Its been recognized for its realism in its ability to portray actual battle conditions/environments.
here, watch this video for example.
Probably the most fun I've had being terrible at a game is with the battlefield series.
Remembering BF2, I was pretty excited to get this game (now that the price has come down slightly). After the unexpectedly long install time, even for a PC game, I jumped in to a march that was just starting and after 30 minutes of play time, I had killed one enemy, crashed several aircraft into buildings and been stabbed in the back repeatedly.
I thought about how I felt about the game vs the price as I reviewed my terrible score and realized I actually had fun anyway.
Knowing that BF2 took me some time to get the hang of, i know heilos and jets take plenty of practice to master. Since that first round I have gone on a few killing sprees and had a couple of heroic, tank-annihillating moments.
Im stil mostly a detriment to my team for now and nowhere as deadly as say, blackops, but for this first week of playing its been fun.
Same problems with gameplay from 2:
Teamates who grab up vehicles and leave you stranded in the desert,
Randomly spawning under the treads of an M1A1, forgetting which button you mapped your parachute to after bailing out of a burning heilo at 1,000 feet.
Same old fun,
New guns and toys, prettier scenery.
Its been recognized for its realism in its ability to portray actual battle conditions/environments.
here, watch this video for example.
Just found out that there is a glitch that can cause loss of your user profile.
It seems that the developers are aware of it and can fix the problem without any permanent loss.
So there's one negative, but not a big problem.
Side note:
Had an enemy get a knife kill on me earlier, I was at least impressed by the brutailty in the cinematic of him stabbing my character in the chest repeatedly in stead of the classic one slash and done style of most fps.
I have it for 360, but the last few times I've played, I had some incredibly frustrating problems. I wasn't able to play with one of my friends; I'd be able to invite him into my match, and then he'd wind up in a totally different game. I also had zero luck with any type of custom matches, as in changing the filters to getting the type of match I wanted. I was, and still may be stuck with only being able to play by going through the instant match feature. I'm so sick of freakin capture the post.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Guys you're playing a game created by EA, meaning its an unfinished piece of shit that you were drastically over charged for
And Pete! No fps on console!!! It's like an able bodied person buying a wheel chair and choosing to go out to play wheelchair basketball instead of real basketball! whhhhhhhhy
I've been dying for a new fps for a long time, was gonna cave a few months back and get a new rig and BF3, but decided to hold off for a real fps GAME Counter strike global offense, and its now released, new rig coming next week WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
But yeah BF3, i think Rowan pointed out the extent of how flawed the game is, heck i even remember watching zboard on LAN playing BF2 a few years ago, and they were doing side way loop the loops with an apache and dodging rockets.. INSANE! But clearly a bug..
Oh, man Nix!
You're right!
I am either being duped so hard right now that I'm blissfully ignorant of my suffering
I didn't know there was a new counterstrike. I bet its just a polished and refined as the original masterpiece.
Parts of walls in buildings which dont line up so players can spend decades perfecting that first timed headshot through the faulty pixels.
Hacks to make your M16 a full auto grenade launcher.
Cornercamping like a cockroach in the same bush every time you play your favorite level for 10+ years.
Good ol' counterstrike.
Much more care was put into that game and expansions than battlefield, clearly.
Pete, i heard rumors of the crappyness of the console port. I remember the Xbox port of BF2 was nothing like the computer version.
If its anything like the past situation, the console port is probably not even half the game.
What's with all the hate on consoles
Theres nothing bad about console gaming.
Im a big fan of plenty of console fps like call of duty.
Its the ports.
A game built for pc just doesnt work the same on console and a game made for console doesnt work the same on pc.
Im sure you are referring to internet rage like, "U CANT PLAY FPS ON CONSOALS!!".
haters gonna hate, i guess.
Opinions on games are a lot like opinions on anything, it doeant matter what most people think. Play your games how you like.
Exept linux.
Gaming on linux is for hipsters.
No, you probably just suck and are easily amused, don't worry mate, there are millions of you, sadly.
Counter strike is thee best ever team based first person shooter in existence, that is if you join an actual team and compete. If you're just a noob public games ho, then yeah you will likely be more satisfied with the games that don't require skill to have fun, like COD and BF and run into alot of hackers there too.
There are hackers in every PC game sadly, the only draw back, but put me in a match of any FPS game, me on pc vs say 20 console gamers. They would just simply be canon fodder to me, it would feel like i was playing against bots..
But yeah if you're happy with continuing to pay crazy money for a half assed bug ridden multiplayer game that doesnt get much time to build a competitive community with the dead cert of a sequel being released within a year, Then continue to play games like COD and BF.
What i find funny is, ill pay 13euro for the new CS and i will be playing it for the next couple of years, between the old 1.6 and source, they gave me over a decade of play. So they way i figure it is, ill be saving alot of money too.
10 years, BF is what around $60 on release? prob be around 8-10 different battlefield games released within that time. so thats like $600 vs $13
And Mysterion, i dont hate consoles, i hate FPS games on consoles. Its like using a steering wheel to play a beat em up. You can do alot more with a keyboard and mouse, you're basically handicapping yourself, so any chance i get i belittle fps console gamers in an effort to convert them to pc fps gaming..
