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Thread: Chatango

  1. #1


    I was watching an anime called 'Bleach' the other day and on the site there's something they use called Chatango, it's a really cool way for people who are into that particular thing to chat instantly. I just thought I'd put it out there because sometimes I just feel like a chat. There is the argument that it could possibly defer some people from posting on the forum but I don't think that would be the case. Anyway, hope someone can let me know what they think

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Chatango Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Chatango

    No. Many a time... No.
    That's basically what VMs are for. >_> Kind of.

    But really.. we don't need something like that. If you want to chat, use MSN or Skype.

  3. #3
    Banned Chatango IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
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    Re: Chatango

    Victoria, you are breaking the hearts of little children everywhere with your flat refusal. How could you be so heartless? Seriously?

    And apparently, once more in Spanish:

    The children want to chat. Would you so heedlessly destroy their dreams?

  4. #4

    Re: Chatango

    Quote Originally Posted by IdiotWithHair View Post
    The children want to chat. Would you so heedlessly destroy their dreams?
    If the children want to chat, they can still chat on MSN or write VMs. That's almost as fast as chatting.
    So Victoria didn't "destroy their dreams" but just "showed them reality".

    Superjord, we even have a social group for everyone who likes MSN (and we even have a Skype group!). Otherwise, many people have their MSN-addresses in their profiles... and there is a thread about MSN addresses. So it'll be easy to find the people you like to talk to and then eventually you can chat with them.

    Besides, someone would have to mod the chat - which would mean: much, much work. :/

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  5. #5

    Re: Chatango

    Hehe yeah I've already had a chat with one of your moderators and I'm cleared up now but many thanks for the replies!

    Btw Freya, that's just called laziness hehe jokes


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