balthier was a judge surprised me too. i was all like whaaat?
personaly i was surprised balthier was a judge
balthier was a judge surprised me too. i was all like whaaat?
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
I was hovering my cursor over this thread and saw Balthier to be a judge...just great...I'll let myself ponder but I'm pretty sure I saw he was an EX-judge. I'm locking this thread for myself. Never to look at it again.
Yes.. I'am aLso surprised to know that BaLthier was once a judge.. since he introduce himseLf as a fearLess skypirate.. aLso.. to know that Fran is quite oLd..
remember Vaan asking her exact age..? LoL! :-)
and to know that Basch' twin brother is the traitor and behind the kiLLing of Vaan's brother (Rex) and the father of Ashe (Once the ruLer of DaLmasca)! If I'm not mistaken..
Last edited by Yesha; 08-28-2009 at 11:10 PM.
My Art Thread:
I don't know if this actually really surprised me, but the scenes in the Pharos are what got me hooked on the game and made it one of my top 5 FF games of all time.
sound more like an appreciation for th aesthetic beauty for its cut scenes rather than the plot
I too was surpirsed to see that Balthier was a judge.
Although when I found out, I thought about his charecter and only then realised that he was well suited to be a judge. I would have liked to see mabey and flashback with Balthier fighting in a war or somthing as a judge.
I think it would look somthing like this (![]()
I don't think there was anything that really surprised me. There were a few things that could have been surprising... if the scenes had had a "surprising atmosphere". (So, now I think I've confused everyone XD)
The thing about XII was the following: No atmosphere. Even the most emotional parts of the game were just.. normal scenes without emotion. Like the scene with Basch and Vossler. I could've fallen asleep if I'd been tired. (I wasn't, but it was really boring XD")
So there was no moment like "WTF?! Never would've thought that THIS would happen!" in this game for me. .-."
I wasn't surprised about Balthier being a judge, either. Must be because I didn't care about him XD"
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
nevertheles of the above post the game's plot is very intriguing but a little cliche.... seeing the war of a kingdom through commoners' eyes..... not the whole thing was cliche just bits and pargs of it was
If your talking about story related surprises, I would say that the part that surprised me was when Judge Gabranth removed his helmet and you saw that he was Basch's twin brother, and he framed Basch when he killed King Raminas. Yes, I'll also agree that the part where you discover that Balthier was once a judge himself was surprising. Also, finding out Balthier's true name was a bit of a shock, because the name sounds so silly to me (Ffamran mied Bunansa? Blech....thank goodness he changed it, lol).
Gameplay wise, I have to say that hunting marks turned out to be surprisingly addictive for me. I usually don't have a great passion for side quests in FF games, but this was one that really got into! I spent many hours questing for those marks, and I still have 2 to go.
Click at your own risk.:
I was surpised this game was such a piece of shit, crap story, annoying characters, unmotivating battle system, i just mashed whatever and killed everything with ease.
I stopped playing it near the end as i didnt care for finding out the whole boring story, which is a first for me since i started playing FF's
Generally im hooked from early start to finish and then some, not this time.. I hope this is not going to be a reoccuring trend for future FF's![]()
shut the f*** up man u just couldnt get into to the story u r just an idiot for calling the story sh** i think ur sh**
Nice reply, i did get into the story, it was a shit story, Thats the problem and my opinion..
So take a hike wang broom!![]()
For some reason it didint really suprise me when he confessd that he was a judge...
Idk why
1 thing did really suprise me when i found out that Larsa is a boy..
Well knowone would figure that out i guess..
He had girly like hair and boobs..
Biggest fail![]()
So long Sentiment.
Go get raped.
The part that suprised me the most was at the end when I was left standing there thinking to myself "I stood in line on release day and payed over 50 bucks for this??? WTF was SE thinking"
Given the game wasn't horrible but it should of never been tagged with the FF logo in my opinion.
