different ways to play things out.
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  10. #10
    O Rly? Early Heavy Rain Demo Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    I just played the Heavy Rain Demo. Very well done game
    I like games like this. Games that are so different from all others. I also liked being the Private Investigator more than the F.B.I agent. I love the Quick time events because you have think quick or your screwed
    I unfortunately had the same Problem as you Andro its hard to tell the shapes when they are rotating around the persons head. Actually i tend to have this problem with a couple of my ps3 games, that the font seems so small, that its barely legible.
    Besides that i loved it. Cant wait for the Game to come out .

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  11. #11
    The Bad Boy of TFF Early Heavy Rain Demo Block's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    This game made me bust about 4 nuts in my pants. It was super fun, involving, and I can't wait for the full version later this month. Andromeda thanks for the hook up on the early demo!!!

  12. #12
    O Rly? Early Heavy Rain Demo Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Hahahaha for real!

    and Yeah thanks Andromeda!

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  13. #13

    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Played this today at Block's house.

    The first scene was great, with the old fat guy. Really liked the fight scene. The second wasn't as impressive, but I like how it showed a different playstyle of the game than the first one had.

    I really want to get this when it comes out now.

  14. #14
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Early Heavy Rain Demo midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    ya, wasn't even my type of game, but it looked hella cool when Block was showing it to me.

  15. #15
    The Bad Boy of TFF Early Heavy Rain Demo Block's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Quote Originally Posted by midgetbob View Post
    ya, wasn't even my type of game, but it looked hella cool when Block was showing it to me.
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  16. #16
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Early Heavy Rain Demo midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Early Heavy Rain Demo

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    Midget, Che,
    HRain party at my house release day! We'll each play one character it'll be super cool. Have the neighbor over and have him play the chick
    you kiding? richard is like MIA:

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