With a cigarette in his mouth, the president of Fenix Incorporated sat cross-legged within the back of his helicopter. He had yet to light the cancer stick in his mouth as he constantly clicked the lighter in his hand on and off in a slow rhythm, his green eyes filled with the countless thoughts twirling in his mind. The scientists and other employees that sat around couldn't help but twitch at the repetitive sound, most trying to drown it out by focusing on the sound of the helicopter's rotor blades spinning. Finally, Sakura glanced over at the cockpit and asked the pilots for the ETA.
"Ten minutes, sir." Sakura nodded and relaxed back into his seat as he went back to clicking the lighter.
The time went fast as the pink-haired villain slipped into a daydream of his darkest secrets before being lightly shoved on the shoulder by a young intern sitting next to him. He reacted sharply and curled his left arm around the kid's arm, pulling him forward to strike with the back of his fist into the intern's jaw. The intern's knees buckled and he fell on his ass in surprise as Sakura finally looked over to see what he had done, scoffing as he stood up.
"Get some ice on that. Your salary just went up." Sakura might have been abusive to his employees, but one could not deny he gave them more than enough money to tolerate his personality. Adjusting his tuxedo, he walked past the kid as the helicopter finally landed and the side-door slip open with one of his top scientist there to greet him.
"Welcome, sir! We were suspecting you later, but it's good that you came earlier!" The lab-coat said over the loud motor of the aircraft. Sakura leapt onto the ground and was already walking past the scientist not concerned about the others keeping up with him. "Wait! We just made some interesting finds that should satisfy you, sir!" The scientist ran after him.
"And?" Sakura replied as the fifty year old man had trouble with the president's pace.
"We...have found a concentration of magicite directly underneath a large vein of the metal." That got Sakura's attention as he glanced over with interest and slowing his stride.
"What relation of the magicite and the metal is there?" He asked.
"We haven't had the time to study every detail, but we do know the magicite is for some reason hardening, which in turn creates the metal. I can't really explain the how, sir, but it is a very unique find within the past forty years." That was interesting to the tyrant indeed. Scanning ahead, Sakura looked around in search of someone.
"Has Zai found his way here?"
"Um, I'm certain I saw him within the area, but I'm not sure where he is now. He murdered two interns earlier, however, under the excuse of boredom, sir."
"Typical. Then please give him a call to come meet me near the excavation entrance under the skull. He has a job to do." Sakura ordered as he made his way towards the excavation site.