How can you possibly judge a game if you've not beaten it yet?Maybe there'll be some things bothering you in XII. There are some bad parts about EVERY FF, if you ask me.
I liked XII a lot, myself, but I wouldn't say it's the "best game ever". It was good, long enough, I liked the story, but there are other games that are even better.
As for the License Board, for me, it was a kind of improvement compared to the Sphere Grid. It was great all characters could learn the same things. You weren't bound to a job.
The voice acting... I don't know the original voices, but the English ones were quite good.
As for the bad part... I didn't like the fact that Vaan wasn't the protagonist although he was the one the story should've been about. Also, Penelo didn't get enough screen time. It was just sad that even in the end (I won't spoil anything!) you had the impression that only Balthier mattered in this whole game.
I had the feeling some characters got too much and some got not enough attention. :/