Luca, Spira - James Snugrey, Luca Notaries – Today marked a turn of events that no one would have expected. This day marks the opening day of the Biltzball season, in commemoration the annual Biltzball tournament was held today where a speech was given by Mika himself. For those that missed the speech he was quoted as saying “This is a great contest of bravery, skill and strength. All of these fine teams, equally renowned, deserve to win this trophy today!”
The stadium has been protected for hundreds of years by the Crusaders who hope to keep the area in tact for future events to happen. Many of Spira’s inhabitants come from far and wide to see their favorite teams duke it out on the water-based gridiron. Is this an outlet for entertainment or is it an outlet for life and the events that surround it.
The opening game was set and the match was to be the Besaid Auroks verses the Al Bhed Psyches. As the game started disaster struck as rumor around the stadium spread that Yuna had been kidnapped, many noticed the devastation as the rumor circulated even members of the Auroks seemed to be paying a toll as their star player, Wakka, seemed to be taking a beating. As the city was combed a light of hope emerged as it was announced that Yuna was found safe and sound visiting one of the Al Bhed trade ships. This not only set a peace amongst the stadium but also added fuel to the Aurok’s fire. They came back in a last instant score and knocked the Psyches out of the competition. After the game Wakka walked off the field and was quoted as saying, “They might of played dirty but they got what was coming to them eh!”
This marked the Auroks first victory in many years when competing in this tournament. As the day passes the Auroks didn’t have to play another game as they where seated as a by team that had to play the number 2 ranked Psyches. With their victory they where automatically moved to the finals where they would play the victors of the underling bracket.
The day was tough as many teams played each other for the chance to devastate the Auroks in the finals but one team shown through the diversity and managed to take down all of the other opposing teams including the mighty Kilika Beasts.
The match was set and the game was announced the Besaid Auroks would be playing the Luka Goers, the hometown local heroes. The Goers had the popular vote as the victors but the Auroks where hopeful as they prepared for the final bout.
The arena was full and the crowd was an amazing sight to see, many of the defeated teams fans where there to support the Auroks as they faced their long time rivals the Goers, even though the odds where against them the shimmer of hope still rung predominant. The sphere was filled and the first ball was launched! The Goers took possession of the ball and from that point they had control until a young man named Tidus took the field, whose origins are still unknown. He played with a deadly accuracy that hasn’t been seen since the time of Sir Jecht him self; His moves were flawless and his skills where unmatched. The Auroks seemed unbeatable as Tidus and Wakka rallied their team and moved ahead on the scoreboard. The time was running out and in a miraculous save by Luca’s own Bickson, the game was tied and almost sent into over time as the tension on the field rose. But in the end the Auroks where defeated in a last minute rush set up by the Goers, Bickson came to the rescue as he scored the final point and set his self up to be the MVP of the entire tournament.
Celebrations were cut short as a riot broke loose in the crowds. Fiends where unleashed upon the stadium and the masses where sent into wide spread, pure panic. The Auroks sore from defeat, where the first to jump off of the side lines and into the bleachers as they composed their selves for battle; they rushed the fiends head on and slowly started to take the fiends down one by one. The day was grim as the fiends out numbered the would-be good doers 10 to 1, but a large spark was seen as a massive beast known as Anima appeared in the distance besides Seymore Guado. The fiends where no match for the combined efforts of the Maester of Yevon and the Auroks star players. They were taken effortlessly and the peace settled around the arena.
Many were hurt but none of the injuries where critical. The Crusaders were set out to find the source of the attack but nothing has yet to turn up. As night fell on the stadium the focus was not on the Goers but it was on the Auroks who in defeat prevailed diversity and helped to save one of Spiras last enjoyments.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards: