View Poll Results: What's your Favorite Zelda Title

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  • Majora's Mask

    4 21.05%
  • The Legend of Zelda

    1 5.26%
  • The Wind Waker

    5 26.32%
  • Ocarina of Time

    9 47.37%
  • Twilight Princess

    6 31.58%
  • A Link to the Past

    7 36.84%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Best Zelda Title

  1. #1
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    Best Zelda Title

    What's your favorite Zelda game?

  2. #2
    I voted for Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. I can't decide which one I like more. I never really liked Majora's Mask as much as Ocarina of Time. A Link to the Past was where it all started, but for me Ocarina of Time was much better. The 3d experience is much more complete.

  3. #3
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Best Zelda Title SilkAngel's Avatar
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    I would have to say A Link to the Past, because that is the one that really got me interested. ^^ I haven't played it in about 6 or 7 years, but from what I remember it is a super long game. :3 (Not that long...haha ) It just brings back memories of getting my brothers to help me when I was little, and staying up late to play it. ^^
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  4. #4
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    Majora was fun though. I did pick Ocarina. It was just the epitomy of what Zelda is all about. I've not played a game that was more Zelda than that. But again Majora was really really fun. It was a side story which will always hold it back but the whole element of time, and each day being different, and having to complete different quests over a number of days was really cool and innovative. I've never played anything like it.

  5. #5
    i have ears :) Best Zelda Title Full Life's Avatar
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    Ocarina of Time its most fun

  6. #6
    Registered User Best Zelda Title
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    Yay! You made it multiple choice! I don't think that I could choose between The Windwaker and The Ocarina of Time. I love both of these games.

    The Windwaker was a great game, and I loved the cartoon look. Some fans didn't, but it worked for me. Also, like in all Zelda games, the adventure was epic, and Link was on a boat, lol. Loved the music and the characters had wonderful, expressive personalities.

    I always liked the Zelda games, but I think that Ocarina of Time made me love them. When it first released, my brothers and I put our money together so we could buy it. I spent many hours playing this game, and for a while it even took my focus away from playing Final Fantasy VII. It's that good.
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  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    You forgot The Legend of Zelda DX and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Adventure.

    I voted all of them because they are all equally fun. OOT is the best hands down but I love them all.

    Also Minish Cap.
    Last edited by loaf; 09-01-2009 at 10:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Dodie - Yeah you had to make it multiple choice.

    Glad you liked Windwaker. I really thought it was an excellent game too. I don't see why people didn't like the graphics. Would it be blaspheme to say I might have preferred them to the more realistic take in Twilight Princess?

    The only thing I didn't like about Windwaker was at the very end. After Gannon transformed into the Minnataur in Ocarina, him turning into a Marrionette didn't quite cut the mustard.

    But the gameplay was excellent and the story built on the franchise.

  9. #9
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Loaf

    Yeah, I don't know, maybe I'm biased, but I don't count DX games, or any secondary console versions. Some of them are considered in line with their main console bretherin, but most are just passable portable versions.

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Zelda Title Xanatos's Avatar
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    I voted for Ocarina of Time, personally this is the best Zelda game and also second best game overall. Although I played many Zelda games I must say that neither one of them as much as Ocarina of Time and I really enjoyed playing it every time. But Link's Awakening was my first Zelda game and it's a really shame it isn't in the poll, the game who lead me into the series and it's not better but surely more special to me than Ocarina of Time. I still have the original cartridge of Link's Awakening for GB in excellent condition.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 09-01-2009 at 05:09 PM.

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  11. #11
    Ocarina Of Time was the best for me, and the one I remember most because I actually played it for the first time when I was about 7 or 8. Just got it and replayed the remake for GC.

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  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Lock, Links Adventure was for NES. Every Zelda is part of the series, they all have their own purpose. The Game Boy ones are the only ones with different stories then the console's defeat ganon/ganondorf save zelda.

  13. #13
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Loaf - You know you're right. I'm missing out on the other versions. What it is, is that I remember game boy way back in the day, and the couple of games I had for it were just mini knock offs of the console versions so I have this idea that they're just cheap, but I agree my impression is wrong and a lot of those games now days are quite good. Maybe I should invest.

  14. #14
    I've only played Phantom Hourglass and (a bit of) Twilight Princess. I cannot choose. In the former, the whole thing is supercute and nice and fun. However, in the latter, you get an indestructible horse. I cannot choose.

  15. #15
    A Link to the Past. <3
    It was the first game of Zelda I played and I really was fascinated by the story. x3~ All the other ones were great, too, especially Majora's Mask, I'm currently playing it (okay, I haven't played it for weeks now, but I'll continue with it soon... I suppose XD"). I like the idea about the masks you have to collect. It was a new idea and not the old storyline of "rescue Princess Zelda and be a hero". Nevertheless, I like that storyline. x3~

    Also, I thought that TWW and PH were quite good games. I enjoyed them much. ^^

    Actually.. I like them all, but A Link to the Past is the best so far. :3

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  16. #16
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    Do you find Twilight Princess seems to be more popular with younger games who came into the series after Ocarina?

    I'm just wondering if there is a generation gap along the way with these games. For me Twilight doesn't stack up to Ocarina, but you know if Twilight was the first of those 2 I played I may very well have liked it more.

  17. #17
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Rnin's Avatar
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    The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. Hands Down.

