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Thread: Breath of Fire II

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Breath of Fire II SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Breath of Fire II

    Great game, says me. How many of you played this nice little capcom rpg? I've played it a few times on a snes emulator and i'm currently doing a full playthrough on the gba emulator. Battles were really addicting to do when I started playing but the encounter rate drove me crazy. What draws me to this title more than the first Breath of Fire is just the way the story plays out. I just seem to like it more than the original, sure that one was good, but this one, I felt, had a great story.

    If you have played this game what did you like about it?

    what is your favorite character?

    who is your least favorite character?

    I already explained what I liked about the game so i'll skip that one. My favorite character is Ryu, hes cool looking, has blue hair, wields swords, transforms into a dragon (what more could you ask for?). I have a thing for main characters so hes at the top of my list.

    My least favorite character is Jean, I find him really annoying. The part where you go to his home was the worst and most painful part of the story. I can't stand his character, didn't have any appeal to me at all. So thats my take on this incredible game.
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  2. #2
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Breath of Fire II midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Breath of Fire II

    I just finished Breath of Fire again and was going to go straight into Breath of Fire II but opted for a Final Fantasy title instead. I don't remember much from BoF II so I'm actually looking forward to playing it next.
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  3. #3
    Just kind of there. Breath of Fire II Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Breath of Fire II

    I enjoyed it.
    I'm still trying to track down a copy of BOF III though.
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  4. #4
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Breath of Fire II Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Breath of Fire II

    I played most of BoFII, but I didn't really feel like finishing it. The main plot seemed alright, but the humor ruined it for me. I didn't really like the characters either. The human characters are nice, but I'm not really into going around fighting as a monkey, dog, etc. I much prefer BoFIII and BoFIV. I wish that more Breath of Fire games would be made. Dragon Quarter wasn't really Breath of Fire. =/
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  5. #5
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Breath of Fire II T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Breath of Fire II

    Quote Originally Posted by Treize View Post
    I wish that more Breath of Fire games would be made. Dragon Quarter wasn't really Breath of Fire. =/
    A-frickin'-gree, partner. Capcom really needs to revive this game; they're doing fine with fighting games (which were always their main course) and Mega Man, but I feel that amongst the Capcom games they have been left a bit abandoned. Heck, Dragon!Ryu has never appeared on a fighting crossover, whereas Mega Man, MMZ!Zero and Original!Zero have appeared.

    I also agree; Dragon Quarter never felt like a Breath of Fire game. It felt like an attempt to change the formula, added some of the stuff that makes it a Breath of Fire game (Ryu, dragons, Nina) but otherwise it's far...too complex for my taste. Even if BoFIV deviated from the formula, it was still quite interesting (and IMO, had the best battle system because you could change allies at whim). We really, desperately need a Breath of Fire V, what with remakes suddenly starting to suck (Tactics Ogre is very nice, but Lufia's remake is utter crap).

    As for was the first BoF game I played, so it caused quite an impact on how rich the system was, let alone the story. I must agree; between Ryu unlocking his draconic powers and reaching Highfort the story is a bit boring (aka, Jean's castle and Grandpa), but once you reach Highfort things get nasty real quick.

    Between my favorite characters...I must say Rand and Father Ray. Rand because he's pretty unique; he fights and acts like a monk, being the game's big bruiser, but when you meet his mother you realize he has one heck of a badass mother. Plus, he's really independent. Father Ray, on the other hand, is pretty tragic:

    I dunno if you got the same vibe, but when you first meet Father Ray, he seems to be a genuine good man. When he gets transformed after you realize the truth of the Church of Evan, the fact that he does it out of duty rather than really opposing you makes it really, really sad. What's worse is that it's right at the moment when you find Ganer.

    As for least favorite...Jean. Which is really his surname; he has the most ridiculous full name of them all. Plus his abilities are kinda meh, he's not the best tank and his attack is pretty weak. His transformations aren't so surprising either; while you get Nina transformed into a hot angel, Katt turned into a fierce cat-woman, Bow transformed into an armored knight with an arbalest, and so on, his transformation...leaves a lot to be desired. Stan would also be pathetic were it not because of his Highfort redemption:

    I mean, who would have thought the monkey was really an army general? And when you face your best friend in the bridge, bets go off; he really redeems after that, getting a bit more serious IMO.

    Oh, that goes without mentioning that BoFII has the best Nina in the series. Honestly, sans wings, I'd like one of my female children to look and act like her.
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