(Note: As promised in our fourth issue, we present the interview done to renowned martial arts master Zell Dincht, as presented in the 50th issue of the Combat King magazine. We thank the periodical staff for their support, with special thanks to the interviewer, miss Rhonda Gallway, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Sensei Zeru Dacht.)
Combat King: How did you began your martial (ed.: monastic) arts training? We know you are a long time reader of our magazine, but your fighting style has certainly inspired us to delve a bit on the development of your martial arts style.
Zell Dincht: My memory is a little hazy on when I began (mutters), but I remember reading the magazines for as long as I can recall. I think it started during the time I was in the orphanage. I would end up in fights with the other children and usually lose and had enough of it. I...I uh...oh right...I found the magazine out on the beach blowing around and caught it in time. I think I remember reading to repeatedly and try it out. It was pretty rough and I still got beat up, but that began to change after I left the orphanage.
CK: Your fans refer to your combat style as the "Duel School of Martial Arts". What was the inspiration for such name?
Zell: Duel huh? (laughs) I didn't realize it had a name actually. I've been training and reading techniques out a magazine most of my life, but I never really thought to give a name. But duel huh? Sounds kinda cool, like you're going one-on-one with someone. Guess it makes since. (laughs)
CK: Besides the sections in which we explain in detail new martial arts, which is your next favorite section?
Zell: I enjoy the interviews you have with other martial artists (ed. Note: Hand2Hand). Being in SeeD I'm always on missions and never had real formal training from a master. So it makes me feel like I can connect with them a little.
CK: In our first issue, we explained a martial arts move called the "Dolphin Blow". This blow was submitted to us by a mysterious martial arts master, of which we only gathered the name as "Zangan" (ed. Note: Zangan is a master of monastic arts in the Planet, and rumored to be the teacher of known monastic arts practitioner Tifa Lockheart). At the fifth issue, we explained the mechanics upon a finishing move called the "Final Heaven", which seems to be similar to the art practiced and taught by this mysterious sifu. Have you ever heard of this man before? Do you consider your martial arts style, "Duel", as superior to this style?
Zell: Zangan? Zan-gan? (mutters again) I can't say I know him, but as I said so much of my skill is self taught. However, I don't think one style is superior to any other, but with different ways of fighting. I may be the best at my own style of fighting, but there is probably someone out there that could beat me even still. In the world of martial arts you learn quickly that there is always someone stronger.
-CK: How do you feel having such popularity? Must be difficult being a star...
Zell: (laughs) Star, I like that sound. I did save the world and stop the time compression and all. But I haven't really seen anything from my popularity, though I do get hotdogs now. Still don't get respect from that one guy. (whispers) Seifer…
CK: For all those prospective fighters and brawlers out there...what's your diet regime? Heard you were a fan of hot dogs, but an old sifu says "you cannot depend on bread and fist alone"...
Zell: Hotdogs are awesome, they're great I tell you. You should really buy one when you can. Though they sell out fast, but I could probably get one for you. Hotdogs, lunch is soon isn't it?
CK: What has been your greatest battle? Certainly, we've heard that you can handle skilled Galbadian soldiers with ease, and we are proud that our shown moves have helped you defeat very difficult monsters. But, we are curious as to which has been your most difficult, or memorable battle.
Zell: There's been so many battles that I've had to go through. I've fought rogue GFs (Guardian Forces) and weapons even Sorceresses. It's hard to pick just one, but the important and differently memorable battle was the fight with the Sorceress Ultimecia from the future that threatened to end all life in all time as we knew it. I was shoulder to shoulder with my comrades, my friends, and we dealt blows to her and she dished out crazy things I've never seen before. It was a long battle and we almost lost one of my closest friends, but succeeded and stopped her evil plans.
CK: Finally, and this is something we've found curious. Our editor in chief, who doubles as our model in showing martial arts moves, has a striking resemblance to you. Are you family or something?
Zell: Wow, I can't believe I've never noticed that. (pulls out magazine) You're right! Huh? Maybe that time compression did something weird, oh maybe I shouldn't have said that. Uh, maybe I've said too much in the interview. (sighs) Squall always telling me I never know when to stay quiet. Yeah...it was the GFs!