  18. #18
    Death Before Dishonor Best Zelda Title Josh_R's Avatar
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    Majora's Mask was my all time fav and in my eyes nothing can beat it...

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  19. #19
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    This is almost hard to say, but I actually liked Ocarina, Majora, and WindWaker more than Twilight. I was never excited about twilight. Running through the whole twilight realm as the wolf felt tedius to me. I just didn't like it.

    But as stated above, Majora was just super cool. I loved that world a lot. How great was Deity Link? Wish I could have used him in the overworld. WindWaker was actually a good time though. I thought it was really fun, and a good move to jump the story ahead rather than having another direct sequel. It was so cool to find out the world was on top of Hyrule. But Ocarina takes the cake.

    I'd be interested to hear from some people who liked the old school games more. I never really played any of the old ones. I feel like I missed out.

  20. #20
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Zelda Title Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    I'd be interested to hear from some people who liked the old school games more. I never really played any of the old ones. I feel like I missed out.
    Well, I'm sure that you're aware that you can't expect to see some decent graphics and deep storyline because of small size cartridges but despite of that I must say that the old ones are fun to play. I highly doubt you'll find original cartridges right now but you can always use emulators.

    From the old ones the best I've played is "Link's Awakening" for the good old GB. It has rather interesting story and it all takes a place far from Hyrule, you'll be quite surprised when you find the real origin of the island where it's all happening. The game isn't hard besides of few puzzles that you need to solve and the gameplay is like in any other Zelda games so I'm sure you'll like it.

    The first Zelda game for NES isn't bad either although there is no much to the story but you'll enjoy beating the dungeons and solving few puzzles. And there is also few bosses that you'll be familiar with although one of them is unbelievable hard to beat.

    There are two more for GBC but you can't call them old school ones because they've been made in 2000 although they unbelievable resemble to the old ones. Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, don't worry they're two different games despite the similarity in names. Both of them have decent story and ability to connect whit each other but only if you have two GBC.

    Also, there is one newer for GBA that doesn't appear in your poll. The Legend of Zelda : Minish Cap, has an interesting story with best graphics that GBA can offer. Also this game has few innovative things that you might like and few excellent sidequest's. And one of the rare games that hasn't Ganondorf for final boss.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 09-21-2009 at 12:20 PM.

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  21. #21
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Link to the Past and Links Awakening were two of my favorites. I also really liked Minish Cap.

    Zelda's jump to 3D didn't make me nut my pants like most other gamers. I always found it stupidly hard to control Link in most situations.

    But since you didn't include the later 2 in your poll (you biased jerk, you) I'm forced to only vote for A Link to the Past.
    Last edited by Sean; 09-21-2009 at 07:43 PM.

  22. #22
    personally i believe that majora's mask was the greatest game over all in terms of story and unique gameplay, something i always look for in a zelda game. i mean, wouldnt love to have a game full of groundhog day moments lol.

    but personally my favorate was windwaker, i just look the cute art style and the fact that it is still a very serious game despite its look.

    but another one that deserves an honerable mention is a link to the past, it was the first i ever played and i still love it .

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  23. #23
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I dunno. It's hard to say; every Zelda game I've ever played has been excellent, and I've played all the console games (save Majora's Mask) and Link's Awakening.

    The Adventure of Link was the first Zelda game I ever played, and having played it as recently as the beginning of this Summer, it's still a fun and somewhat challenging play in places (although I beat it in only three days. One of those days was an extended gaming session, however... Think I beat like four and a half dungeons that day, heh.) It gets a lot of flack for being different, but fuck the naysayers! This game kicks ass, and even though I just played it, I find myself wanting to play it again... Some of it can be intimidating, but just put your head down and barrel through it!

    LttP was a great game, although I've played it to death now-it used to be my favorite game. OoT was definitely another classic, and of course it had the Hero of Time in it (a title no other Link is bestowed, to my knowlege) so a lot of people think it is the definitive Zelda game. The Wind Waker's battle system was a lot of fun, and Ganondorf at the end was badass, but the whole sailing around the ocean could get repetitive and tedious for some (not me.) Twilight Princess, though... there were times when I really didn't like it, and it was a chore to get through (let's just say I sucked at fishing...) but other parts of the game were amazing. To me, it is thus far the definitive Zelda game. ...or is it OoT? Or Wind Waker? Or The Adventure of Link? (which you didn't include in the poll, Locke4God ) I think I'll vote for all those titles. Anyhoo...

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  24. #24
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Xanatos - Yeah I'd like to go back and play some old school games. Honestly the graphics don't bother me at all. In fact I love going and playing the old school FF games. Good stuff.

  25. #25
    Registered User Best Zelda Title Locke4God's Avatar
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    appologies for the double post

    Yeah Ocarina just felt like the "definative" game. It was Zelda. It showed the origins of Gannon, and his Minnator self at the end was super bad-ass. I saw a comment that the Marrionette Gannon at the end of Wind-Waker was bad-ass, but I don't know how you beat OOT's version.

    Twilight Princess - I read a comment saying it was difficult in spots and I agree. But I just thought the environment there was lacking something. I don't know what it was, but I was almost bored playing it. Did anybody else feel that way? I guess maybe I just wasn't that interested in the story it presented. Whereas OOT was the story of Ganon's rise, WW was the distant future follow up, and then Majora was just a fun game, Twilight didn't seem to really offer much. It was just repetative I guess.

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