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Thread: Indepth look at the TFF World

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    Synthesized Ascension Indepth look at the TFF World Zardoch's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Indepth look at the TFF World

    [To further explain things within the basic storyline found in the Factions IC forum, here is an elaboration of the world and magic so that everyone can have a deeper understanding.]

    Storyline Summary: To start off, here's a short summary of the default storyline. A corporation by the name of Fenix Inc. (i.e. My faction) has been searching for something on both this world and other planets. They used archaeology, geology, legends, and everything you can think of in order to find whatever their president, Sakura, was looking for.

    Since then (the search began in 2014), Fenix Corp scientists have found something within the Skull of Golgotha in Israel (google it), which happens to be a new type of metal not found within the earth's elemental table of chemicals. With a new sense of direction, Sakura has ordered his Faction to begin looking for more of this element without explaining why. In this, he will stop at nothing to find what he seeks and that includes destroying other factions, corrupting them, or even seducing them. No faction is safe as long as Fenix Inc.'s agenda continues to grow strong.

    The Finding of the Magical Energy: Forty years ago (1977), explorers on one of the moons of Jupiter found a plasma that was generated by a warm liquid underneath the moon's crust. This energy turned out to be alive as scientists discovered that on a molecular level, it was formed from billions of tiny organisms that generated a multitude of elemental sources. They called the lifeforms Magicites and the power they generated, Magic (duh). What was even more incredible is that the same scientist using the basic information from this discovery found much of the same creatures inside the Earth and other planets. As long as there was water or some form of it, the Magicites thrived.

    So with the help of many other scientists, they were able to come up with a way to draw the energy from the Magicites while at the same time increasing the reproduction rate. This created the first Magicite production company called Rhanis, which soon joined together with other companies to begin building technology off of this new energy source. Thus began the industrial revolution that has pushed the entirety of society to a whole new level.

    [I may add more in future additions.]
    Last edited by Zardoch; 08-28-2009 at 10:36 AM.

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