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Thread: Faction World & Jounal Log

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    Synthesized Ascension Faction World & Jounal Log Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Faction World & Jounal Log


    "Within the black blazing wings of a world of conflict lies a beast of perdition,
    a rising entity that scorches the heavens of a fading condition,
    Death it dreams, life it screams, forever raining the ashes of despair on the soul's of the hexed and eating the decaying hope of the perplexed.
    It longs for the paradox."

    - Sakura

    World: Earth
    Date: 3:33AM; August ?, 2017
    Current Location: L.A., California
    Current Events: For the past three years, the Fenix corporation has been on a hunt for something unknown to both the public world and the underground crime syndicates. Furthermore, the silence and secrecy that surrounds the search has created fear in both organizations such as the CIA and the mob rivals of Fenix Incorporated. Most would say it is very uncharacteristic of the largest criminal organization in the world to run as silently as it has over these years.

    Sitting in the science lab of the main Fenix headquarters, Sakura, the president of Fenix Inc, stares at an alien object he slowly twirls within his hands. The soft glowing green light from the transparent metal he holds draws his gaze ever closer, as the light examines the deep expression upon the president's face. Inside his mind, a rapid process of questions flash from every direction, coming as quickly as they are answered. As doubt begins to sink in, he suddenly throws the foreign metal to the floor. The scientists standing near him jump in surprise and can't help but find themselves in a sense of dread as their own minds begin to wonder what their future might hold.

    Glancing towards the scientists, Sakura was sliding his hand into his pocket where his knife sat when he thought he saw something move and looked back over to the piece of metal. His ear then twitched when the object moved again and screeched against the floor. Sakura realized it was moving towards him. A minuted passed and the glowing metal had stopped at the tip of his expensive armani shoes as he pulled his hand away from his jacket while standing up and walking over to the scientists.

    "Where did you find this?" Sakura asked.
    "Um...I do believe...that specimen came from Israel...sir." The shivering scientist replied before he caught Sakura's eyes for only a moment and realized his mistake. "It was under the skull formation Golgotha, sir!" Sakura's eyes calmed.
    "What else did you find in its study?"
    "Well, um, the metal its made from can also be found in parts of your own DNA, though we cannot place it anywhere on the table of elements...sir." The president gave a slight smile and bent down to pick up the metal piece.
    "Send the captain in." He ordered. The door behind them opened seconds later as a man in military camoflauge walked in and saluted the president.

    "Take as many field scientists as you can and begin a search for this material." Sakura said, handing the metal cylinder to the captain. "Be sure to tell them to keep me updated with every detail possible."

    Like the sudden strike of a viper, Sakura abruptly spun around and clutched his fingers into the lead scientist's throat as with a simple twist, he ripped the adam's apple right out and watched the man fall to the floor. He dropped the mesh of flesh and looked over at the other scientist.

    "Throw the body into a mix of chemicals and call it an accident to his family. You've been promoted." And with that, Sakura left the lab.


    The feathers of the rising corporation have began to uncover their true intentions. Death is striking at the wall between the living and the condemned. Shall it crack what has never been broken or will you stop it from achieving what it seeks?

    Welcome to Factions.

    World Setting

    The Factions world is set within a reality of our modern earth, except it has recently gone through an industrial revolution of magical proportions; Transportation, weaponry, defense; all of it has been altered using the magical aura found not only on earth, but other planets. There has also been an increase of new races, even androids rising to the new age of technology. And lastly, of course, there has been an uprising of factions seeking both the magical energy and power.

    [Below is the journal log, which will update everyone on what actions Factions are taking in the role-playing world along with Faction events or announcements.]

    [Journal Log]

    8/19/09: Faction forums are formed and main threads added. Griffith displays examples.

    8/22/09: Faction registration thread updated with newly added "Faction Types". Xeim's faction "Orichalcum" is created and approved.

    8/24/09: Storyline updated. Rocky's Faction "Gaia" is created and approved.

    9/06/09: Factions is officially open. Fenix Inc.'s president Sakura goes to Israel in search of an unknown material.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 09-06-2009 at 12:48 PM.

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