I wasn't aware I was sharing a thread with a professional shooter.
Who's your sponsor, nix?
I bet you placed top ten at Vegas last year, how was it? I hear those tournaments get crazy what with under the table bets. Having a paid hotel room and perdiem must be awesome, too.
No, I'm retired last few years as no decent fps games released, hoping CS:GO hits the spot and accomplishes what source nearly did
And I've never been to a lan event in the states, but hopefully someday![]()
Welp, nothin wrong with taking on nationals. Your team must be hounding you to make a comeback.
I love BF3, I play it on PS3 and think it's great.
The multiplayer is probably one of the best I've played in a FPS (second only to Tribes Ascend on PC). I always love class based games, and BF3 has all that. Just thought I would mention here that BF3 is my first BF game, but has made me want to find the old ones to see what they are like. I hear Bad Company 2 still has a lot of players.
That being said, however, the single player Campaign is horrible. It's a poorly written mess, and culminates in probably the most anti-climactic fight I have ever played.
Anyone want to play with me on PS3, my ID is zantetsuken13 (as seen below)![]()
I actually have BF3 on PC, but I stopped playing it after a while, like most shooters (except counter-strike, thats awesome). I foudn the game to be too... messy? If you play a domination map or a rush with over 80 players, good luck accomplishing ANYTHING other than reviving dead teammates over and over again (which is where the majority of points come from). The deathmatch and team deathmatch are okay, but nothing special. The areas are too wide open which makes it easy for camping with sniper rifles. Theres no skill in a game where all you need to do is prone in some bushes with a sniper and pick people off one by one.
hello de_dust2
I respectfully disagree. But that's your opinion, so no point in a counter argument.
and visa versa, put you on a console and you would be the same, you have to adjust to the slight changes with aim acceleration, aim assist, and hitscan (even though a lot of PC shooters have this too). It's not something that can just be adjusted to quickly if you've never played before.There are hackers in every PC game sadly, the only draw back, but put me in a match of any FPS game, me on pc vs say 20 console gamers. They would just simply be canon fodder to me, it would feel like i was playing against bots..
Which is one of the reasons they hardly ever make it to MLG. But you're comparing Apples to Oranges here. They weren't built to be competitive, they were built to be casual. Appeal to the masses.But yeah if you're happy with continuing to pay crazy money for a half assed bug ridden multiplayer game that doesnt get much time to build a competitive community with the dead cert of a sequel being released within a year, Then continue to play games like COD and BF.
not exactly a new CS, more of a reskin with some new content and some bug fixes. Or did they build it off a new engine?What i find funny is, ill pay 13euro for the new CS and i will be playing it for the next couple of years, between the old 1.6 and source, they gave me over a decade of play. So they way i figure it is, ill be saving alot of money too.
I see your point, but meh. I don't really mind giving money to developers to develop games I enjoy and pump unlimited hours into.10 years, BF is what around $60 on release? prob be around 8-10 different battlefield games released within that time. so thats like $600 vs $13![]()
I wouldn't quite stretch it that far.And Mysterion, i dont hate consoles, i hate FPS games on consoles. Its like using a steering wheel to play a beat em up. You can do alot more with a keyboard and mouse, you're basically handicapping yourself, so any chance i get i belittle fps console gamers in an effort to convert them to pc fps gaming..
I mean there is definitely a slight skill gap drop between a console and PC due to Aim acceleration, aim assist, among other things.
But I firmly believe that if you are good in shooters it doesn't matter which you play. I play BF3 on PC and Halo on Xbox and do fairly well on both. But like I said earlier, I had to adjust for a little bit to become good at both.
You might win a little more than you should, but still I don't find it to be that big of a difference.
So I took a look at the unlockable weapons in BF3 and it seems like I'm a solid 1/4 of the way into it. Of course, I haven't bought any expansions yet. I'm trying to find out if you can buy the premium package without having to rebuy the game entirely.
I'm not so die hard as to go that far, but there are some decent perks in it. It would be nice to have the expansions prepaid and ready to download upon release, but I am prepaired to do it the old fashion way.
Biggest issue I have had with this game (aside from the crappy teamates which plague every shooter... Show me where the snipers are, guinea pigs!) is the admins of some servers.
So far, I've been kicked (not banned yet) for blowing up an admin's tank a couple of times in one match,
Using the M249 light machinegun to surpress snipers,
Using Mortars,
Accidentally crashing a jet into a friendly chopper (it happens, that's why I rarely fly and my crappyness at it is compounded) To my credit, I have to add that I won the dogfight I was in.
I have been kicked for legitimate stuff like switching sides when I joined a game and was placed on a losing team and mowing down teammates because I didn't know I was on a friendly fire server.
But overall, I've been able to have fun and build a pretty respectable set of dogtags, medals and stats.
Found out the hard way that knifes are not one-shot-kill like in CoD, it's only an automatic kill if you sneak up behind an opponent, which I actually like.
