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Thread: Dragon Age

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Dragon Age

    I realize that I missed the boat a waaaay long time ago on this, but I just beat this game last night. So now I can get on with my life again, probably. I was invited to hang out with friends, I just bought a couple DVD's to watch (including The Departed, which I haven't seen yet) could've drawn some more comics or something... but I disregarded all that, and stayed up well later than I should have, in order to beat this damn game. That's a sign that I like it, heh.

    My main guy was an elven rogue from the Alienage. He used crossbows the entire game (which made things difficult later on in the game against more powerful enemies who could actually hit him) and I got the "Silver Tongued" trophy for using Persuade 25 times. Pretty much Alistair was the real hero, and Ihejust kinda stood in the background, though the game still treated me like I was the hero anyway, haha. He looked the part, too; he had a black tattoo that covered most his face, and If I could've, I'd have had him wear a hood and cloak like the entire game. Don't think the class was allowed to use hoods or "cowls" or whatever, though. Morrigan was my girl, and Zavran liked me a little too much.
    In the end, I set Alistair up as king and had the baby with Morrigan, so I lived to be chancellor and the "true ruler of Ferelden." Told the queen she was a bitch and "no, I just wanted to say that," and was tempted to leave it at that, haha. Not that I thought it was totally unreasonable for her to do that, but it's nice to get to say that to someone in power who tries to screw you over when the tables have turned.

    What did you play as your first (or favorite) playthru, and who were your favorite companions? Mine was Alistair, definitely. He was such a bad ass:
    He had the final blow on both Flemeth and the Archdemon, and both times, he did that thing warriors apparently do where they jump up and stab the dragon in the head.
    I also thought he was pretty funny. Kinda got he idea he was a little stupid or ignorant in some ways, but most of it came off to me as a smart ass who didn't really care, which is a type of personality I like, haha. Also liked the dog (who I named "Bill") and Morrigan a lot. Really, I didn't particularly dislike anyone. Sten reminds me a lot of Scar from FMA, actually, and I kinda liked his blunt personality.

    I had a similar reaction to Bioware's version of Shadow in Sonic Chronicles. I respect the characters for their no-nonsense attitudes, though you can't really convey that through the dialogue, because you're supposed to be offended by them, or something. (Although I have to admit that at one point when Sten disapproved, I was just like, "whatever, jackass.")

    Maybe I'll get Dragon Age 2 when it comes out (but more likely I'll wait until I can get a used copy for like $25, like I did with this first one.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Mojo Jojo Dragon Age Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: Dragon Age

    This game consumed my life on several occasions. I've picked it back up and re played it more than any other game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    What did you play as your first (or favorite) playthru?
    My first playthrough was A human warrior called Tristan. He kinda sucked and I just plowed through the main plot only taking the needed plot. I defeated the Arch Demon but, like you, made the blood-oath with Morrigan. Then I realised that I was stuck at the end with no way to leave Fort Draken to do sub-plots. That pissed me off.

    So I made a new character; her name was Narelle and she was an Elven Mage. I did most of the sub-plots with her and she turned out to be pretty powerful. I tried doing the opposite, plot-wise, than I did in my first playthrough and made her evil. I had her slut around with Zevran, Leliana and Alistair (with her 'choosing' Alistair). With her I found all the phylacteries, beat Gaxkang and Flemeth.

    I then saved Loghain who took the kill to save Ferelden 'cause I needed it for an achievement. I also married Alistair and the queen and they co-ruled.

    My third character was because of the new DLC. I wanted a fresh start as it had been a while since I'd played. This time I started as A Dwarven, castless Rogue. His name was Danté. He had some baddddd tattoos and tore up Orzammar like a champion. In this playthrough I did all of the character specific sub-plots and every mission I knew about. I also did the thief missions for Slim Couldry. I went through the DLC and this led to him having the best equipment, weapons and level of all my characters. I also humped Morrigan good so I could get an achievement. I made sure to have Alistair kill the arch-demon this time. This is probably my favourite play through.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    who were your favorite companions? Mine was Alistair, definitely. He was such a bad ass
    I'm in love with Leliana, her voice makes me cream my boxers. So I'd say she was my favourite of all. I also liked Alistair and Shale. Those 3 and me, generally, were my party. Unless I needed a mage (like in my third play through), then Morrigan stepped in.

    Overall I loved the game. You done the DLC, man? Seriously worth a look if you haven't. Some of the best out there. I'd say Awakening is on par with the main plot. No joke.

    I've got DA2 on pre-order so that I get extra stuff. I also got the demo to get extras... Needless to say I'm pretty psyched about its release.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Dragon Age Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Dragon Age

    I'm really looking forward to DA2. The demo spoiled me and makes DA1 feel ancient and slow. Although just so you know, there are no other races available in DA2 except for Human. (Which doesn't really matter, imo.. the story is still great.)

