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  1. #1
    Synthesized Ascension Faction Registration Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Faction Registration

    Before all Factions can become active, they must be officially approved.


    1. Must have two or more members and the leader must list a roster of their faction.
    2. Must give the name of your faction and describe its purpose along with its main goal(s) is. (This includes the alignment of the faction—e.g. good or evil.)
    3. Must state the position of their faction headquarters, no matter how small. (Since this is earth, you can choose any city from any continent.)


    Faction's Name: (What is the name of your Faction?)
    Faction Type: (Will be explained below.)
    Faction's HQ: (Where is your Faction located? Chicago, Tokyo, etc.)
    Faction's Purpose: (What are your main goals?)
    Faction's Alignment: (Is your Faction Good, Evil, Neutral?)
    Faction's Description: (Explain what your Faction is and does.)
    Faction's Roster: (A list of your Faction members.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Faction Example

    Faction's Name: Fenix Inc.
    Faction Type: Organized Crime, Combat
    Faction's HQ: Los Angeles, California
    Faction's Purpose: Corruption, business, and to use the power from both to find what Sakura's searching for.
    Faction's Alignment: Evil
    Faction's Description: Fenix Incorporated is a corporation Sakura inherited through the suicide of his adoptive family. It is a legitimate business on the public level with medical research, medical weaponry and defense, and the stock exchange. Within the underground, it is the most wretched type of mob with connections to every kind of yakuza, triad, and every type of criminal power you can think of. Over the past couple of years, however, it has taken on a new direction of finding something for Sakura, the president, though no one knows what.
    Faction's Roster:
    - Sakura (Griffith)
    - Dragoon
    - Doc Rocco
    [NOTE]: 'Faction Type' is basically whether or not your faction is combat oriented or peacekeepers and the like. Here's a list of types:
    -Organized Crime
    -Combat (oriented)
    -Non-Combatant (Not based on combat)
    -Hobbyist (Hobby oriented)
    -Heroic (Protect innocents and tote the heroes' philosophy)

    One final note. Everyone who registers a faction is eligible for their own subforum where they can secretly speak with each other and talk about strategies. You must ask Andromeda to get one after you have registered and been approved. If you don't want a subforum of your own or are not really a faction based on secrets or combat, you can make a social group or a thread in the Club forum.


    A collection of approved Factions will be listed below.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 08-21-2009 at 10:02 PM.

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