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I have a pretty good balance going at the moment. I find time to chat about up and coming title's I am pumped about, and time to play games that I love. There are some pretty kick ass games this year I am excited about. Final Fantasy XIII obviously, UFC Undisputed 2010, and Battle Field Bad Company 2. Kind of pissed off at the moment cause EA's MMA was supposed to be released in September, but due to contract dispute's and bullshit it has been pushed back til January of 2011. Another game to look out for this year is Fallout New Vegas.
The other day I spent close to $600 pre-ordering games. These games were UFC 2010, BF:BC2, Fallout New Vegas, Final Fantasy XIII, and EA MMA. I feel it was a good choice seeing as how I will play all of these games nonstop once they come out. Although if they suck I just got f*cked outta alot of cash...