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  1. #1
    Lady Succubus Factions Community Discussions Victoria's Avatar
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    Therein lies your problem. Too much freedom. And why am I not doing anything?

    Because I can't do anything. I'm not in a faction, as you said. So...I can't do anything now can I? What would you expect me to do without being in a faction?

    You can't expect things to just work when you say "do whatever you want".
    And what world are you speaking of? There is no such thing.

    Where's the world map? Where are the main territories?
    ...If the world is earth, then that is a cop out.
    Also giving absolute freedom to do "whatever you want" is also a cop out.

    You do raise a point, however, in the realm of communication. Those in a faction should be communicating with each other more often. But you know what?

    Not everyone has put up a character, and not everyone is in a faction. If you look at the list, very very few people have characters and are even in a faction.

    Not many people to communicate with.

    Hyz and Psiko talk to each other actively.
    Xeim talks to no one in her faction. (She admitted in the usergroup that she has no idea what anyone else in her faction is doing. Again, Xeim has an excuse because she is busy. So that's a degree.)
    Rocky's is just...him and loaf. Rocky is away. Loaf is busy with you. Allegedly.
    And then there's yours. ...Which just has you in it.

    Now, I'm in the process of joining Hyz's faction and am making a character currently.

    Also, I am contributing. By giving feedback that you need so much and critiquing the way you're running things.

    Someone has to do it. So how dare you say I'm not doing anything.

    Why do you think I'm even ranting in the first place? Because I have prior experience. I'm giving you feedback! This counts as contribution.

    Also, to lash out at Hyz and myself in a VM is somewhat disappointing. If you're not going to take what we say on board, then that just makes you less of a leader/administrator.

    Clearly, when you made this system, you made it so that you wouldn't have to lift a finger to do anything. Which is fine for some things, but not for this. This needs as much involvement from everyone as possible.

    I'm just trying to get things going. Whether by calling out your errors, and/or calling out everyone's errors.

    The bottom line is:
    Stop waiting for people to do things, and just do things. You don't even really HAVE to interact with another faction to make an RP thread. Just RP your origins, too! RP how you all met. Something! Anything!

    Again, I think you believe that Factions is just like any normal RP. Well, it's not. It's a lot more complex, even with a barebones system like this. It actually is your job to hold our hands. This is YOUR system. This is YOUR world, whether you want it or not. Take some bloody responsibility for your creation and RUN it/LEAD us.

    We need more than a "base" story. We need something very thorough and thought out. Okay, so the antagonist is labeled. That's a nice start. What else about the story?

    Does he have any alliances? What is he looking for? What is the history of the thing that he is looking for?

    I'm beginning to wonder if you underestimated the responsibility of running a faction system.

    Also, another thing that is related to the usergroup (over 30 people). And this is directed toward everyone in it (that doesn't have a faction or character..)

    If you want to participate in this system, please make a faction and/or character to be recruited in an existing faction. If the existing factions do not fit your needs, make one of your own. Why are you even in the usergroup if you aren't going to participate in this system?

    There are over 30 people in the group, yet there is less than 10 people participating. Where are the other 20?

  2. #2
    Synthesized Ascension Factions Community Discussions Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Because I can't do anything. I'm not in a faction, as you said. So...I can't do anything now can I? What would you expect me to do without being in a faction?
    That's bull and you know it. Just below you say you're joining Hyz. That's doing something. You're hands aren't tied behind your back. You aren't banned or limited to creating a character or joining a faction. All this time you've been here, you have had plenty of chances to do something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Where's the world map? Where are the main territories?
    ...If the world is earth, then that is a cop out.
    Also giving absolute freedom to do "whatever you want" is also a cop out.
    First I'm criticized for going over board with something like TFF Academy and making it too 'intimidating' and now I'm criticized for creating this 'cop out' as a way to make it 'newb friendly'. That's the whole idea of creating this alternative version of earth where I A) Don't have to destroy my brain by building an entirely new world and B) Allow everyone to be familiar with a world they already live in, minus a few alterations. Given I should probably add a few more details so that people can have better assurances about the world. That's almost what I'm trying to avoid, however, because I do not want to turn this into an over-extensive system where you have to study every detail before jumping into the story. Sure, I wouldn't mind the idea of being very descriptive, yet again I'm trying to keep it as loose as possible so it's easy for newcomers to become acquainted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    You do raise a point, however, in the realm of communication. Those in a faction should be communicating with each other more often. But you know what? Not everyone has put up a character, and not everyone is in a faction. If you look at the list, very very few people have characters and are even in a faction.
    Yes, so who's fault is that? No one, of course, but like I just told you no one is being held against their will NOT to create a character or join a faction or create a faction of their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Also, I am contributing. By giving feedback that you need so much and critiquing the way you're running things. Someone has to do it. So how dare you say I'm not doing anything. Why do you think I'm even ranting in the first place? Because I have prior experience. I'm giving you feedback! This counts as contribution.
    That's it? Don't get me wrong, Toph, I love feedback, but that's ALL you have done. Don't try to deflect the fact you have had all the time in the world to pick up your own responsibility to contribute, at least I.C.. You're prior experience might be helpful, though my point is considering you've have been through similar ideals I shouldn't have to hold your hand too. Since you're so experienced in the first place, you should already know what you want to do. What's stopping you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Also, to lash out at Hyz and myself in a VM is somewhat disappointing. If you're not going to take what we say on board, then that just makes you less of a leader/administrator.
    Lash out? I would consider what I said a little harsh, yet it was based on the same point I said above. You are picky and even IF I'm suppose to be holding everyones' hand, there should be some of the weight of responsibility on your shoulders as well to do something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    The bottom line is:
    Stop waiting for people to do things, and just do things. You don't even really HAVE to interact with another faction to make an RP thread. Just RP your origins, too! RP how you all met. Something! Anything!

    Again, I think you believe that Factions is just like any normal RP. Well, it's not. It's a lot more complex, even with a barebones system like this. It actually is your job to hold our hands. This is YOUR system. This is YOUR world, whether you want it or not. Take some bloody responsibility for your creation and RUN it/LEAD us.
    Fair enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    I'm beginning to wonder if you underestimated the responsibility of running a faction system.
    Nah. I knew there would be phases for the system as it would evolve over time. I would, in fact, become more involved as things progressed.

    My bottom line is this: I'll take responsibility, but everyone should be able to carry their own weight too. When people join Factions, it comes with the responsibility of being an active player and contributor. I'm not going to hold their hands and wipe their ass too. I mean what I had in mind is more or less that I would be the person to give people the tools to build their own legends. I guess in this case, I have to demonstrate how to combine the tools as well.

  3. #3
    parkour messenger extrodinaire Factions Community Discussions Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Re: Factions Community Discussions

    first off kudos to a factions system, now we just need more people!

    and I hope this takes off, it would be a great way to follow one character fully.
    so again kudos, congrats, and ciao
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