Character’s Name: Adam Morrison
Character’s Age: 34
Employer: self employed- TBA
Faction Rank: Leader
Character’s Appearance: Adam stands approximately five-foot-eight with an athletic, muscular build. His arms are riddled with both scars and tattoos, most notably, a US flag tattooed on his right bicep, and a Celtic cross with pairs of initials at each branch on his left shoulder blade. His eyes have been described as both a very intense brown and a lifeless gray. This dispute has gone on only because Adam prefers to keep mirrored aviator sunglasses on at virtually all times, except while on a mission. Otherwise, Adam is oft clean shaven or sporting a five o'clock shadow, and keeps his dark brown hair closely cropped.
Character’s Equipment:
- Adam tends to only live with the essentials when it comes to his own gear. He prefers functionality above all. His outfits vary from mission to mission, but follow a very basic outline: Some form of camouflaged military grade pants, a form of temperature regulated shirt (either shedding or storing body heat) and a "dragon skin" vest, comprised of kevlar and hundreds of overlapping ceramic plates. Steel toed black work boots, or black tactical boots are worn at all times.
In battle, Adam prefers hand to hand and knife combat. In fact, he carries three knives with him at all times, all with sentimental meaning.
World War II era- Ka-Bar knife. 7" of black steel, with a leather handle. Stored in a sheath attached to dragon skin vest. Sheath is placed lengthwise across the back of Adam's belt when the vest is not worn.
Vietnam Era "Buck" knife. 7" of stainless steel, with an aluminum and black plastic handle. Resembles a miniature cutlass sword. Stored in boot sheath.
Last ditch "gauntlet" knife. Stored in a black wristband on Adam's left arm. It is a small blade with a finger loop for a handle, used in extremely dire circumstances.
Adam also carries with him a Remington 700 rifle, with telescopic lens. The rifle is used mostly as a means of scouting from a distance, but is also equipped with live rounds, and rounds infused with ground leaves and roots, causing various status affects, such as sleep, amnesia and even a complete loss of motor skills.
Character’s Personality: Adam is a competitor, through and through. If you claim you're the best at something, he'll only try to prove you otherwise. If you can indeed best him, you'll have his respect. Adam is not entirely a gentle soul, nor is he completely cold. He trusts people to an extent, with the exception of his own crew, but keeps strangers at a distance until they prove themselves. Other than that, Adam is a fiercely loyal leader, always looking out for the best interests of him and his squad, regardless of how off putting his actions and words may seem at the time.
Character’s Skills & Abilities:
-Hand to Hand combat. Loosely based knowledge of Jiu Jitsu and boot camp. Extensive hand to hand combat experience from US- Canada War in 2013. Has also been known to relentlessly pummel enemies in combat with zero regard for his own well-being, in a form of beserker rage. It can be controlled, but every now and then, Adam blacks out in a fight and has no recollection of putting others in hospitals... or in the ground.
Knife combat: Extensive knife training from both grandfather and uncle, combat instructors from World War II and Vietnam War, respectively.
Rural/ backwoods/ combat medicine: Quite knowledgeable in holistic and natural remedies for common ailments, and able to treat wounds and perform basic life saving emergency medical procedures. (ie, treating a gunshot, laceration, setting broken bones, making splints, etc)
Short Bio: Adam Morrison was your everyman, working in a chop shop in the hills of upstate New York when the Canadians began their offensive against America in 2011. Being a simple man of family values, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his relatives, and take up the gun. Now, with the war won, and his country largely in ruins, he needs to take matters into his own hands to ensure financial stability for his mother and ailing father.