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Thread: Best Game Series

  1. #1
    Registered User Best Game Series Satrus's Avatar
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    Best Game Series

    Whats the best game you've ever played in your life time

    Last edited by Satrus; 06-13-2010 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    Uhh, one, it'd be nice if you told us what game that was and why you like it.

    Two, that image is WAY too big, keep them under 500 x 500.

    This thread doesn't make sense. The title is Best Game Series, but then you ask what's the best game and post Crysis 0_o

  3. #3
    Certified tech, come at me! Best Game Series SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Uhh, one, it'd be nice if you told us what game that was and why you like it.

    Two, that image is WAY too big, keep them under 500 x 500.

    This thread doesn't make sense. The title is Best Game Series, but then you ask what's the best game and post Crysis 0_o
    What I think shes getting at is that shes asking what game series everyone likes the best and shes expressing that she likes Crysis by posting that picture link. As cain says... please provide details on the game and why you like it.
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  4. #4
    Professional Klutz. Best Game Series Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    Cain makes a good point. I'm taking the question as 'best series' and not game. Here I go...

    This topic is like saying 'best person'. There are so many game series that are the best of their genre that it hurts to pick one over another genre. My brain hurts when I try to choose between Tales and Final Fantasy. Then I think that I can't possibly choose between Smash Bros and Tekken, either. When you think about the differences between each games series' nearest rivals it's hard to choose. The only one that excels at what it does (right now) is CoD, and even that is being threatened by the upcoming MoH.

    It actually is super hard for me to choose a series that I like most. So many take up slots in my must buy list. I guess if I was forced to choose one I'd have to choose Zelda, though. It's just one of those series that I love enough to appreciate it each and every time I play it.

    Harvest Moon is righ up there, though. Just for sheer relaxation.

    Also, Pokémon deserves a mention. It just opened up possibilities and really captured a generation.

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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    I've decided to post in here, though I'm not really sure what my favorite series is... I think it might be the Elder Scrolls series, though, because those games totally steal my soul like no other. I love the exploration and discovery involved in these games-especially the first time I played Morrowind. I also like the different races, and messing with NPC's. Another would be the Warcraft RTS series, and Mario, and Pokemon... Warcraft is probably the closest to Elder Scrolls. Also, Fallout 3. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6

    Re: Best Game Series

    I think probably the best game i have played throughout my life is legend of zelda ocarina of time

  7. #7
    Registered User Best Game Series Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    Quote Originally Posted by rkblitz View Post
    I think probably the best game i have played throughout my life is legend of zelda ocarina of time
    I really liked that game too, but i don't really know what my favourite game ever is, i could have said 100 that i do like, but i'll just keep to OoT

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  8. #8
    I want to play a game. Best Game Series Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    Well I really love Shadow Hearts: Covenant - my favourite or second favourite RPG - and I love the original Shadow Hearts as well, I feel that Final Fantasy is my favourite series. Each game offers something new in story, characters, setting, and battle system; I'm always eager to see what new characters have been included in the Final Fantasy series with each new game and what new story has been given. The plethora of great music in the Final Fantasy series adds to it being my best series.

    Close seconds would have to be the Dragon Quest series which gives me the classic RPG feel but keeps it fresh though it doesn't change as much as FF. The stories, while simple, still evoke a lot of emotion that is amplified by the great music orchestrated by Koichi Sugiyama. Another series that is close behind Final Fantasy is the Golden Sun series. Great customization and I love how Psyenergy is incorporated into the dungeons of the games - a feature I liked in Final Fantasy III with magic being used in-game - and the Djinn were plus the summons they unlocked were very useful as well. Once again in this series the music is spectacular.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  9. #9
    Best Game Series Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Best Game Series

    I would say Shining Force, but everything after Shining Force 3, when it changed from a SRPG to a generic action RPG, was pure crap.

    Instead, I'll have to be generic myself and settle on Zelda. Zelda is Zelda. That's all one really has to say regarding it. Some people complain that it hasn't evolved since Ocarina of Time, but I think that's more a testament to Ocarina of Time rather than an insult to the franchise. 12 years later, the same general gameplay formula is still enjoyable. Miyamoto claims that the next Zelda will evolve the formula, but really, it could be exactly the same again and I'd still buy it and enjoy it.

    Runner-ups include Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, God of War and probably a million others I can't think of at this very moment.

    Until now!

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