I don't hate it. It was ok the first time I played through it and I made a dinosaur level with an epic working volcano but eventually it got kinda boring. I beat it and did all this when I borrowed it from a friend.
I was actually not too happy when my bother bought me the controller/BigPlanet combo pack for ChristmasI had already beat the game and did all the "creative" stuff I wanted to do with it. The 2nd controller was the biggest bonus I think even he knew I liked the 2nd controller more. There were many other games I would rather have but I thanked him for it all and played it a bit when my my game-challenged cousins visit. That's probably what I'll use it for from now on, to entertain with people who are terrible at videogames.
I'm not sure if I'll get LittleBigPlanet 2 unless I hear that the "main story" is extremely long.