Since we continually receive the same questions over and over about images in signatures and avatars (instead of reading the FAQ which already contains all these answers...), I decided that I'd take the time to write up a little guide for this, starting with a private message that was sent to me from another member.

Quote Originally Posted by Dave_johnson287
Hey LocoColt04 thanks for welcoming me to the site. The info you gave me was really helpfull. Anyways I was just wondering if you could tell me how I can get one of those pictures to show up in my information, and under my signature if you know what im talking about that is......that one that shows up under your username and who the post was from ya know.Thanx Dave n_n
Hey, not a problem man.

First, the avatar. That's the picture that shows up under your username. If you go into the UserCP (the link is found on the left side at the top of the screen), you will find a list of options along the left side. Choose "Edit Avatar" to get into the avatar selection screen. While we have over 500 avatars for you to choose from, there are also options to load one from another website, or perhaps one from your computer. There are size limits, though. A maximum of 100x150 pixels, or 97kb. Keep that in mind if you have your own which you intend to upload.

Next, the signature. Again, from the UserCP, choose the "Edit Signature" option. While you are allowed to use HTML in your signature, it is against the rules to use any languages (Java, PHP, etc.) which may interfere with the forum tables.

UPDATE 11-14-08 Editing Signatures are now done by using BB/vB Code only ~Cain Highwind

As far as images go, you will need to host them from another source online. If you are caught attaching an image to a post and then using that in your signature, the attachment will be removed from the forums and you will receive a warning. That's never cool. In order to use an image in your signature, you will have to use IMG Code to display the image, exactly as follows:

[img ]http://image source[/img ]
(remove the spaces in the image tags)

Anywho, that's how you work with the images. As far as text and other things in your signature, just be sure it's not anything that people would be offended by, and you should be just fine.

Also, if your signature is 75% of the viewing area on a 1024x768 resolution, IT IS TOO LARGE. There is no reason why people should have to scroll down an entire page just to get through your signature. That's ridiculous.

In other words, if you have an image (or series of images) that is taller than 450 pixels, you will be asked to remove it. Text and images together should not account for more than 600 pixels in height, as that is more than large enough. If you don't alter your signature after being asked, it will be altered for you. Continued abuse will result in a signature ban.

And, as always, I'd like to stress the "no pornographic material" rule. If you're unsure of whether something would be appropriate, ask a moderator. Then again, if you're unsure, chances are it's not.

Also, you cannot have music in your signature, especially anything that loads automatically. It slows loading times, and is highly annoying. Videos are also not allowed unless they're those YouTube links that don't load anything until after you click play.