I've given sniping a try and it's pretty fun. Nailing those moving headshots while the enemy is sprinting across a distant bridge is pretty exciting when you consider the bullet drop, travel time, obsticles and elevation of the target.
At a certain distance, the bullet drop results in easier hits on a prone enemy or one behind cover. That crap is awesome.
I don't like being a medic or healer in any game, so I barely even tried. Just enough to get an undermounted grenade launcher.
Engineer is good once you get your hands on STA missiles and the classic RPG-7. Combine that with explosives specialization for additional rounds and you've got yourself a party.
But I gotta admit, like most games I am a fan of the light machinegun. You start letting lose and the whole enemy team draws a bead on you. Snipers don't stand much chance against a support gunner who sets up overwatch and can utilize bullet drop to rain ammo down on their stupid little bush.
The only thing I consistantly feel like I'm missing is a clan like the ones I always had when I played MW1, 2 and blackops.
On the occasion that I can find a sniper, assult or engineer who will follow my lead and cover me when I set up surpressive fire, I can just about control the front lines of combat in my area.
I've even been in matches where me and two or three other players stuck together and managed to hold down three out of five flags with nearly no assistance from our bumbling, tanks on the friendly flightline, heilo-newbie-backflip into a mountain, enemy air and armor-unchallenged, snipers on the hillside all day team.
That's what I like about battlefield.
There are two different levels of players there, and it is apparent. You have the cockroaches who do nothing but run headlong into enemy fire and you have fighters. It only takes a couple of fighters to give a team momentum, once you start winning, the cockroaches suddenly stop complaining about their team and start shooting, too.
Funny how everyone thinks it's the team's fault when they lose.
Now that I've had some practice with the game and gotten the feel for it, I'm no longer dragging ass at the bottom of the charts. Feels good to go a full match thinking you are doing terribly until you see in the report you have the highest score overall, highest score for your class and top three overall kill-death ratio.
Part of it was learning where I mapped all my damn buttons to.
BF3 is like an MMO in the ammount of buttons you have to use to fight even a small number of enemies on foot, let alone in the sky.
I'm telling you, I got a Naga mouse and I'm using every button on that thing, plus my left hand is dancing all over the keyboard like a pianist most of the time.
Except for when my team can actually hold an objective for longer than 30 seconds. In that case, I'll just lay down my bipod, establish a good field of fire and watch the lemmings fall.
Still good times to be had on BF3 for PC.
There are just as many opportunities to pull of some Die Hard inspired, mindblowing action-heroing as BF2 with more guns and prettier trees.
I got this game for my 360 a little while after it came out. Sadly my PC sucks so I had to go with that.
I like it better then any Bad Company, 2142 and Vietnam. BF2 is amazing also but BF3 beats it imo.
Although I only really snipe 80% of the time, I do like to play as Support.
Been awhile tho since I played it, great FPS.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Whats keeping you away from ot lately?
Aggrivating amount of poor teamwork?
Different game holding your interest?
If you're having alot of control issues with the choppers/planes, adjust the mouse sensitivity for that particular vehicle in the control options, makes all the difference.. When i first played BF i kept crashing the planes, just going into random nose dives, even bought a joy stick in an effort to improve my plane skills, turns out i just had the wrong sensitivity..![]()
That's actually a good point. I haven't tried adjusting all that for each vehicle. It's worth a shot, considering I was actually about to go out and buy a joystick and throttle.
Nah just get used to keyboard and mouse bro, unless ya have alot of desk space for the stick, its a pain in the arse to be switching too and they take ages to set up. I found slowing down the sensitivity for the flying vehicles best, not all the way, id say a lil over half way on the scale. Don't bother with land/water vehicles settings, they're just arrow keys anyway..
Currently installing my new rig, got the new naga hex too, its pretty slick, alot smaller than i predicted, feels tiny in my hand.
Despite all my hate for EA i may give BF3 a bash, or hold out till part 4, whens that out? Despite the games flaws, its great fun for public play. I'll see how i like CS:GO i guess, 46% C'mon babay!!!!
Yeah, pc install times are killer.
I dont know anything about the plans for BF4, but there are several expansions for Bf3. If its anything like 1942 and bf2, itll probably be live and kicking for years.
Yeah, that naga is pretty awesome. Great for quick swapping weapons when you cant afford to stop moving, like in a heavy shootout. It takes a bit to get your thumb used to finding individual buttons on the side, but once you get it, its perfect.
I even recently moved my left hand to ESDF instead of WASD position for the pinkey on the A key for knife attacks. Works great for me.
BF4 is slated for 2014.
The beta will be in fall 2013 and so far the only way to get in is to pre order the limited edition of the new Medal of Honor.
Thats one way to create customer loyalty, I guess.
I was never a fan of the medal of honor series, its all stand in this one piece of cover we graciously provided and shoot. Now run. Now shoot. Now lay down and snipe. Now run. Now shoot and so on.
Theyre boring at best, aggrivating at higher difficulty.
Bullet spounge allies, expert rifle certified badguys.
You know, I realize I havent even played BF3 campaign. I dont really have an interest to because Im pretty sure Ill find it to be the same as i described aboit MoH.