[It's alright to go ahead and do this right? I thought I would give this a shot. I'm crap at making characters though, so I'm just playing myself.]
A young woman in her mid-20's just finished work that day. It had been a long one, what with all the construction that still needed to be done after the Meteorfall and Deepground incidents. A lot of progress had been made since then, and Edge was coming into it's own as a pretty hospitable place to live. Children no longer feared to play outside, and adults worked together to make sure that future generations wouldn't have to go through the terrors that occurred only a few years ago...
These days have been quite happy, and the young lady decided it was high time to treat herself to something good. She had heard about a bar near the center of town, and thought it would be fun to go in and check it out.
As she approached the establishment, she saw a young girl, who appeared to be no older than eight, switch the sign from "Closed" to "Open".
"Wow! Perfect timing!", she thought to herself. She made her way to the front door and pulled it open. A bell rang out that signaled to the young girl, who quickly turned around to greet the new customer.
“Welcome to 7th Heaven! What can I get you?”
"This little girl...works here?" the woman thought to herself, puzzled as to why any parent would allow their child to work at such a young age, especially in a bar. However, she quickly dismissed the thought, and figured it really wasn't any of her business to know. She thanked the little girl for her hospitality and asked her what her name was.
"I'm Marlene!" the young girl cheerfully replied. "What's yours?"
With a smile, the woman responded, "My name is Julie, but you can call me Dodie if you wish. That what a few of my friends and family call me."
Marlene giggled a bit, and then asked if there was anything she could get for Julie. Julie responded that a glass of water would be just fine for right now, and Marlene skipped off to get her one. Julie made her way to a booth near one of the windows to relax a bit, and get off of her aching feet. Marlene delivered the water, and also a menu that Julie could look at and order from. Marlene informed her that she would be back if Julie needed anything and turned to head back to the bar area, where another woman who seemed to be about Julie's age was tending.
Julie took a glance at the menu, and saw all the pictures and descriptions of the delicious-looking food and assortment of drinks that could be ordered. Normally not a drinker in the slightest, looking at what was offered, she decided that having one drink wouldn't hurt anything.
Just as she was making up her mind on what to order, Julie heard the bell of the front entrance ring out, as another customer walked into the establishment.