I was looking around the forums, and I thought it might be kinda cool if there was a FAQ section or if we could submit FAQs/Walkthroughs for FFs and have them stickied or something, any member could submit one. It might be good if people are unable to get answers form Help threads, or if members just wanna share their ways of completing games and stuff.
Naw... that's not what I had in mind >.>. I was leaning towards like... well, for every FF section, there's a help thread (I think >.>; ) and I was thinking there could be an FAQ for every section, or a specific place where they could go, rather than just in a Writer's Corner.
The Writer's corner is made for Walkthroughs on games, just nobody has posted any since from what I remember from Loco telling me you have to app or something to post a review or walkthrough or what not.
also every FF board has a Help Thread on it.
Erm... That section already exists...
Sorta what the main website is about. If you want to sumbit something then you contact Fuzz or if he isn't available then you can contact me or another main site staff member.
Currently you can submit FAQs/Walthroughs for:
FFI-FFXIII, FFX-2, FF:CC, FFT, FFTA, FF: Legend I-III, FFMQ, All the movies, all the compilation games and basically every game or media that has the word 'FF' in it's name.