I wasn't suprised that Balthier and looking back it was quite obvious. His whole attitude screamed judge. He has no characteristics of even being a pirate let alone a sky pirate.
The only thing that suprised me was at how weak some of the legendary blades where. It was kind of sad actually.
Really story wise the only suprise was when Fran went ape shit on the airship.
Was there a point in doing this? Really? Resorting to flaming Nix for stating an opinion, tsk tsk.
Last edited by Meier Link; 09-03-2009 at 06:09 AM.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
You should stfu..
Everyone has their own tastes and opinions.
He didint like the story,you did..
Theres no point to argue..
I didint actully enjoy the story neither kinda got bored in the middle..
Whole story was like get this nefficite get that..Use that to save the world wutever![]()
So long Sentiment.
Go get raped.
i didnt flame him for his opinion but how he said his opinion and if u hate me for flaming, get in line ppl hate me for their own reasons u shouldnt criticize me all of u have done it once so dont go all high and mighty and if u STILL have a problem get in line cuz better ppl wont criticize something they've done and would show some remorse for doing it too go lick a knob
I never thought that he was a Judge, or an Ex-Judge, this is interesting. I'm guessing you only find this out at the end of the Game or something like that. I Still have to beat Vayne Solidor, so, yeah, I'm almost done, I'm just Training a whole lot so I can Murk him...LOL![]()
This was my least favorite of the games. I didn't really care about any of the characters and at the end of the game I didn't have the same kind of emotional involvement that I got for the other games.
I liked the game play, but as Meier said the legendary blades where weak.
It was a surprise that Balthier was an ex-judge, and it was also a surprise that Reddas as also was an ex-judge and sacrifices himself.
Hate to say it, but that's kind of how I felt. I had a hard time staying interested in this game, I had to motivate myself to play it. The battle system was boring to me, The whole "hack and slash" thing got old and with Gambits( which I didn't really use at all) it made fighting to easy, that's why I didn't use them. It's not a terrible game, it's playable but not as interesting to me as the FF's before it. Most of the games I play I'm hooked but not so much for XII. Other than hunting marks I wasn't too stoked.
Don't bite me.
Haha when Cid yelled out Ffamran yadayada I never quite connected that he was refering to Balthier. I was thinking it was some sort of prayer or whatever, like Faram. I think I found out about it being his actual name on FFWikia or something I was like what.
For surprises...well, on my first play through I never understood the whole good twin evil twin business. I was really confused, and didnt' understand Basch at ALL. "He killed Ashes father, but he's...getting to tag along with the others still? And....whatwhatwhat." Even after seeing the scene of what actually happened, I was still confused. xD On my second playthrough I realized everything however, since Basch suddenly changes voice (it being Noah, not Basch at all..)
Judge Zecht = Reddas. Also surprising, and something I didn't realize until after I had done some bestiary reading.
My greatest surprise was probably after getting out of the Golmore Jungle, and what now? SNOW?!
And Entites NEVER cease to take me by surprise.......-grumble-
I was surprised that Penelo became my fave female character in the game, hoho. Before I got the game, I thought she'd be annoying clingy character, but she really grew on me.
As for the story...I was surprised when the big cockatril-whatever-giant-round-birds were running around all Ivalice. Especially when I countered the big female one in Archades. x'''D Okay, it's not part of the main story, but it was still surprising.
Lali-hoe, I mean, ho!
Same here! To be honest, a lot of things about Balthier surprised me. He's definitely my favourite character in the game.Originally Posted by DARKSLAYN
personaly i was surprised balthier was a judge
I kinda only liked the battle system and the missions.
Balthier and Fran were pretty cool too, and Ashe and Vossler were one of the good ones also.
The music,storyline,the length of the game and almost everything else could have been a lot better..
Last edited by Zidane77; 03-31-2010 at 11:08 PM.
I was surprised to find out that Fran was 50+, but I was even more surprised, when Vaan asked how old she was, Penelo needs to teach him that girls don't like to be asked how old they are.![]()