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You talk about moderators as if they're civil servants that owe you something. This isn't a people's forum. This is a private website owned by an individual. Fairness is the mark of a good forum, but it is not your right. Moderators are appointed to maintain the community, the meaning of which is whatever the owner of the site (or those he's left in charge - admins) deems appropriate. If you disagree with this vision you can post in this suggestion forum. If you believe the moderators are not doing their jobs in accordance with what they were selected to do, you can contact an admin/owner to inform them. If the suggestion goes unheeded, too bad; if the admin/owner decides in favour of the moderators, too bad.
You are playing in someone else's sandbox. You don't get to make the rules or decide how to enforce them unless given permission. If you dislike it, leave the sandbox. I'd hate to see you go, but if you really disagree with how things are done here, you really should just find another forum. There's no sense engaging in trench warfare in an attempt to change the rules of the game.