    And Tele you know you didn't have to use the crossbow the whole entire game, right? Why didn't you switch to daggers? xD

  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Dragon Age

    (Grrr, I wrote a good, long post and backspaced. FML.)

    I've never finished the game. I keep meaning to, but eh. Another game jumps up infront of me and screams "PLAY ME INSTEAD!!!" and I foolishly listen. But anyway, I always end up playing as a human rogue. I've completed three origin stories, but I prefer my human. I've not even tried a dwarf yet.

    My main character is called Gemma (who saw that coming?). She's a bard and something else. She does well in battle. My favourite party consists of her, Alistair, Morrigan and Rolo (the dog). Gemma and Alistair are in a relationship, and are just as bad as each other on the humour front. I hardened him (in more ways than one, tehehe), as I want to make it easy for him to take the throne later on. Morrigan is a pretty good mage so far, and I gave her a healing spell. Rolo just knocks everyone down like a good little pup, and deals decent damage.

    Despite their differences, believe it or not, Morrigan and Rolo single-handedly took down the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Gemma and Alistair died soon into that battle due to lack of preparation. It took almost twice as long, but they made a good team.

    Sten depresses me. I leave him to sulk around the camp. Leliana... ugh. Boy does that girl go on forever. I still haven't been able to get laid with her on my other save. Not even Alistair was that difficult, and he was a total virgin.

    I have all of the DLC, but I've barely touched it besides The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep and Return to Ostagar.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Dragon Age

    Nah, I haven't gotten the DLC yet. I've thought of it, but I don't remember what my password is for PSN. I think I could figure that out by going to the PSN site online or something, but... I keep forgetting to do that/am lazy. Plus now, my car is in the next town over in front of my bro's house, not starting, so that's gonna be $$$... Good thing I get a check tomorrow. Most of it will likely go to the car. I'd like to get the DLC with the golem at least though, I think. I've seen the promo video for it where she kills a chicken, then shrugs. Looks pretty awesome.

    Yeah, I realized I could've used something else, but by the time I decided having range over stronger attack wasn't the best deal, I'd put most of my skill points into archery, so... I just kept him with that, heh. I started a new save today though, with a human noble warrior girl. She's gonna use swords. I like the perks my rogue had, though... finding traps, going invisible, not being hit, etc, heh. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Mojo Jojo Dragon Age Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: Dragon Age

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    Nah, I haven't gotten the DLC yet. I've thought of it, but I don't remember what my password is for PSN. I think I could figure that out by going to the PSN site online or something, but... I keep forgetting to do that/am lazy. Plus now, my car is in the next town over in front of my bro's house, not starting, so that's gonna be $$$... Good thing I get a check tomorrow. Most of it will likely go to the car. I'd like to get the DLC with the golem at least though, I think. I've seen the promo video for it where she kills a chicken, then shrugs. Looks pretty awesome.
    Ahhhh, tough times bro. If you do decide to go for any then just go for the Ultimate Edition. Works our a lot cheaper than buying all the DLC's individually. I got my copy for the price of 2 DLC's. Winner.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
    Sten depresses me. I leave him to sulk around the camp. Leliana... ugh. Boy does that girl go on forever. I still haven't been able to get laid with her on my other save. Not even Alistair was that difficult, and he was a total virgin.
    You have to do something special to get her to sleep with you. Don't just gift her to the max affection like the 3 others. Here's how to anybody who doesn't care about spoilers:

    Get her to around 60-70%, an option to talk about the bards in Orlais should appear. Chat to her about that and go for all the 'good' answers. Then point out that she's a bard from Orlais and ask her what brought her to Ferelden. She comes out with some bullsh*t and quickly ends the convo. Don't talk to her again.

    Next you need to leave the party camp. Maybe get into a battle, eat an apple, take a stroll in Denerim or whatever. Then when you return she's say that she lied to you about why she left Orlais and tell you the real reason. Leave the party camp (with her in your group) and travel. You'll random encounter some assassins and this will kick-start her personal quest. After that she'll become hardened and you can bed that fine, French (Sorry, Orlesian...) lady.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
    Despite their differences, believe it or not, Morrigan and Rolo single-handedly took down the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Gemma and Alistair died soon into that battle due to lack of preparation. It took almost twice as long, but they made a good team.
    I had to take that guy down alone in my first time around. I cornered him and threw bombs and traps at him whilst I melee'd. It was a good hour before I beat him. It was an accident that I met him in the first place. Kinda like 'ooooooo, a gong... What's this... The dragon dislikes the gong... Oh, crap!'

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