Thanks man! It's working now!Originally Posted by Fuzz
Try it now. I reloaded the server today and probably forgot to give that directory the correct permissions
Thanks man! It's working now!Originally Posted by Fuzz
Hey, I noticed people putting their eggs in their sig...
...I would like to too...
Can you tell me how?
EDIT:Never mind... I think I have that all figured out...
Last edited by KamiKazeKenji; 10-11-2008 at 08:10 PM. Reason: update
Aargh... Sorry about double-posting man, but really! NO MATTER HOW MUCH ****** TIMES I TRY TO UPLOAD AN IMAGE TO MY SIG, IT DOESN'T WORK!!! PLEASE HELP I have tried so many different sizes and urls but to no avail...
Last edited by KamiKazeKenji; 10-11-2008 at 04:13 PM. Reason: insignificant
Don't actually upload your sig. Instead, host it externally with Photobucket, Tinyurl, etc. Then in your sig, use the <img src="http://imageURL"> code. Make sure that you use the http:// part of the URL; that's important. Then you should end up with a nice image in your signature.
|Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|
"I can't disappear yet..."
Banner and avatar by myself.
Member of FF CultTFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:
Eh, thanks... I'll try that now...
Update: HALLELUJAH!!!It worked! Thanks man! Owe you one!
Last edited by KamiKazeKenji; 10-11-2008 at 08:16 PM. Reason: update
Last edited by KamiKazeKenji; 10-12-2008 at 11:19 PM. Reason: Revision
Uh.. They GIVE you the code to use. Heh. It's pretty simple if you actually read everything on the website.
Edit: Go to your Scroll. On every dragon you have, there's a link that says "Get Code"...that's where you get the code.
Last edited by Victoria; 10-20-2008 at 01:15 PM.
Oh, that's sad :/
Better put your own avatar.
Too Easy! lol
Yeah,the guide is very clear.