Cid Highwind’s greatest achievement yet
As nightfall hit the noisy city of Junon, expectations were high as one of the wonders of man was set to be christened. For those that don’t know Cid Highwind of the Shinra Corporation is set to unveil his multi-passenger flying machine tonight.
“This achievement is a miracle for all of man kind,” said Scarlet in a press conference earlier today, “Not only will we dominate the land and sea but we will also dominate the skies”
The use of the “Airship” is for public transportation from Junon to Midgar, but other uses could be found. In times of need the vessel could be used for supplying food to the needy in towns such as Coral, it could be used for weather research and advanced telecommunication. The only real limiting factor is the passenger capacity being set at only 34 seats outside of staff and flight crew.
Flight has been one of the Shinra Corporations main concerns for well over 10 years and it has been a life long dream of Cid Highwind, Shinra's chief aeronautical engineer. With the Shinra Corporations advancements in modern technology and Cids concepts on flight the idea of flight wasn’t a hard concept to bring to reality.
Many prototypes have been made and outside of the high wind only one other Airship has stood the rigorous tests. The Tiny Bronco was the first vessel made for limited flight with small load carrying capabilities. A second larger prototype was rumored to be made for military use and crash landed outside the port of Junon.
The Junon Journal was lucky enough to catch Cid for a brief minute to get a quick interview.
The Junon Journal: What originally gave you the inspiration to try to tackle the feat of flight?
Cid Highwind: Well I had a fondness of birds as a boy. The way they graced the skies was amazing. And eventually it brought the question to my mind; if birds can do it why the #$%& man?
TJJ: The ships official launch has been set for tonight, but many test flights have been performed, how does the ship actually achieve flight and how well does it handle in normal operating conditions?
CH: Well knuckle head, I will keep this in laymens terms for you, there are many components that enable this bird to fly; first of I am sure you have seen the large propellers those are key. They have been weighed and balanced to achieve optimum lift. Secondly the controlling mechanisms that allow you to turn are also seated in each of the bays that the propellers sit in. The propellers actually tilt to a slight degree in conjunction with the RPM of the motors making maneuverability at angles a reality also the rear rudder allow the ship to turn left to right. Ascending also relies on the main rotors RPM while descending not only relies on mains but also the secondary lowering motors.
As for her handling, she handles better then a honeybee on nickel night if you catch my drift.
TJJ: Wow that is amazing. What is that your third cigarette since this interview started?
CH: Actually it is my second; I am taking it slow today. Don’t want to get myself too worked up. What kind of #$%&in’ question was that?
TJJ: Sorry just an observation. So it is rumored that the Highwind has a few secret black boxes, are the rumors true and what do they do if the rumors are true?
CH: Do you want me to stab you with my #$%&in’ spear kiddo?
TJJ: No, why did you just respond to a question with a question?
CH: Well because that would be highly classified information if the rumor was true, and I would have to kill you if I told you.
Before anymore questions could be asked Cid got pulled away to perform his duties for the night.
With a max speed of 386 knots the Highwind has shown diversity in its test flights. “She’s a fast beast for her weight,” said Cid, making reference to the Highwind’s astounding weight of 1,280 tons, in a press conference held by Shinra “with the power of her four modified Shinra 16-s GE turbo prop engines she is surely the fastest means of transportation around!”
With the completion of the Highwind it is highly rumored that Cid has been assigned a second role with the Shinra Corporation, since he has conquered air his next alleged assignment is to conquer space.
- Ralph Verbion, The Junon Journals
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards: